#dev 2022-02-06

2022-02-06 UTC
jacky, Seirdy, edburns[d], Zegnat[d], Christian_Olivie, aspenmayer[d], corenominal[d], hoenir, Murray[d], marksuth[d], MarkJR84[d], shaunix[d], mossymaker[d], hans63us[d], Seb[d], Asaf_Agranat[d], sayanarijit[d], daiyi[d], cygnoir[d], sarahd[d], rattroupe[d], Jeremiah[d], Myst[d], capjamesg[d], aaronpk[d] and nertzy joined the channel
I'm still working on this bookmarking project. I have an API to retrieve, create, update, and delete bookmarks. I have a Post UI. I have an importer from the system I'm using now. Trying to figure out what I'm missing to get a good workflow
jacky, petermolnar, [tonz], tetov-irc, [jackjamieson], nertzy and barnaby joined the channel
woah did bridgy’s reddit integration just get changed [snarfed]? I just got years worth of reddit webmentions, including some which I don’t quite understand
e.g. comments on this post https://waterpigs.co.uk/notes/5GfGyY/, where the reddit post links directly to the image file, not to the post itself
heya GWG
barnaby yes it did, glad you noticed. looking...
it wasn't sending comments before, only posts. now it sends comments too
unless it’s doing something clever like parsing my u-syndication link, seeing that it points to reddit, seeing that the same image is linked in both, and treating the posts as equivalent based on that?!
Bridgy does handle synd links
I'm not seeing one for you to that Reddit post though
which post on your site did it send these wms to?
[Barnaby Walters] Project Pure Vessel #hollowknight #comic https://waterpigs.co.uk/img/project-pure-vessel.png
and the first post is the one which is getting webmentions from the image
which is kinda correct (and good, I’m happy about it!), just unexpected
I was just curious about how bridgy’s deciding to send webmentions to that post based on the reddit link to the image, and if this could be abused i.e. getting comments backfed from a different post by having false u-syndication links?
ahh that helps, I see it now
yeah that's expected. if you publish a u-synd link, we take you at your word, and send you wms for comments on that silo post
we don't really care what's in it, image or otherwise
okay, cool, good to know! that’s especially useful for platforms like reddit where, in this case, I wanted to link the image directly rather than the full post, which wouldn’t look as good in-silo
(it may need to be a silo post by your authed user, but not sure)
either way, cool feature! it’s great to see bridgy still growing. [snarfed]++
[snarfed] has 32 karma in this channel over the last year (68 in all channels)
and this is excellent motivation to improve my webmention comment styling :D
also, Bridgy is very careful to only backfeed fully public data, but otherwise it doesn't try too hard to be "secure" about what it sends where. everyone can put whatever they want on their site, including spoofing comments etc, so that supply chain (including Bridgy) isn't "secure" in that sense anyway
yeah I guess that makes sense, I can’t think of a way it could be abused ottomh
it could totally be abused in the sense that Bridgy has built a pretty solid reputation, so if people see comments on your site, and maaaybe in this community if they also see that Bridgy backfed them, that's a somewhat credible "vouch" for them
but we rarely need to do that kind of detective work, and it's just as easy to look at the silo posts and comments themselves, which are the authority
dovedozen[d], P1000[d], wackycity[d], jacky, sp1ff and cambridgeport90[ joined the channel
If this question has been asked before, then I do apologize, but what is the portion of the Microsub spec that allows for storing contacts? So far, the only module I know to use it is the Drupal Indieweb module. Indigenous used to, as well on Android,but not sure what's going to happen to that feature on iOS,or whether it's going to stay present at all since the switch to Flutter was recently implemented.
Also, if using Micropub as one's only UI, which interface for viewing does everyone prefer?
aaronpk, is this a wm.io bug? or a sender bug in that the source URL wasn't URL-encoded? https://webmention.io/reiterate.app/webmention/pVc-pf8mm_dstAYx-7Ci
cambridgeport90 I think Micropub is mostly agnostic of the post types (eg h-card) you use it to manage? ie I don't see much contact-specific or other type-specific logic in it. it talks mostly about h-entry, but mostly just as examples
I think this is the section that says that. basically, "send mf2. type defaults to h-entry if unpsecified." https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/#vocabulary
The problem I'm trying to solve is to have the correct platform mentioned and/or stored for other indieweb sites; for instance, if a Twitter handle is mentioned, then a mention will show up on that person's timeline... same for their domain,and so on. These could be autopopulated by contacts stored... sort of how phones handle storage of such information... metaphorically, of course.
I might have to see what sweltel has done with his Drupal module... for that one supports what I'm trying to do natively... I want to see the functionality in other content management systems and/or libraries.
oh wow, interesting! sounds mostly outside of Micropub's scope, but still cool. closer to https://indieweb.org/nickname-cache + webmention
Step 1: get your own domain (any tld will do) and get your own website with indieauth turned on.
It appears I have missed the nicknames caching functionality... I hadn't heard of it until you just linked. I wonder how often it's used in practice, though?
I have a nickname cache for @ mentions on my website.
How easy was it to implement?
@james could translate into a link to my blog with my name on it, for example.
It wasn’t too hard. I use a static site. On build, I look for all words that start with @, look up a JSON dictionary of stored values, and make the relevant substitution.
Although it is a bit of a pain adding new names. I haven’t optimized for that so far.
Wonder how simple that would be to extend the Indieweb plugin on Wordpress to support it? That's wht my site uses for now.
[James] IndieWeb New Years' Eve Commitment: Expanding my person tags
I do need to add new line breaks to the mentioned section. And fix the meta descriptions haha.
So it is a WIP 😂
I don’t think it would be too difficult.
At its core, my implementation is just a dictionary of names / URLs and a nickname.
@aaron could map to [Aaron Parecki](https://…) for example.
Ah no. I was trying to avoid the auto link.
Apparently discord tried to make https:// … a link (without the space).
and what is Query equals contact on Micropub? I have seen that with a comple of sites listed in the wiki, but I can't figure out if that's what I would be looking at?
I am not sure on that one. I’d like to know too.
jvt.me is the only domain I think that uses it...so far, at least.
It looks like it is an experimental extension.
[tonz]1 joined the channel
WordPress doesn't offer it yet
jamietanna joined the channel
I believe some others may be using it - it's been in Indigenous (for Android, at least) for some time
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
The tricky part with contacts is that CRUD is often a bad model, as you often want to associate different urls or info with the same person
What about key-value pairs, then? You could have any number of those associated with the same individual, couldn't you?
those could be represented as mf2 properties on one's contact card
that's actually the scope of h-card imo
what is h-card
h-card is the microformats2 vocabulary for marking up people, organizations, and venues on web sites, and supersedes hCard https://indieweb.org/h-card
So it looks like this sort of implementation could go either way... either micropub or H-card, depending on who's implementation it is? I thought the idea was not to have competing standards? Prove me wrong?
they aren't competing; they're complementary
like a Micropub server that's asked to provide contacts can return them in MF2-JSON that represents a-hcard
a client (the one asking) can use that to do whatever
That's going to be interesting... once it comes time to set those up...
Osvik[d], oodani, barnaby and tetov-irc joined the channel