#dev 2022-02-19

2022-02-19 UTC
willnorris and [manton] joined the channel
Looking forward to the libraries session tomorrow! Here’s a sneak peek of the next version of the books app I’ve been working on. This video shows adding books to bookshelves (managed by Micro.blog) and also configuring another Micropub endpoint for posting, in this case WordPress. Hoping to get ideas tomorrow for further extending this. https://www.manton.org/uploads/2022/dd0ff8d1d0.mov
Looking forward to seeing you there
justGhost joined the channel
manton++ this looks rad!! love the micropub. is "Want to read: [markdown](link) by Author Name 📚" the entirety of the post?
manton has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (20 in all channels)
[schmarty] Thanks! Yes, it's editable but that's the default text.
manton: haha, oh right, it's editable. No "read-of" properties, though? 🙃
Seirdy, [fluffy], lagash, angelo, marksuth[d], balupton[d] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
not sure where to post this as an issue. I’ve just posted to the Dutch indieweb news, but the webmention fails (error no_link_found), afaict it uses the same mark-up as my english language IndieWeb posts for which the webmentions do get accepted. Compare the unaccepted WM of https://indiewebcamp.nl/2022/02/19/indieweb-pop-up-sessie-persoonlijke-bibliotheken/ and the accepted WM of
tetov-irc, jacky and barnaby joined the channel
[Ton Zijlstra] IndieWeb pop-up sessie Persoonlijke Bibliotheken
oh it’s pretty obvious when you look at the source: https://indiewebcamp.nl/2022/02/19/indieweb-pop-up-sessie-persoonlijke-bibliotheken/ is using old mf classes for everything except u-syndication, and mf2 properties are not parsed inside classic mf structures
also, the lang="en-US" on the <html> element is causing all the mf structs to be parsed with english lang keys rather than nl, although that isn’t what’s causing this problem
mmm, it should be using the same mf as my other site (the one that posts to the English news), as they are the same WP set-ups. Different theme though, so that must be it. Thanks for the language heads-up as well.
ok, fixed the language declaration at least.
aaronpk and denna[m] joined the channel
ok, I added "https://dgl.cx/2022/02/wordle-over-dns" to the "See Also" section of /DNS https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=79645&oldid=79601
I now know what to do with that DNS code I wrote. Maybe a coffee DNS thing 😂
jacky joined the channel
[schmarty] For read-of, no… I parse read-of for incoming Micropub calls, but for posting I haven’t figured out a good way to add MF2 without making the post difficult to read or edit.
I’m considering converting the Markdown link for ISBNs into a read-of automatically. Most people won’t edit these posts anyway so that might be fine.
↩️ You might want to look at http://indieweb.org/webmention to get decentralized responses (you can bridge from twitter etc too)
omz13 joined the channel
manton: nice idea!
jamietanna, tbbrown, kimberlyhirsh, kimberlyhirsh[d], tmcw, KartikPrabhu, [arush], Smokler, Drini and jacky joined the channel
[snarfed] any chance of huffduff video supporting twitter spaces recordings? Eg https://mobile.twitter.com/techgirl1908/status/1494781593470357514
Thank you to all 12K who tuned in! Thank you @kelseyhightower for a wonderful discussion. The replay is available for 30 days so move this to the top of your queue 😊 https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1djGXPYpNAkGZ
Maggie, gRegor and [snarfed] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] hmm! maybe! it'd be through https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp if so
[yt-dlp] yt-dlp: A youtube-dl fork with additional features and fixes
[mortyobnoxious] #1249 [Site Request] Twitter Spaces
campegg, tbbrown, jacky, alex11, gRegor, angelo, Seb[d] and tetov-irc joined the channel