#dev 2022-02-20

2022-02-20 UTC
benji, barnaby, KartikPrabhu, jacky, Mr_Imposter[d], Seirdy, angelo, sarahd[d], grantcodes[d] and tetov-irc joined the channel
[tantek] I wrote the PR I said I would write: https://github.com/indieweb/blank-gh-site/pull/14
[capjamesg] #14 Add time to deploy changes to your site
snarfed "huh, but it's send, not receive. guess I'm confused about the usage" I thought about this more and the me= check in the send_webmention function is used so that you can't send a webmention to anyone if you don't want to.
The use case is a form on your site that lets someone submit a webmention to you.
In that case, you probably only want to allow sending webmentions to sites that you control versus any site on the web.
Or does that use case seem unnecessary?
Asaf_Agranat[d] and oodani joined the channel
Follow-up from yesterday’s session, I wrote up a proposal for using Micropub to manage lists of books: https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/46
[manton] #46 Using channels for bookshelf management
MarkJR84[d] joined the channel
capjamesg that use case is pretty nich, but fine. you just want to document it, and probably rename the kwarg something more specific, since it confused me at least as is
also usually you wouldnt go through the send-flow for that
since you can just directly call the endpoint?
"I want to send a webmention to myself, but I dont know what my webmention endpoint is" sounds even more niche
jacky joined the channel
Finally styled some received guestbook entries via Webmention. Next step is to allow entries to be submitted via a form. https://ohhelloana.blog/guestbook/
capjamesg[d]++ that's a very good update, thank you! We may need to add something further down with "editing/updating your site" that repeats the expected ~30s-1min delay with edits showing up but that can be a separate effort. and thanks for reviewing/merging [KevinMarks]++
nertzy joined the channel
jacky: both irccloud and thelounge register protocol handlers in the browser at least - worth checking what exact subset of that spec they support
(I suspect with non-web-clients uptake is lower since the protocol handling stuff is quite a pain outside the web platform
ah good call
my client (and most that seem to) can register ones (at least on XDG systems)
↩️ Is it only displaying webmentions of the guestbook page? This is a great idea, congrats!
↩️ Yes - only Webmentions that deliberately target the guestbook which won't be a lot at all. Thank you!
looks like https://github.com/rockorager/11ndieWeb is a thing! (a friend just shared it and they're using it for their site)
what is 11ty?
Eleventy is a JavaScript based static site generator that allows the user to select their own preferred template engine and theme, which in practice can and does enable use of microformats2 https://indieweb.org/11ty
11ty << https://github.com/rockorager/11ndieWeb "An 11ty starter site for the IndieWeb"
ok, I added "https://github.com/rockorager/11ndieWeb "An 11ty starter site for the IndieWeb"" to the "See Also" section of /Eleventy https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=79662&oldid=78483
oh, with webmentions as a function, not using an existing service? interesting
(although then specific to netlify I guess)
yeah - but it looks like it might store them locally using the eleventy-plugin-indieweb lib
that spelling 'eleventy-plugin-11ndieweb' is a fun one
jacky, Christian_Olivie, ancarda, srushe, angelo, capjamesg, KartikPrabhu, Osvik[d], tetov-irc, nertzy and edburns[d] joined the channel