capjamesg[d]snarfed "huh, but it's send, not receive. guess I'm confused about the usage" I thought about this more and the me= check in the send_webmention function is used so that you can't send a webmention to anyone if you don't want to.
[snarfed]capjamesg that use case is pretty nich, but fine. you just want to document it, and probably rename the kwarg something more specific, since it confused me at least as is
[tantek]capjamesg[d]++ that's a very good update, thank you! We may need to add something further down with "editing/updating your site" that repeats the expected ~30s-1min delay with edits showing up but that can be a separate effort. and thanks for reviewing/merging [KevinMarks]++
sknebeljacky: both irccloud and thelounge register protocol handlers in the browser at least - worth checking what exact subset of that spec they support
LoqiEleventy is a JavaScript based static site generator that allows the user to select their own preferred template engine and theme, which in practice can and does enable use of microformats2