#dev 2022-02-04

2022-02-04 UTC
nertzy, darkkirb, strugee, jacky, gRegorLove_ and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
Anyone using local government data on their website?
I'm in the process of trying to put some heritage-places data on one of my sites, but it's not functional yet. It sort of feels easier to walk the streets and add the info to OpenStreetMap! :-P https://archives.org.au/FSPS
I was just randomly playing with APIs
gerben and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_]++ nice find!
[tw2113_Slack_] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
green << 2022-02-03 Smashing Magazine: [https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2022/02/reducing-web-carbon-footprint-optimizing-social-media-embeds/ Reducing The Web’s Carbon Footprint: Optimizing Social Media Embeds] / While the spotlight is on reducing the environmental impact, many of these tips will be great for performance too.
ok, I added "2022-02-03 Smashing Magazine: [https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2022/02/reducing-web-carbon-footprint-optimizing-social-media-embeds/ Reducing The Web’s Carbon Footprint: Optimizing Social Media Embeds] / While the spotlight is on reducing the environmental impact, many of these tips will be great for performance too." to the "See Also" section of /green_computing https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=79486&oldid=79185
gRegorLove_ and [metbril] joined the channel
[metbril] <span class="p-rsvp">yes</span> would indicate a "yes" RSVP.
You can also use no, maybe, and interested according to the wiki.
There is a good markup example here: https://indieweb.org/rsvp#How_to_publish
That's strange, because my Maybe is registered from this page: https://robertvanbregt.nl/2022/02/04/4540/
No rsvp markup.
Just using the plain #indieweb-wordpress webmention and micropub plugins here.
I think you need to explicit markup to indicate the post is an RSVP and not just a reply.
It must be that the webmention receiver at events.indieweb.org is parsing `<p>RSVPs maybe.</p>`? I was hoping someone could confirm this. In that case it looks to me that the micropub plugin should add the markup at rendering the post.
Using Xray, I can see it isn't being picked up as an RSVP: http://xray.p3k.io/parse?url=https%3A%2F%2Frobertvanbregt.nl%2F2022%2F02%2F04%2F4540%2F&pretty=true, just a reply to the events page.
Whereas on this page on my blog I use the p-rsvp syntax and it renders as an RSVP: http://xray.p3k.io/parse?url=https://retro.jamesg.blog/rsvp/2021-09-28-974/
<p>RSVP: <span class="p-rsvp">yes</span></p>
So if my markup is not correct, how can that be shown there?
Oh wait you do have an RSVP markup there.
<data class="p-rsvp" value="maybe">maybe</data>
I missed this earlier. It looks like your site is publishing the right markup.
where in the page is that?
I can't find that with 'view source'
I just hovered over the "maybe" word.
Maybe WordPress automatically adds the p-rsvp markup for "maybe"?
??? Well, not in the HTML source I can see in Safari nor Firefox.
Hm that is very strange. It was just there but I can't see it now.
Curl also doesn't find it
Very strange. The web mention endpoint is at events.indieweb.org/webmention. It looks like [aaronpk] maintains this. Perhaps he can answer this.
metbril1 joined the channel
not sure if that mention works on irc, so cc aaronpk
If you mention someone by username they will know they have been mentioned.
Does this work across slack and irc?
bc slackuses the `@`
Yes, it does. IRC doesn't use any identifier.
In that case, sorry for the noise 😉
jamietanna joined the channel
snarfed just received webmentions from bridgy via reddit, woop!
hello, should webmentions in a site need to be formatted with an `h-card` tag, for example? looking for best practices. And I mean incoming webmentions
tetov-irc joined the channel
sorry if this is not the correct channel to ask
this is a good channel. Webmentions by default just say that a link has been made, but there are ways to mark up the linking page to show different meanings. an h-card is good to say who made the post. https://indieweb.org/responses lists the different kinds
[metbril] capjamesg[d]: did you figure this out? I don't see any rsvp property in that page, just `<p>RSVPs maybe.</p>`
It was strange because I saw markup with a data attribute earlier.
But XRay didn't pick up on it and later when I returned the attribute was gone.
I don't know what to tell you! It's not there now tho
There's also an extra e-content inside the e-content
Yeah haha. Maybe I'm going mad 😂
alex11 and grantcodes[d] joined the channel
[aaronpk] I noticed that events.indieweb.org doesn’t ignore HTML whitespace in RSVPs… Is that intentional? e.g. https://events.indieweb.org/2022/03/micro-camp-2022-IW2Qp3ygHike
I can improve my Hugo plug-in to not output so much whitespace in the future, but wondering if this is something that should be cleaned up on the events site (or working as it’s supposed to).
it's probably a bit more complicated than that, let me check
[Manton Reece] Looking forward to our 2nd Micro Camp. Mostly virtual but I’ll be in Portland for it. 📅
[Manton Reece] Looking forward to our 2nd Micro Camp. Mostly virtual but I’ll be in Portland for it. 📅
yes Loqi, you read JSON, I know. please stop :D
looks like the microformats parser is doing the right thing, but xray is not
i do agree that it should have ignored the newlines in the html
(I'd also say the in-reply-to link doesnt need to be in the content though)
oof, now i remember why i did it this way
Micro.blog puts pretty much everything in the content, for better or worse. I know this is debatable.
i have to create my own plaintext version of the HTML content, I can't use what the microformats parser gives, in order to be able to remove things like alt text from img tags and remove photo URLs and such
[manton]: also the <data class="p-rsvp" value="yes" /> shouldnt be self-closing, thats not valid html5
Old XHTML habits die hard.
aaronpk: heh, theres still the repos with the "lets try redo text content" attempts Zegnat and I came up with last(?) Nürnberg IWC
yeah it's a mess
I dont remember the details, maybe Zegnats PHP approach is useful for you here though
so I don't think I can quickly update XRay for this
but maybe the quicker fix is to have the events site show the HTML instead of the plaintext
e.g. part of it is just reducing sequences of whitespace to one whitespace
Okay. I’ll improve the HTML generation on my side and re-send the Webmentions so it looks nicer.
strip spaces around newlines, collapse multiple newlines in a row to one
or show cleaned HTML, also an option, yeah
if we agree on this for the microformats parsing rules i can go back to using the plaintext from the microformats parser in xray https://github.com/microformats/microformats2-parsing/issues/16
I think displaying HTML would be good, although I would definitely strip out a bunch of dangerous and/or unneeded tags/attributes.
[aaronpk] #16 consider not including img alt text as part of surrounding text properties
yeah xray already does a ton of sanitization of the html
That’s good.
[jacky] joined the channel
[Zegnat] php-innertext: 🏃🐉 Run. Here be dragons.
Zegnat has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (29 in all channels)
you'll need to change that code to skip images, it still has the current handling of them
we spent like an afternoon at the coffee place and an afternoon at joschis on that. the CSS specs for that stuff are not fun
"not fun" sounds like an understatement
(at least I hope its equivalent, afaik we reached that point)
(a bunch at the start can be ignored, but a few are worth looking at if they arent quick fixes)
I'm about to push out the fix to the event site so don't worry about changing the markup for now
Looks good!
aaronpk: what did you do?
showing html
jacky joined the channel
alright, that's done, they look better now thanks to the browser collapsing the newlines itself
aaronpk has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (122 in all channels)
let me know if you see any other comments on other events with markup that shouldn't be allowed. IIRC images are ok but maybe that's not a good idea, we'll see
yeah, I'd avoid images. especially since they might loose/get badly-fitting sizes
actual photo responses are handled separately anyway
I think we fixed the tests to reflect those inner text changes. Certainly before they had loads of extraneous whitespace.
[KevinMarks]: that issue i linked doesn't have any discussion and is a pretty significant change to the parsing spec so i would expect it to have been documented there if there was a change
Sorry, I meant the inner text changes, not the image alt stripping.
Haha, yeah, a lot of that innerText simulation code was written in the lawnchairs at Tollwerk. I think while aaronpk was having an OAuth workshop in the event space? :D
[tantek] I think either works.
Requiring that content is posted on your own site might be a bit prohibitive, although that would be the preferred way of adding content.
And I can imagine scenarios where someone might just want to post on the wiki.
Thank you [KevinMarks]!
gRegorLove_ joined the channel
metbril, capjamesg[d], note that there's a WordPress plugin for creating an RSVP post without having to deal with any markup! When WordPress setups come up, be sure to checkout and ask in #indieweb-wordpress or at least mention GWG 🙂
yeah on the b&c content syndication thing, I was asking about what I should do with my existing content e.g. on tantek.com/w/sfcafes
like is it ok to have content that is *only* on b&c or are we trying to make it a requirement to have it on your own site first?
it's worth thinking about lifecycle issues for the wiki too, how should it handle closing of venues
jacky, [jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, Darius_Dunlap[d] and KartikPrabhu1 joined the channel
[tantek] I think both work: post on your own site first or make something for the wiki that's not on your site.
For lifecycle events, I think a yellow highlight box that says "This venue is no longer open but the page is preserved for historical purposes." would be prudent.
The page could be locked, too, although I can foresee changes to the page after the eatery has closed (i.e. a new venue has opened in the same place in homage to the last one, like Room and Rumours was to Baba Budan in Edinburgh).
[tantek] re: your content. Feel free to upload it manually to the wiki with a link to the original wiki page if that's easier for you?
jacky joined the channel
That makes sense. Now to figure out a URL / naming / page convention for such non-syndicated content, because there's no need to replicate URLs to a silo (also in this case, I have only one page, so I need to make up a new page for each of the cafes listed there anyway)
That is a good question.
Any ideas?
Will go for a walk and think about it
Do we need a top level place hierarchy to the granularity of individual cities (as a way of avoiding name collisions across cities)? e.g. /US/CA/SF/ ? and should we assume that we're not trying to solve the Starbucks or McDonald's problem? (of individual tips/reviews for specific venues?)
(though I have added very specific per-location photos of hours and such especially on holidays like xmas where they vary greatly, to individual Starbucks venues on Foursquare)
I hadn’t even thought about that.
That would be an issue. I am sure that Edinburgh is the name of a city in the US too, for example.
Yes, /country/state (if relevant)/city would be good.
I do country/region/locality
Country and reason as per iso 3166
I think it is 3166
Yes, iso-3166-2
jacky joined the channel
capjamesg[d] welcome to the world of things I overthink 😂
I spend way too much time on path design
URL design is important though 👀
Can you make a URL different from the title in MediaWiki?
I haven’t dug too deep into the API docs but I couldn’t see this option.
Although it doesn’t really matter too much as the URL is useful context anyway.
no but you can install the "notitle" plugin which lets you hide the auto-generated title of the page and add your own
e.g. see the source of this page https://indieweb.org/2022/Pop-ups
jacky joined the channel
That is very useful!
/UK/Scotland/Edinburgh/Fortitude_Coffee would be quite a long winded title 😂
P1000[d] joined the channel
↩️ No, we didn't. I'm still confused why that page was recognized as a maybe at all.
[metbril]: threads don't translate to the other chat interfaces, not sure what that's in reply to
↩️ That extra e-content is what the micropub plug-in does.
I still haven't figured out why my maybe without markup ended up as a real maybe.
End that extra e-content you mentioned is rendered by the Wordpress micropub plugin.
capjamesg[d] said at one point he saw an rsvp property
He said so but we couldn't reproduce.
have you tried making a new post and seeing what happens? maybe something is changing it shortly after it's created
That could be. It then I'd have to look at the actual database record right after the micropub server has saved it.
There's 2 other possibilities. The webmention receiver parses my content (by accident or on purpose). Or the micropublish.net client sends the webmention instead of my Wordpress.
Will do that tomorrow. It's 23 CET now. Time for bed.
I haven't touched the markup generated by the micropub plugin in ages as I use Post Kinds to render mine
jacky, tetov-irc and cygnoir[d] joined the channel; makeworld left the channel