#dev 2022-02-15

2022-02-15 UTC
jacky and lagash joined the channel
wow lots of scrollback
good discussion about exporting / exportability
interesting that the "RSS export" code path in Known sounds like it rotted (because who was checking it or viewing it? how often?) in contrast to the visible HTML+mf2
also why is "flagship implementation" even a good question to ask / framing to assume?
to me that's kinda like asking is there a monoculture implementation?
lagash, dovedozen[d] and [tonz] joined the channel
capjamesg[d]: what level of detail do you want? ๐Ÿคฃ
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Murray++ for the guidance! Regarding links, I like the idea of having them so I can link to a particular point on a page.
Murray has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
But I suppose a table of contents in a details/summary section with those links would suffice.
But then there's accessibility to consider. On a page with six headings, do I want all of them to be read out by a screen reader before the reader actually gets to the main content in the page.
sknebel I shall review the zine linked above and maybe come back ๐Ÿ™‚
jjuran joined the channel
Murray that guide was really helpful. Thank you!
capjamesg[d]: ok :D I was nerd-sniped into opening the kernel sources before I stopped myself and asked first, so ... ;)
I think I have a better understanding now. But I still don't understand the actual role the OS plays. Is it right that there is basically a hash map between services and all valid internal IPs and ports, one for UDP and one for TCP? Or something along those lines? When an application connects to port, say, 80, all those connections are routed to the corresponding service?
This starts to explain how NGINX proxy passes work to me which is quite exciting.
To the level I understand, NGINX routes my HTTP request through to the application socket (say, microsub.sock) where my application is listening and will process the request.
not just basically a hash map, literally a hash map :)
of course additional earlier stages that deal with "this is a packet on an ethernet interface. is this packet even for this computer?" "ok it is, is it ipv4, ipv6, ...?" "is that an IP I use?" "is it TCP/UDP/...?", but then "ok, which sockets are associated with that port"
(ok, that's a detail: its not explicitly mapped to an app, but to a socket - which is owned by an app)
(socket API is worth a look too as low level "how do I talk to the OS about this stuff")
IndieWeb Search returned three relevant results for this query ๐Ÿ™‚ https://indieweb-search.jamesg.blog/results?query=unix+sockets
That makes me so happy!
heh. unix domain sockets are actually a special case that doesn't quite apply
also useful to know though
capjamesg[d] glad it was useful ๐Ÿ™‚ In terms of concerns over tables of contents, as long as they're given a clear heading and are marked up as a list, anyone using any form of assistive tech (AT) will have browsing habits that can skip past them if not wanted. E.g. lots of screenreader users browse by heading or section, so as long as a contents table is distinctly labelled, they can just skip clean over it. In many ways, providing a skele
skeletong/skeleton ๐Ÿ˜‚
sknebel yes it was part of a separate itch I had to scratch in my mind ๐Ÿ™‚
If anyone has any feedback on IndieWeb Search I'd love to hear it. I think I have worried too much about relevance engineering given what data one can access as a niche search engine operator.
Murray that's good to know!
Murray has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
sknebel has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (36 in all channels)
king joined the channel
With our IRC ad service
free money
tetov-irc, jamietanna, jacky, KartikPrabhu, [KevinMarks] and Eddy04[d] joined the channel
sknebel What do DNS authoritative name servers like bind implement?
That is absolutely crucial for the average DNS query that is.
If I understand correctly, a DNS server only needs to return a response on port 53 to a query like "find me all of the A records for jamesg.blog please" (obviously not in that language).
That response is structured in a way that the server looking up the name server can understand.
The reason I ask is that I'd love to implement one with Python's dnslib library. It handles the responses but I need to build the logic ๐Ÿ™‚
pretty much, yes. probably requests for A, AAAA and ANY, thats I think pretty much it to just serve a HTTP domain
Oh any I hadn't thought about that.
Can I send over some code to glance at?
To trigger, you can use a command like: dig @ -p 5005 jamesg.blog TXT
ANY queries don't work yet haha.
I'd try with a subdomain for testing first before I risk my emails :D
Good point.
What should you do if the server can't respond to a query?
Like if you try to query google.com using my server?
A toy DNS resolver
that's exactly *not* what capjamesg[d] wants :D
capjamesg[d]: https://powerdns.org/hello-dns/auth.md.html is a good starting point
(I knew berthubert had written about that stuff, just took some time to dig out)
barnaby joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I have seen that but it looks like a task for another day.
Thank you sknebel! I did try and read the spec a few weeks ago but it was a bit verbose for me at my current level of knowledge and understanding of networking.
DNS specs also are ... not fun
spread over a lot of documents and iterations
but the first few paragraphs here have already details I wouldnt have remembered top of my head :D
("a lot": https://powerdns.org/dns-camel/ - "There are 297 RFCs relevant to DNS, of which 108 are selected by filter. Total pages selected: 2082")
(although a large pile is probably stuff like DNSSEC which isnt actually that relevant for most)
jvns.ca has implemented her own DNS server but only for a side project.
New tool: Mess with DNS!
I feel like I'd 100% want to play with DNS to resolve people's p-nickname to `.contacts`
first my /contacts, then falling back to /chat-names lol
Running my own DNS server does mean I can send arbitrary TXT records programatically. Not that I'd really want to do that for anything important but it's a cool perk.
For instance my DNS server could rotate a TXT record with a different type of coffee each day. Again, not important stuff.
I have a dns record that reports what city I am in
but really it's just a cron job that updates the record at the Linode DNS API so not as cool as actually dynamic
capjamesg[d]: if it's important to you, that's all that matters! :)
didn't realize how handy/capable DNS is tbh
dns-sd is pretty neat
aaronpk: what kind of record is the location, and on which domain? I donโ€™t see it in `dig aaronparecki.com txt`
dig txt where.is.aaron.pk
ha ha very nice
My reservation right now is security.
And also whether what I have is roughly stable.
sknebel Apologies for all the questions but are there any big security issues that one should be aware of building a name server?
I'm deferring the actual header production to a library so I'm not worried about payload formats.
the hello-dns link had a good point about preventing amplification attacks by checking queries are queries etc. there might be more in that direction
otherwise I'd guess something in python with little complex backend logic is reasonably safe against the usual dangers
btw capjamesg[d] if youโ€™re looking to learn more about networking, teach yourself CS recommends a few good resources https://teachyourselfcs.com/#networking
question for people's Micropub implementation (and a bit of a question on Micropub clients): do y'all do `u-*` property resolution of incoming things? I figure for servers, one _could_ do this if URLs are provided but I wonder if this is something clients _should_ do to make the act of publishing easier
easier in the sense that a server wouldn't have to work to normalize external URLs into inline MF2 (if they choose to do so)
I dont get what you mean
so like let's say I use a client and it sends just h=entry&like-of=https://indieweb.org/why
currently, in my implementation, it takes that as face value, lightly munges it into MF2-JSON for storage and then when I render that page, I use those properties to build the page back up
like that string would be the conventional `{"type":"h-entry", "properties": {"like-of": ["https://indieweb.org/why"]}}`
what I'm asking if the act of turning `https://indieweb.org/why` into something like a h-cite should be done on the client or the server side
i do that on the server side
expanding like-of and in-reply-to
IMO server side makes the most sense, to keep publishing UI and code simpler (i.e. a text box for a URL rather than an interactive h-cite builder)
usually done server-side, but I remember some discussions about doing it client-side, so there might be a client somewhere that does it
so a micropub source query would just return the original like-of URL, but on your site you can mark it up however you want
Server-side seems like the consensus
Quill does preview reply URLs if it can, but it doens't send anything other than the plain URL
I guess my _other_ hope is to give things like static sites a richer reply context (which is also where I think it's a bit of a win-win client-side impl wise - I don't have to add extra logic for specific properties, the server can be a bit more 'dumb')
not sure how thats related to static sites
the richer reply context bit
The micropub server for the static site can still do that work
but the question client/server doesnt care if the rendering later is static or not?
(barnaby: source query is interesting, because one could offer the abilitiy to edit the preview. but agreed, havent seen that)
aaronpk: true
I guess it's really me needing to pick where I want to put more of the 'work' to do that
agreed, there might be valid use-cases for editing h-cites in micropub clients. I wonder if itโ€™d make sense to establish a convention (if it doesnโ€™t already exist) for allowing clients to either handle full embedded mf editing if they can, or falling back to a simple string
maybe something like if a source query returns a property with an embedded h-cite on a like-of, a client could either offer an h-cite UI, or look in the 'value' key under the h-cite and take that as the plain text value
barnaby: is that in the case of editing or creating? just making sure I follow
I can see that for editing
as the value key is already established in mf2 as a plaintext fallback
One key use case is the ability to edit the reply context on the client side instead of what we reply context is created / expanded by the server, eg to trim or otherwise edit what is shown (hiding spoilers, or CW related materials etc)
but in the case of creating, would it be sending the value of `u-like-of` (or what have you) _to the Micropub server_?
[tantek]: that's a good example
jacky: Iโ€™m specifically talking about editing in this case, as Iโ€™m assuming that if a rich h-cite creation UI exists, then that client is also going to support editing it
Same thing with editing link previews in general for /like or /bookmark posts. You might not want the image or specific summary paragraph provided by the author of the destination link to show up on your post
barnaby: that makes sense
[tantek]: yeah (though I can see that being used for rickrolling people, lol)
Some link preview images are either ugly (some CW) or duplicate the icon of the author (thus it looks like a bug on your site when you display the โ€œsameโ€ image twice), and some link preview summary text is site spam stuck into OGP metacrap โ€œthis is the best site for photos!โ€ Etc
I think I might just need to either work on a Micropub client or contribute to one to experiment on a living example
and if thatโ€™s the case, it might be worth establishing a convention to let clients edit embedded mf structures as their plaintext value without having to implement specific UIs for absolutely everything, perhaps with a warning, that some data might get lost in the process
barnaby++ on that bit
barnaby has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (15 in all channels)
A micropub client should show you a link preview of any links and then allow you to edit those, and if you do then sends the edited version to the server as an h-cite, which the server should respect instead of doing its own link preview extraction & display logic
one takeaway I _am_ getting from this though is that it's never a bad idea to handle this processing on the server
(which was my initial question but I got very curious about the client experience as well)
The answer to which, is both client & server. The server should handle / do reply contexts and link previews by default, and the server should respect when a client provides a UI to edit those and sends across a full h-cite instead of just the link
that would either require every micropub implementation to support h-cites, or a way of querying what properties the server supports to avoid undermining users expectations (say, when the client sends a like-of h-cite rather than string, and the server either doesnโ€™t support it or makes its own link preview)
I think there's an extension to report the structure of properties that a Micropub server supports
I think jamietanna has a notable implementation
which reminds me of the idea of building post previewing into micropub, so that users can immediately see which edits their server actually responds to, and can decide whether to go through with posting something based on how *the actual server theyโ€™re posting to* is going to display it
oh that sounds cool, Iโ€™ll check it out
ah yeah that is
[jamietanna] #33 Query for supported properties, for a supported post-type
[manton] I've implemented a version of this in Micro.blog to see how it would look. It returns the supported properties directly from `q=config` without needing any extra requests. My initial implementation looks like this, although it's probably missing some...
hmm but that's mainly for post-types and not like container items (like h-entry, h-cite, etc)
hmm that covers supported properties, but nothing about nested structures
but it might be easy enough to add that in
going to muse on this over the week, barnaby, your point got me wondering if this is something to report or if there's some way to work around
IMO establishing the convention of MP clients and servers always providing the value key on nested mf structures as a plaintext fallback would mostly fix this
true that's the easiest way too :)
more detailed capability querying could definitely be useful, but having an established fallback convention is useful even in that case
guessing this is something to document on the Wiki on /Micropub
I'll try to capture this idea there
and allows for quicker development of both clients and servers, as people can start off by just implementing the plaintext version, knowing that they can add a more advanced implementation later without breaking anything
sounds good jacky++
jacky has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
[manton] joined the channel
I wonder if it would help to document which clients actually pay attention to the โ€œpost-typesโ€ โ†’ โ€œpropertiesโ€ field (as documented in that GitHub issue). Off the top of my head, Iโ€™m not sure I know of any, but it has been a couple years since I added this on the server.
mf data handling already established the de-facto principle of โ€œif you expect a property value to be a string but you get something more complicated, use its `value` keyโ€ for nested mf, embedded HTML and most recently img alt parsing
[manton]: good point
might need a micropub client bash where some people just test them all out to see where they are and how they match up with the specs (could take a while, lol)
Heh, yeah.
I also think thereโ€™s a bit of a disconnect between clients that will think about MF2 at all, vs. most that will just send โ€œnameโ€ and โ€œcontentโ€ and call it a day.
ha - the MVP of clients (sometimes that's all that's needed)
IMO thatโ€™s one of the great things about micropub! the barrier to entry is so low
so itโ€™d be great to find ways of continuing to allow clients like that to function while allowing more complex clients to add additional features
Yeah. And my 2 cents, I worry about complicating Micropub with complicated structured posts, since it risks scaring off basic implementations.
barnaby, the fallback is already in the mf2 property value even when it has an embedded object
This is how a <span class=โ€œu-like-of h-citeโ€>โ€ฆ<a class=โ€œu-urlโ€ href=โ€œโ€ฆโ€> works
[tantek]: yeah thatโ€™s what I mean! and hence IMO it makes sense to encourage micropub clients and servers to publish and consume the value property (which afaik is not currently mentioned anywhere?) so that people can continue to use this familiar, useful pattern
The u-like-of gets its โ€œplain propertyโ€ (not just plain โ€œtextโ€, it depend on the prefix of the property) of the URL from the u-url of the embedded h-cite
e.g. in the nested microformat object section of the spec, it doesnโ€™t show the value key in the example https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/#nested-microformats-objects
[tantek]: yes I know, and itโ€™s really useful! my suggestion is that this pattern could be useful in micropub too, but afaik isnโ€™t currently being used or encouraged
That should be updated in micropub.spec.indieweb.org then to be consistent with mf2 parsing
[snarfed] joined the channel
this all reminds me a bit of https://snarfed.org/2015-11-29_keep-bridgy-publish-dumb , in which people gradually asked for more and more rich interactivity from Bridgy Publish, which I largely refused, and which Micropub clients and servers are maybe more suited for
(different use cases, but related)
that particular example uses "summary" for that instead
I need to get back to work but later on I can write up some MP issues about this
aaronpk: which would be fine if publishing and looking for the โ€œsummaryโ€ property was established as a fallback pattern, but it isnโ€™t, and doesnโ€™t work in the case of embedded like-of/reply-to h-cite we were talking about above
whereas looking for a value key is already established, and is quite generalisable to all embedded mf structures
also the summary is a property on the top level structure, not a way of editing the nested h-measure structures, which IMO are the ones which should have value keys as fallbacks for editing. although admittedly this example is specific enough that users are only likely to want to edit it using a use-case-specific app
yeah i would want to discuss this in the context of some simpler structures
but even in this case, with value keys a simpler client could see that there are these weight and bodyfat properties which it doesnโ€™t understand, but which have value keys (which could be, say "70.64kg", and could offer the user the oppotunity to edit them as plain strings, with a warning that data might get lost. and then the server, on receiving the data, could either ignore it as itโ€™s not the expected nested structure, or
try to parse it into one by looking for a number and a unit
hmmm this is def deeper (and interesting) dialogue
[cillian64] GitHub leaked names of private repos with pages
I was quite concerned when I first saw the title of the email which made me think that I had exposed some kind of private information by accident.
doosboox8 joined the channel
that also introduced me to https://phish.ly/
missed the "rich h-cite editing" discussion, but i actually prototyped adding this to Quill at some IndieWebCamp https://github.com/aaronpk/Quill/compare/main...martymcguire:mm-nested-h-cite
it was some q&d contenteditable stuff but it gave me some hope.
my opinion on client vs server unrolling of urls-to-reply-contexts is: offer it all because it comes down to preference and circumstance.
(and reminds me that there are a handful of mini micropub clients i'd like to see that are purely for editing bits of posts. editing tags, unfurling/editing reply-contexts, updating syndication, adding media, ...)
edburns[d] joined the channel
this looks like an interesting editor (for Linux-y systems) https://thiefmd.com/
meant to provide a Ulyssess-style editor
got curious because it has support for Wordpress
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
aaronpk You posted a story to your site! I have been waiting to see that function in action for a while.
oh crap i did haha
i was trying to post a video
It was an accident? ๐Ÿ˜‚
From #indieweb. I think I need to start taking into account internal links in ranking.
But I don't currently calculate that in the link graph calculation.
i forgot that it would actually post the story, all the video uploads i was trying were failing
maybe sniffing a common prefix/suffix for a particular domain ("Barnaby Walters โ€ข" in my case) and strongly down-weighting it could help improve things, if thatโ€™s possible?
afaik itโ€™s a very common pattern in <title>s
i think i don't understand how the indieweb search works. only seven results for caturday and none of them from https://martymcgui.re/tag/caturday/ ?? ๐Ÿ˜‚
turns out making a good search engine is a hard problem :D
angelo joined the channel
(fwiw i include the word "Caturday" in the content for each post, along with the tag "#caturday")
asteria joined the channel
might be interested for people with audio snippets on their site and wanna visualize it somehow https://css-tricks.com/making-an-audio-waveform-visualizer-with-vanilla-javascript/
asteria, Seirdy, angelo and capjamesg1 joined the channel
Well Discord is down ๐Ÿ˜ฑ
barnaby all the code is open source if you want to assist in any way :)
It is indeed a very hard problem. After embarking on this project I realized just how much google needs to do behind the scenes.
jacky: oo i like that it's very how-to and the result is aesthetic. kinda want to render them to an SVG instead
[schmarty] crawls were initially capped to a small number of URLs so your site might have been affected by that. Iโ€™ll run a full recrawl of your site tomorrow.
(an image proxy that eats mp3s and spits out pretty waveform SVGs ๐Ÿค” )
The common prefix thing is a big issue. Google does rewrite title tags interestingly.
capjamesg1: ah, good to know! is there a way to see what the search engine "knows" about a given site?
Ask me :) there will be a JSON API that lets you see incoming links to a page, internal links, and all the data the engine has in each page on each result (minus a few things)
I just need to push a fix because it was affected by the refactor
What do you want to know? I would love to make a site owner dashboard so you can see stats but do Iโ€™d love input on that.
Discord is back!
capjamesg: the first and only thing so far is number of pages crawled and, like, latest-page-crawled time.
That is doable. Any other feedback on the engine? Iโ€™m actively chipping away at it and am happy to introduce / change ranking factors etc.
capjamesg++ i've mostly been watching the project from afar and haven't tinkered much, yet. very cool stuff!!
capjamesg has 29 karma in this channel over the last year (75 in all channels)
[schmarty]: tbh same! wouldn't be surprised if there's a library for that
Bad results pages help me figure out how to improve things. There are so many moving pieces that I havenโ€™t done as much with relevance as I know I should.
e-snail joined the channel
that helps make it feel like glitch is a too-magical irreplaceable thing to put projects on.
err sorry. makes it feel like it's _not_ too-magical lol.
haven't tried DigitalOceanโ€™s App Platform, but sometimes i feel it's kinda costly
[metbril] joined the channel
5 dollars a month is nice but a droplet for 10 dollars has more transfer and no cpu/build minutes
but happy to see the glitch community deploying their apps
jacky, [metbril], [James_Van_Dyne], [snarfed], [manton], [tw2113_Slack_] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[schmarty] took months to get this out (still consulting with them)
jacky++ i can imagine!
jacky has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (63 in all channels)
whew okay trying to resolve dependabot issues in my indieweb projects on glitch is giving me the sads. kapowski is presently broken and thankfully i decided to touch it before the webring. ๐Ÿ˜
npm has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-2 in all channels)
angelo joined the channel
okay I typed up the micropub value key fallback suggestion from before, with some fully worked-out examples https://github.com/w3c/Micropub/issues/124
[barnabywalters] #124 Consider defining use of `value` key in nested microformats for fallback
just saw that
not sure how i feel about that, but good for them
Is Linode going to modernize Akamai's API, or is the Linode Terraform provider going to be refactored to use Mechanical Turk to open a ticket with Akamai's existing "Jason API?" https://twitter.com/jordannovet/status/1493694280375967745
sebbu, rhiaro, barnaby and tetov-irc joined the channel
[schmarty]++ yes that was at IWS 2019! And IIRC after a long side-conversation you and I had during create day on that very subject and related: how to store information from or about other people's sites (e.g. from webmentions, or reply-contexts / link-previews, which are different because of who external vs author initiated), how to allow the site author to edit them, perhaps before posting (or moderating a response), and how to
display them
I'm still stuck on those storage questions of "not my data" tbh
my suspicion is that I want to keep separate storage / caching policies (and files perhaps?) for different levels/kinds of trust/authority/responsibility
at the top (1) is content I've written myself, then perhaps (2) reviewed/edited content extracted from the URLs that I've written (e.g. edited/reviewed reply-contexts/link-previews), then (3) raw content from the URLs that I've written (automatic reply-contexts/link-previews),
Those feel like good dividing lines to start from!
then Webmention received stuff, i.e. (4) edited/reviewed content from the URLs from folks in my nicknames cache (sort of applying /Vouch principles to content storage), then (5) edited/reviewed content from other URLs (not in nicknames cache), then (6) raw content from URLs from nicknames cache, then (7) raw content from other URLs
one point being, the further down in those levels, the more I'm ok with "losing" the "content" and re-retrieving it (treating it like a cache)