#dev 2022-02-13
2022-02-13 UTC
sayanarijit[d], jacky and prologic joined the channel
# prologic Umm hi again :)
# prologic It looks like a different user signed in. The user https://yarn.mills.io/user/james/twtxt.txt signed in, but we were expecting https://yarn.mills.io/
# prologic What the hell?
# prologic I'm actually following he spec here
# prologic Where it states:
# prologic The resulting profile URL MAY be different from what the user initially entered, but MUST be on the same domain. This gives the authorization endpoint an opportunity to canonicalize the user's URL, such as correcting http to https, or adding a path if required. See Redirect Examples for an example of how a service can allow a user to enter a URL on a domain different from their resulting me profile URL.
# prologic What gives? aaronpk :)
# prologic Ahh fixed! Was my fault
# prologic I was incorrectly returning a bad Profile URL
# prologic Yeah
# prologic That part I guessed by re-reading my code for returning the Profile URL
# prologic And realized I was returning the wrong URL :)
# prologic It wnated the one with mf2 all over the page :)
# prologic Not a twtxt feed :D
# prologic yeah probably some error like that it can't parse any valid mf2
# prologic which would make more sense IHMO
# prologic Now I only hope to god that yhe mf2 on our User profile views are actually valid :)
# jacky https://indigenous.marksuth.dev/ looks real nice
# prologic p-summary is too big?
# prologic Hmmm
# prologic I think that's subjective no :)
# prologic Yeah we are happy :)
# prologic But OTOH you are also right
# prologic We plan to do some UX here at a CSS level
# prologic But we can't really control how Pod owner/operators configure their instances
# prologic So you might get Twts of length 276, some at 576, etc :)
# prologic You should see some multi-paragraph ones in the wild! oh boi 😅
# prologic Anyway I have an interesting/dumb question...
# prologic Now that Yarn.social pods will be valid IndieAuth providers (as soon as the PR is merged)
# prologic Where can this be used?
[Zeina] joined the channel
# prologic How spproted is IndieWuth in the wild?
# prologic I understand (maybe wrongly) that IndieAuth is a subset of OAuth2?
# prologic Does this mean we can login to things that support OAuth2?
# prologic Ahh I see
# prologic aaronpk re micropub use, I understand
# prologic However, where else can IndieAuth work? Or is known to work?
# prologic Right cool
# prologic But pretty much nothing else supports this eh?
# prologic Hmm
# prologic Like signing into Github.com gmail.com etc
# prologic Shame 😢
# prologic I wonder if we can build a IndieWeb -> anything else proxy?
# prologic becuase they're totalitarian assholes? :D
# prologic Right 😅
# prologic What support IndieAuth?
# prologic Does anyone know if Gitea supports IndieAuth?
# prologic I dunno
# prologic But if there isn't one I'll file one :)
# prologic I love Gitea and run it myself
# prologic GWG isn't that the same thing? :D
# prologic "profit for your investors at all costs" == "you have to be a totalitarian asshole" :D
# prologic fuck the users and their choices and privacy/security :D
# prologic sorry I'll shutup now :)
# prologic </politcalRant>
# prologic aaronpk Well you'll soon have 17 IDP(s) that support IndieAuth
# prologic I also plan to add the consumer side too
# prologic As well as to services like https://feeds.twtxt.net/
# prologic Me too :)
# prologic I believe in this so much I'm building a company and suite of products aorund this
# prologic But first decentralised / open source social media :D
# prologic That isn't Mastodon :D
# prologic aaronpk If you use Twtxt at all follow the https://twtxt.net/user/news/twtxt.txt feed and watch out for the next release (0.14) where IndieAuth support will land (plus a whole heap of other things)
# prologic GWG Indeed, but nothing easy isn't worth doing
# prologic or did I say that right? Hmm 🤔
# prologic aaronpk of course there is :)
# prologic trip twtxt.txt off the end :)
# prologic You know we support h-entry :P
# prologic You already say it
# prologic saw*
# prologic :D
# prologic Jut be aware, by design Yarn.social pods don't persist Twts forever, they are eventually archived
# prologic So as an anonymous user things may seem like they disappear, because they are :)
# prologic aaronpk you're going to have to help me file this issue
# prologic Feature Description ... I'm not the SME on this
# prologic You are :)
# prologic Let's collaborate on some text put htere
# prologic They also wnt
# prologic Screenshots
# prologic If you can, provide screenshots of an implementation on another site e.g. GitHub
# aaronpk Aha I did mention this before https://aaronparecki.com/2018/06/04/12/gitea-indieauth
# prologic Right
# prologic Do you wanna file the issue then?
# prologic I'll just come in and chime in with my support or it
# prologic That might work better if you writ eit up
# prologic You also are aware of the eecosystem more than I
# prologic I'm just brining a network of IDP(s) :D
# prologic brining*
# prologic fuck I can't type ;/
# prologic *nods*
# prologic I actually use the OAuth support already
# prologic to allow users to sign-in to my git.mills.io using Github
# prologic But man I'd love it if it also had IndieAuth support :)
# prologic Yes yes I know :)
# prologic Oh right
# prologic Maybe they should make it a valid IndieAuth provider too?
# prologic I mean the code is not hard to write
# prologic It's literally one module I had to write and 3 routes
# prologic I actually borrowed the same JWT signed tokens code I already use for MagicLink Auth (Email)
# prologic *nods*
# prologic I know some folks that could probably help design a logo :)
Seirdy joined the channel
# prologic Umm what?!
# prologic This is why I don't use "frameworks" 😂
# prologic Oh I see
# prologic Rust eh :)
# prologic Good luck :D
# prologic There's a saying right....
# prologic Never make assumptions :)
# prologic Geez
# prologic what a choice!
# prologic on basic multi-part support but it supports Websockets and SSE 🤦♂️
# prologic Classic!
# prologic There has to be a way to classify these devs that do this kind of "cool" shit but only in broken and ueseless ways :)
# prologic aaronpk ++
# prologic jacky sorry broken was the wrong word :)
# prologic I meant more generally
# jacky I do see it hinted as something to add in https://github.com/trillium-rs/trillium/discussions/41
# prologic It's like when I need to solve a problem, I look for an existing solution
# prologic Only to find it requires a Postgres db
# prologic :/
# prologic aaronpk Do you mind reviewing my implemtnation at all?
# jacky ah this slightly reminds me to ask you about https://indieauth.rocks
# prologic aaronpk i'd appreciate it a lot actually
# prologic Also is now a good time to jump into a quick video call and say hi?
# prologic I might be going out in a couple of hours (Family drive/etc)
# prologic jacky would I even be welcome or would it be relevant to me :)
# prologic I'm not really building home-brew websties but a social media paltform :)
# Loqi Homebrew Website Club is a growing world-wide network of meetups for everyone who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos, and own their online identities & content, or just want support with blogging! https://indieweb.org/hwc
# prologic jacky Ahh I see (re sync calls)
# prologic > who wants to take back their web experience from social media silos
# prologic I feel like this should be reworded and much more specific
# prologic :D
# prologic "social media sillos" is ambiguous to me :)
# prologic Added (HMC meeting next week) to my calendar
# prologic I'll join anyway and see what it's all about
# prologic GWG Tha ks!
# prologic I hope it uses a non-big-tech video conf tool like Peer Calls or Jitsu :)
# prologic Zoom?! 🤦♂️ LOL
# prologic Maybe I'll use this as an opportunity to encourage us all to use Peer calls :)
# prologic Sure I get it :)
# prologic But still :)
# prologic I run a Peer calls instance at https://meet.mills.io
# prologic It works quite well really
# prologic Much better than jitsi IHMO
# prologic It's p2p
# prologic So I'm not actualy sure
# prologic But I'd love to test that out :)
# prologic I regualrly have video calls with folks from all around the world with my instance
# prologic Yeah you can also set it up with SFU too
# prologic But the downside of course is it all starts going through a central peer
# prologic So Pros/Cons
# prologic I prefer to keep my instance p2p as I don't have good bandwidth
# prologic But I'm generally very interested in progressing peer Calls
# prologic I'm regualrly in touch with the author and am interested in improving the scalability of the software
# prologic Well it's worth giving it a go just to see where it falls over
# prologic I've managed to have 5-6 participants so far no worries
# prologic Sure
# prologic https://peercalls.com/
# prologic The author runs a public instance too
# prologic Yeah part of the WebRTC specs
# prologic PeerCalls uses WebRTC tech and various related protocols
# prologic aaronpk Don't forget I'd love for you to review my impl. https://git.mills.io/yarnsocial/yarn/pulls/799 -- it will probably get merged in the next day or two (or probably today if our resident UX dev finishes off some UX work on it)
# prologic :D
# prologic 🙏
# prologic I'm not obviously aware of "previous behaviours" as I haven't been following or actively involved in the direction of IndieWeb in general
# prologic I just use a few things here and there :)
# prologic aaronpk btw, I think it might become really important to have an IndieAuth icon/logo of some kind as we will likely refactor the https://twtxt.net/login (Example) Login view to make it a bit more obvious you can Login with Email (MagicLink) or IndieAuth (using your own IDP or whatever) -- We also use Tabler Icons (https://tabler-icons.io/) so it might be worth thinking along those lines
# jacky which is techincally https://github.com/indieweb/indieauth/pull/102
Seirdy joined the channel
# prologic https://twtxt.net/twt/43sqgna
# aaronpk ok quick microformats thing, if you add e-content here and remove p-summary it will work better https://i.imgur.com/kSROgWH.png
# prologic aaronpk Oh! I didn't know about e-conent
# prologic Should we use that instead?
# prologic We _can_ also provide a summary version for p-summmary too
# prologic But that's not super clear to me how useful that would be on that same view
# prologic We use a shorter version (with ellipsis) for meta tags and titles
# prologic Would we bother displaying it though?
# prologic or hide it via CSS
# prologic I see
# prologic So maybe it's better ot use e-content in the first place
# prologic I'll file an issue
# prologic Thanks for pointing this out!
# prologic Nice
# prologic TIL
# prologic aaronpk FYI IndieAuth support in `yarnd` is merged.
# prologic 🥳
# prologic https://twtxt.net/twt/vbzg7ja
# GWG jacky: Did I show you this? https://wpdev.gwg.us/wp-json/blinks/v1/bookmarks
[aciccarello] joined the channel
BinarySavior_ joined the channel
oodani joined the channel
# @robertvanbregt Test syndicate to Twitter via http://Brid.gy with Syndication Links plugin 4.3.5 (https://r12t.nl/b/1R5) (twitter.com/_/status/1492738883611762690)
# @robertvanbregt Test syndicate to Twitter via http://Brid.gy with Syndication Links plugin 4.3.4 (https://r12t.nl/b/1R3) (twitter.com/_/status/1492738636500152323)
# @robertvanbregt Test syndicate to Twitter via http://Brid.gy with Syndication Links plugin 4.3.3 (https://r12t.nl/b/1R1) (twitter.com/_/status/1492738442790330369)
# @robertvanbregt Test syndicate to Twitter via http://Brid.gy with Syndication Links plugin 4.3.2 (https://r12t.nl/b/1Qz) (twitter.com/_/status/1492738290096746498)
# @robertvanbregt Test syndicate to Twitter via http://Brid.gy with Syndication Links plugin 4.3.1 (https://r12t.nl/b/1Qx) (twitter.com/_/status/1492738103064289280)
# @robertvanbregt Test syndicate to Twitter via http://Brid.gy with Syndication Links plugin 4.3.0 (https://r12t.nl/b/1Qv) (twitter.com/_/status/1492737863716421632)
# @robertvanbregt Test syndicate to Twitter via http://Brid.gy with Syndication Links plugin 4.3.6 (2) (https://r12t.nl/b/1RD) (twitter.com/_/status/1492739676058406914)
# @robertvanbregt Test syndicate to Twitter via http://Brid.gy with Syndication Links plugin 4.3.6 (https://r12t.nl/b/1R7) (twitter.com/_/status/1492739069532643328)
KartikPrabhu, baracurda, daiyi[d], indieweb-irc-bri, wackycity[d], Nezteb[d], rattroupe[d], Jeremiah[d], shaunix[d], Myst[d], Asaf_Agranat[d], tracydurnell[d], hoenir, capjamesg[d], Murray[d], dovedozen[d], edburns[d], aspenmayer[d], balupton[d], barryf[d], sayanarijit[d], Christian_Olivie, jacky, hans63us[d], MarkJR84[d], corenominal[d] and petermolnar joined the channel; prologic left the channel
# petermolnar https://github.com/gildas-lormeau/SingleFile basically MHTML, but for all the browsers, which is nice.
antrdnv[d], marksuth[d], Seb[d], KartikPrabhu, tetov-irc and jeremycherfas joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] Well I have been playing around with Elasticsearch for the last few hours.
# capjamesg[d] In the ideal world, IndieWeb Search would collect a few hundred queries per day so I could judge relevance on them.
# capjamesg[d] What I want to be able to do is run tests on different algorithms to see which ones produce the most relevant results.
# capjamesg[d] To do so, however, I would need a team of human reviewers (not feasible!) or to collect user data (which, although feasible, would be subject to the issue of low search volume).
# capjamesg[d] Thus, I need to think of a better way to judge relevance on queries.
# jeremycherfas What would happen if you offered upvote/downvote options on search results? Could you make use of that?
# capjamesg[d] Yes I could actually. That's a good idea.
# capjamesg[d] Currently, evaluation is judged on 3 vertices: relevant, not relevant, somewhat relevant.
# capjamesg[d] Those correlate to an upvote, downvote, and no action.
# capjamesg[d] *options, not vertices
# [KevinMarks] You could look at which result people click on
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] I would want to sort by post type that would be cool
# [jgmac1106] So... I am back at the most common place an IndieWeb... The drawing board.
# capjamesg[d] This search engine is turning out to be a very, very complicated project.
# [jgmac1106] Thinking I could finish learning to build a PHP LMS with current site, I liked Kirby and have a license, I am rebuilding my app in Django and Python, maybe I do an LMS
# capjamesg[d] [KevinMarks] I was thinking about that too.
# capjamesg[d] But before I do anything I need to figure out exactly how the Elasticsearch rank evaluation works.
# [jgmac1106] What are you indexing p-name and p-summary or all the plain text?
# [KevinMarks] Do you weight name and tag above content for containing a search term?
# capjamesg[d] Let me find that information.
# capjamesg[d] There are the weights I use ^
# [jgmac1106] Weighting a tag is smart.... It's like you built a blog search engine before Kevin
# capjamesg[d] [jgmac1106] I index both the HTML on a page and its plain text version.
# capjamesg[d] And the title, description, URL, published date, headings, and domain.
# capjamesg[d] (Plus a few other things that were experiments but aren't used)
# [jgmac1106] Can you add a post type weight? So I can say Kevin photos
# capjamesg[d] That's a cool idea.
# [jgmac1106] I use p-summary a lot, wonder if others do
# capjamesg[d] I think I'd change the query to say "AND post_type=like" rather than use a weight so that you only see likes, etc.
# [jgmac1106] Yes
# capjamesg[d] I'll include that in the next version 🙂
# [jgmac1106] My search engine idea was always opt-in. I add my website and can decide what post types get crawled
# capjamesg[d] [KevinMarks] Any feedback you can give about ranking would be so greatly appreciated! I'm happy to explain how ranking works right now.
# capjamesg[d] [jgmac1106] The engine does post type discovery on all pages (now).
# [jgmac1106] This is a cool project thx for doing it... Watch the AWS bill... A ton of stuff out there. Hopefully you throttle to just a few hundred a day
# capjamesg[d] That means that filtering by post types is easy and the logic for doing so is defined by the algorithm incubated here in the community. As for what is indexed, most things are (up to 15,000 URLs).
# [jgmac1106] capjamesg[d]++
# capjamesg[d] There are a lot of exclusions (i.e. non-200 URLs, non-HTML documents) but generally if you have a HTML file on your site that is not blocked by robots.txt or noindexed, it will be crawled.
# capjamesg[d] (Some pages will be excluded if they have a really low word count though, but that's not something I have added just yet).
# [jgmac1106] My search engine broken... My entire Known site broken, love a working search engine
# capjamesg[d] Regarding AWS bill, thanks to sknebel this project just got 50% cheaper and twice as powerful haha. I can run the full search engine on the same server as all of my web apps without any issues.
# [jgmac1106] Well I think I may look into making an IndieWeb version of Django.... Though I did like Kirby... And I am 30% there on my own PHP LMS.... (routing is hard I mess it up).
# [jgmac1106] I like micro.blog for quick and dirty but I want more control. I liked my static site plus Known..but my Known site is borked and gets worse with time
jacky joined the channel
# jeremycherfas !tell [jgmac1106] Getting OUT of WithKnown has me really worried now. For all the talk of take your data some place else, I can't get at my data in a form that would allow me to take it anywhere.
# jeremycherfas I'd pay (a bit, in addition to Open Collective) to get something like that working again.
# jeremycherfas Exporting from WithKnown in a form that another service could use.
# jeremycherfas XML? JSON? Something
# jeremycherfas I mean, there's a button marked Export that says it will generate an RSS file, but no longer works.
# jeremycherfas WithKnown stores all data as blobs in a database.
# jeremycherfas Possibly. I've never really thought about that. I've no idea how many items I could get on the home page at once, or how it would step through older pages.
# jeremycherfas It does not include webmentions received by the post -- not surprising -- but otherwise it is all there.
# jeremycherfas Ha! I was just picking one to do myself.
# Loqi [Jeremy Cherfas] Be nice to your large intestine, lest it turn on you. https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/file/1e2e0cc6e6f180cad31d4bc8612864d5/thumb.jpg
# Loqi [Jeremy Cherfas] Be nice to your large intestine, lest it turn on you. https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/file/1e2e0cc6e6f180cad31d4bc8612864d5/thumb.jpg
# jeremycherfas That's fair. So then I "just" need to step through every single post, maybe using h-feed to pull out the URLs to step through.
# jeremycherfas Also interesting: mf2 does not extract anything from a photo-post.
# sknebel https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/2022/be-nice-to-your-large-intestine-lest-it-turn-on thats not a photo post? because that has useful stuff
# Loqi [Jeremy Cherfas] Be nice to your large intestine, lest it turn on you. https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/file/1e2e0cc6e6f180cad31d4bc8612864d5/thumb.jpg
# jeremycherfas The WGET idea probably makes the most sense, if it ever came to that, because I would have a local copy and could contemplate [jgmac1106] approach of manual till it hurts.
# jeremycherfas It is treted as a photo post by WithKnown, and then "content" is entirely included in the title of the post.
# jeremycherfas Treated
# jeremycherfas Raw output, yes. JSON no.
# jeremycherfas Interesting; WithKnown handles 1000 posts on the home page with relative ease. TIL.
# jeremycherfas You've poked into the database zegnat and are wiser than me in these matters. I find it fiendishly difficult to see how things are being stored.
# Zegnat But for the default post types I do not think the JSON format was too hard. Though I would need to look again. It is probably possible to write a relatively simple script that walks through the posts table in the database and drop out a format that you want. If the internal JSON matches mf2 closely (which I think it might do?) almost no data transformation would be needed if that is the format you want.
# jeremycherfas Exactly. Extremely difficult for me to make sense of it.
# jeremycherfas The truth of the matter is that I have always considered my WithKnown stream as somewhat ephemeral. If it all vanished tomorrow I would be sad but it wouldn't be a tragedy.
# jeremycherfas If I did export, it might well be to flat files.
# jeremycherfas Possibly with yaml front matter.
# jeremycherfas Exactly.
# jeremycherfas Even Grav (haha)
# jeremycherfas Does --convert-links in WGET make the links relative or change the base URL to something local?
# jeremycherfas Thanks Loqi
# Loqi Spiderpig is a web crawler for archiving a website as static HTML files https://indieweb.org/Spiderpig
# jeremycherfas Thanks. Will look.
# [KevinMarks] you can always parse the mf2 back out of the html for known too
P1000[d] joined the channel
# LaBcasse[m] Arf, sorry about the renaming. I will handle this for the next publication.
# LaBcasse[m] You're welcome. You have greatly improved the project.
superkuh joined the channel
# jacky https://i.imgur.com/rNARoxS.png is the _ONLY_ thing I noticed to be different
# jacky however https://docs.rs/ureq/latest/ureq/struct.Request.html#method.method says _nothing_ about it needing to be capitalized lol
KartikPrabhu, tetov-irc, Eddy04[d], rommudoh[m], kandr3s[m] and sarahd[d] joined the channel