#dev 2022-02-05

2022-02-05 UTC
realizing that the more I work on Koype, the more that I'm trying to make something like Strapi
That's an attractive summary description!
though drop the "next-gen" because eventually that can't be true 😂
from the Slack preview: "Strapi is the next-gen headless CMS, open-source, javascript, enabling content-rich experiences to be created, managed and exposed to any digital device."
[schmarty] joined the channel
it's something I keep hearing some friends use at their jobs
I was looking at Strapi but had a bumpy time configuring it correctly. But definitely want to get back into it. Another interesting one that came by at work is https://keystonejs.com/
darkkirb, Seirdy, Seirdy0, lanodan, jacky, mossymaker[d] and Kongpc joined the channel
tetov-irc joined the channel
↩️ Mersi de link. M-am uitat acum la https://www.w3.org/TR/webmention/ - poate chiar implementez așa ceva pentru blog. Dar mă mai gândesc. Oricum, deocamdată, în fervoarea episoadelor de podcast de istorie pe care le pregătesc, nu am foarte mult timp pentru blog(uri)
nertzy, marksuth[d], [fluffy], jacky, KartikPrabhu and kloenk joined the channel
I'm not quite sure what the goal of the individual writing IndieAuth issues today is. It seems like they don't agree with the basic premise of IndieAuth, and want to change it...which seems to not make sense to me.
I may be misunderstanding intent
yeah i think they just want something else
That's basically the comment I wrote. Not caring about these things is fine, but it isn't the thing you are commenting on
alex_ joined the channel
i just closed the issues with a long explanation
I read it.
well he just thumbsed-up our two comments so 🤷
We did address some of the discovery concerns for future with metadata
Does it make sense to update the spec page with the merged updates?
Before some of the other stuff is merged
alex11 joined the channel
↩️ Even less so with #WebMention support…
@Iron_Spike I wonder if you could recreate the one stop shopping of social media like Twitter with an RSS reader. Everyone has their own website with their own RSS feed and we can just read their posts in the RSS reader. And going to their website is like going to their profile page.
jacky, tetov-irc and [snarfed] joined the channel