#dev 2022-02-03

2022-02-03 UTC
sarahd[d], jacky, Seirdy, KartikPrabhu, nertzy, [tonz], hans63us[d], [Aaron_Klemm], [fluffy], darkkirb, [jgmac1106], Seb[d], [tw2113_Slack_], sknebel, balupton[d], justGhost, IWSlackGateway, Zegnat, aspenmayer[d], [KevinMarks], Jeremiah[d] and rattroupe[d] joined the channel
[tantek]++ for your Webmention / WebSub anniversary post.
[tantek] has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (77 in all channels)
It was a good read!
I built a WebSub Hub last year but it needs a bit of love.
It passed the test cases I ran on it but I have a feeling something is not quite working as expected.
gRegor, SemihCebraiL[d], SemihCebraiL4853, vladimyr, tetov-irc, jacky and makeworld joined the channel
Hey all, I've been working on a protocol for status messages. vladimyr told me some of you might be interested in taking a look!
[makeworld-the-better-one] fmrl: A protocol for status messages. See what your friends are up to!
I'm also new here so hi everyone o/
[manton] and jacky joined the channel
hey makeworld
it looks like this has a _hard_ requirement on permitting CORS (which is something I'd do on my site on a per-URL basis), can that be restricted to just the `/.well-known/fmrl` URL?
seems a bit like finger (or maybe webfinger, though that got complicated)
yeah it uses the same mechanism
cors requirement is set to ensure clientside only clients can get developed
So cors is only required for `.well-known/fmrl`
Maybe spec needs to get updated so it becomes more clear, def not imposing global (server wide) cors requirement
Why did you choose a ./well-known endpoint rather than a header or link rel defined one?
There is a section in a readme that addresses similarities with webfinger
I'm not primary author, this is makeworld 's original work/idea
But to me it looks like opinionated slash scope restricted webfinger :)
ah okay
personally i find specs that dictate URL structure of my site annoying
prob should open feedback on that repo then
aaronpk: I can understand that
Issues should be open?
Or you mean GitHub discussions?
Idea with well-known url is to avoid preflight requests and to support those accounts without web/http presence
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also it is ofc inspired by webfinger when it comes to discovery
A lot of the field names seem like they map to h-card ones:
name = name
status = note
avatar = photo
uri = url
the emoji, media and media-type don't
Which is why I suggested discussing it here :)
media_type being an enum instead of a mime type is a bit odd
Because it is really a group of mime types plus not every media is linkable
To give you a bit of history
It actually started without (media) url field
but it isn't a link, it's a name, so it's ambiguous
But we put it there so people can link to stuff like yt, Spotify, book reviews, imdb
wait, the URL is for the media, not the user?
that is a bit confusing, especially as the example given has a homepage in
Yes, media is media title, media_type is media category from predefined set and url is optional media url
Nesting the media properties might be clearer
Example has yt video as url?
https://github.com/makeworld-the-better-one/fmrl/blob/main/spec.md#status-query shows a homepage link, not obviously related to the Lord of The Rings media
Well the "uri" field can be for anything, but media link would be the most common use
I didn't nest because it's not restricted to media
But you are right, nesting sounds less confusing
h-card ended up with multiple links because of this issue
so it's more of a scrobble then?
I wouldn't say scrobble
It could be used for that, but also anything else the user wants. Homepage or whatever
Glad that you corrected me, sorry for creating confusion
That feels a bit confusing - If we're displaying the status, it's not clear if you link the name or the media then.
so you've also got a `username` which is that you lookup, which is I suppose and h-card `nickname`
True, name should be your display name
fmrl:foo@example.com is very much the same thing as acct:foo@example.com
Also fmrl:foo@example.com is same thing as @foo@example.com
username at fmrl provider
Thanks capjamesg[d]! If you think it's worth highlighting, feel free to bookmark it to IndieNews 🙂
fun to see more ideas in this space! it's obviously a crowded space though. one of the first things I look for is deeper comparisons with existing, more established projects - here not just WebFinger but also ActivityPub, IndieWeb, XMPP, maybe Matrix, etc. - to explain why a new protocol is really necessary
+1 snarfed
for example, if i understand right, you all are proposing both new user application(s) and an entirely new protocol and data format. are the latter necessary? could you do this all with a new app or two using ActivityPub under the covers? (probably yes?)
getting entirely new protocols and data formats adopted is...difficult at best. if you truly believe no existing plumbing would work for this, you'll want a very compelling argument for that
jacky joined the channel
[tantek] What are you referring to? I'm a big confused 🙂
Also, p-category properties should now be transformed into MediaWiki categories. I'm excited about that.
Actually I might need to deploy that first. But the code is written 🙂
cygnoir[d], zachburau[d] and gRegor joined the channel
capjamesg[d] that you liked my Webmention & WebSub anniversary post 🙂
jacky joined the channel
I need to make a list of pages to make on breakfast and coffee. I have visited so many coffee shops 😅
Also, I need to think how / whether h-review syntax should be accepted by the wiki.
I made a plug-in for Micro.blog to make RSVPs easier. Anyone using Hugo is welcome to steal it if they want… Just a Hugo shortcode. https://www.manton.org/2022/02/03/easier-rsvping-with.html
[Manton Reece] Easier RSVP-ing with IndieWeb plug-in
capjamesg[d] re: h-review syntax being accepted, I think it may be good to start with h-entry, and then figure out what's easiest for publishers and consuming code
hReview predated hEntry as it were, and looking back, perhaps we should have been bolder and done hEntry first. We avoided it only because we didn't want to get dragged into the still active RSS/Atom wars
snarfed: Good points. This is something that could work over an existing message passing system like ActivityPub or XMPP
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I guess it seemed to me that any existing message passing system would act unneeded complexity
remember there is more to an ecosystem than the theoretical purity of a technical solution
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
[tantek] Good point.
makeworld, it's good to be skeptical about unneeded complexity, it's also good to build on existing well understood building blocks to both save time, and avoid errors & pitfalls that past experts/implementers have already discovered and designed around (without always documenting said hazards)
reusing plumbing is also a massive adoption shortcut. eg if you used ActivityPub, and used either their profile bio or last post as their status message, you'd instantly have both millions of users and dozens of server and client implementations to start from and adapt, instead of having to build everything and drive adoption from zero
[manton] has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (19 in all channels)
that masking as a emoji is pretty cool
Good points all round
tbh that'd be a really cool adoption angle
Using ActivityPub bio or post as the status message kind of defeats the point though, because then it's just another way to view a feed. Making it a separate thing limits adoption but helps keep the point
jacky: What do you mean?
definitely! you'd probably label AP users in your apps somehow so that your users know they're seeing a different thing than a deliberate "status." still though, the massive shortcut in adoption and existing mature tools is probably worth it
the reusing plumbing angle has helped us a lot here in the IndieWeb. webmention is now pretty commonly used as a server-to-server webhook/trigger, micropub lets authoring tools interoperate with tons of servers and services, HTML obviously has a huge ecosystem of tools and libraries
Yeah thanks
this is actually something i've been thinking about adding to my reader, a feature to turn one of the channels into a mode where it only shows the most recent post from each feed rather than the normal timeline view
the nice thing about doing it within this ecosystem is the only piece that has to do anything differently is the microsub server. the clients don't need to be aware of this difference and no new feed formats need to be created
Aaron's 'emoji changes avatar image' implementation could be an interesting thing for fmrl too
I like the idea of distinguishing status similar to how you do it with your blue dot aaronpk.
^^ another good example of adding a feature without any other clients needing to be aware of it
But that is more location than anything.
If I had sent my first message a second earlier your arrows would have pointed to the right message aaronpk 😂
Showing the most recent post makes that a more natural integration, yes
No that was my fault haha.
Maybe a feed could actually pin a status when I think about it.
But to be honest just posting is giving a status update in itself.
With maybe a h-geo object to say where you are if you really wanted to convey that.
Sorry, this is a tad off topic.
[snarfed] yeah, I am using webmention like that quite a bit now re: server to server interactions.
jacky and Jack[d] joined the channel
"most recent post from each feed" is very similar to txt messages or "DMs view", where the list would show a preview of each most recent message
what's the distinction between a status and just the latest note?
from a user perspective that is
in messengers status is explicitly set as such and independently visible
but they usually dont have publish-to-all "notes"
same with things like Github (+ ~nobody uses status on github)
pinned posts are maybe some parallel
(in that some people use them like status messages)
i think the other difference from a user perspectives is there are things you would put in your status that you wouldn't post as a note
but my thought was it's a trivial feature to add to the existing feed reader ecosystem, and if you want, you could also publish a separate "feed" from your own site which is just one post that people could add to their readers that had that view too
I guess in a way your "currently here" display is a kind of "status"
status is a very loose term :)
i guess that's actually another good point, it is a pretty loose term and is actually maybe something that is just emergent behavior within a system rather than something that needs to get built from scratch
Twitter started as an alternative to AIM status
this is what I mean about what's the difference, it was somewhat a rhetorical question because whatever you build to represent a "status message", will inevitably evolve into just being another note posting system.
so don't deceive yourself that there's any practical difference
i was going to say that :)
I guess it's impossible to control clients, but the way the API is designed, there's no place to store previous statuses server-side
right, that won't stop either clients from developing the feature, or users from asking for it
Always possible, but creating a new protocol that bans it outright might help things in that regard
"no place to store previous statuses server-side" yes and XMPP already tried that
or did that
a spec "banning" something has no chance of standing in the way of users demanding a feature because it seems useful
so no, "bans it outright" would be unlikely to help or make any difference
what is silently ignore their messages
It looks like we don't have a page for "silently ignore their messages" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "silently ignore their messages is ____", a sentence describing the term)
silently ignore their messages is /mute
^ aaronpk that's for you, from #indieweb-chat
true, mute vs block become even more significantly different in a push-based subscription model like activitypub
or rather, mute vs unsubscribe
unsubscribe requires sending a message to the other account telling them to stop sending you things, mute means you still receive their messages but then silently delete them
tetov-irc joined the channel
what is unsubscribe
It looks like we don't have a page for "unsubscribe" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "unsubscribe is ____", a sentence describing the term)
alright aaronpk, I think you've thought it about it more, more recently than most 🙂
gRegorLove_ joined the channel