#dev 2022-01-30

2022-01-30 UTC
jacky and darkkirb joined the channel
sgreger, aaronpk, sounds like a "bookmark post validator" would be a useful thing to add to IndieWebify so you could verify your bookmark post markup! sgreger, can you file a feature request? https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/issues/
hoenir, rattroupe[d], shaunix[d], Jeremiah[d], Silicon[d], marksuth[d], aaronpk[d], Myst[d], Seirdy, mossymaker[d], diegov, mambang[m], unrelentingtech, kinduff, juanchipro[m], LaBcasse[m], jamietanna[m], binyamin[m], npd[m], EvanBoehs[m], nekr0z, micahrl[m], Matt[m], kandr3s[m], ermahgerddavid[m, Zegnat[d], aspenmayer[d], angelo, balupton[d], daiyi[d] and capjamesg[d] joined the channel
MarkJR84[d], nanoflite, corenominal[d], Christian_Olivie, sknebel, tetov-irc, alex11, grantcodes[d] and sayanarijit[d] joined the channel
[James_Van_Dyne] My latest PR might take quite a while to review. The changes made are to address linting, complexity, and typing issues though, hence 16 files were changed.
I haven't addressed all complexity issues though. There are five more and then we will be compliant with the linter check too!
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Episode 5 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge - a write up of a bug I spent some time fixing in http://brid.gy - an excuse to peak under the hood of a key piece of #indieweb infrastructure https://brainsteam.co.uk/2022/1/30/debugging-bridgy-for-my-blog/
jjuran joined the channel
(Unfortunately the context is in an image, not a quote tweet)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
"Non-fungible Trinity" is good.
another nice example why "date/time values always have to be exact" is not the best assumption: https://twitter.com/lukebayes/status/1487803241807110144
We officially have a winner! I'm really looking forward to taking delivery of these ICs 37 years from now. @ST_World Please discontinue parts if you don't have the ability to produce them. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FKW5qv6WUAAD53r.png
really, I feel like a value that expresses "leave us alone, we also have no clue, go away!" would be more useful here than that :D
<span class="dt-available">🤷👿</span>
jacky, Murray[d] and kinduff joined the channel
is it a good idea to import all my tweets, instagram posts, etc, into my website?
talking about the ones from the past
[aciccarello] joined the channel
What is backfill?
backfill is the action of importing all your past posts, typically from a social media silo, into your own site https://indieweb.org/backfill
kinduff, I'm planning on backfilling eventually
yeah, me too, started with twitter, around 43k, im writing a parser to convert it to markdown
but since im using jekyll, its slow as hell, thinking to move into a more robust app
are you already doing POSSE? (or pesos, pesetas)
rommudoh[m] joined the channel
[marksuth] saw your Bridgy errors just now, sorry, should be fixed in a min!
nekr0z, reed, Abhas[m], samwilson, LaBcasse[m], jacky, zack[m], diegov, doubleloop[m], npd[m], EvanBoehs[m], micahrl[m], mambang[m], binyamin[m], jamietanna[m], unrelentingtech and kandr3s[m] joined the channel
fixed, feel free to try again
ermahgerddavid[m, kinduff1, Matt[m]12, juanchipro[m], angelo, jamietanna and kinduff joined the channel
kinduff, I'm slowly adding more post kinds and don't have syndication yet. I added photos but still haven't added notes.
rommudoh[m], nekr0z, reed, Abhas[m], samwilson, LaBcasse[m], zack[m], doubleloop[m], diegov, npd[m], EvanBoehs[m], mambang[m], micahrl[m], binyamin[m], jamietanna[m], unrelentingtech, kandr3s[m], ermahgerddavid[m, kinduff and cygnoir[d] joined the channel
capjamesg: Reviewed. Great work! Yeah, I think the complexity issues can / should be handled in a couple of different ways. One is what we’ve been doing, breaking big functions down into smaller functions. The second would is more of an idea I’d like to explore and I think could help. It would be cool to have some kind of “Microformat” object that takes care of much of the repetitive checks/normalized we have to do w
accessing deeply nested properties because each access can be not defined, a string, or a list.
I shall address your comments and commit relevant changes tomorrow. Thank you for your review!
Feel free to experiment with the microformat object.
One code cleanliness task on my mind is figuring out how to make the context file a bit nicer since there are a lot of dictionary items queried.
I agree about breaking functions up and reducing nested if statements where possible.
I touched on that in my commits today but there are still five or so functions that are too complex.
Send me light and warm thoughts… I’m trying to repair a broken Wordpress from 2014. 😭
jacky and tetov-irc joined the channel