#dev 2022-02-21
2022-02-21 UTC
nertzy, angelo, KartikPrabhu and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
# vika_nezrimaya That feeling when there were lots of updates to the IndieAuth token endpoint spec and https://tokens.indieauth.com/token doesn't follow it because, as far as I remember, it's old as heck
# vika_nezrimaya now there's HTTP 200
{"active": false} instead of HTTP 400 {"error": "unauthorized"}
# vika_nezrimaya huh, now I'm thinking which part of the spec I'm supposed to follow
# vika_nezrimaya I am very confused
# vika_nezrimaya honestly I'm planning to build that functionality into Kittybox so I could follow all of the spec stuff
# vika_nezrimaya but... for now I would like to at least port the existing features into my another rewrite
# vika_nezrimaya because I'm switching async runtimes over a heisenbug that I'm trying to track down
# vika_nezrimaya it's a funny story but my app starts hanging after some amount of requests
# vika_nezrimaya and I think the async runtime is bugged because I tried almost everything
# vika_nezrimaya and I do not believe my code could produce that bug
# vika_nezrimaya but I decided to throw out half of my code nevertheless, leaving only the core application logic... and maybe my storage backend logic
# vika_nezrimaya if the bug is still there, then it's the storage backend logic
# vika_nezrimaya because my core application logic doesn't concern itself with async scheduling at all
# vika_nezrimaya it is well... at least I'm not garbling any data in my storage backend
# vika_nezrimaya I'm just forced to restart the process after some time, which is usually indicated by the server's fan going crazy
[tw2113_Slack_], jacky, justAstache, toastloop, Eddy04[d], e-snail, antrdnv[d], jjuran, srushe, ancarda, capjamesg, KartikPrabhu and tetov-irc joined the channel
# Murray[d] Edge-case question: most of the content on my site is ordered chronologically. But sometimes, I will post a new article "in the past", including posting what is a "new" post that now appears before older content in the timeline. In terms of feeds like Atom/RSS, is there a preference as to whether these should mirror that chronology or would it make more sense to float new content to the top? Does anyone else run into this issue?
# [KevinMarks] a lot of feed models only show the most recent n (defined as 15 by the RSS spec at one point), so an old post may not show up id there are a lot in front of it
# Loqi h-feed is a microformats2 draft specification with a top level feed object to contain root class(h-*) objects, usually h-entry posts and optionally a common author, name, and representative photo https://indieweb.org/h-feed
sebbu, Ramon[d] and rMdes_ joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] I know everyone isn't a fan of cards for layout but I like them. I try to animate a flipping front to back but that breaks all the time and I am not updating my stylesheet. I need to simplify. Can I stack two divs with z-index and make one appear on click and the other disappear?
KartikPrabhu1 and nertzy joined the channel
# Murray[d] Sure, that'd definitely work. Have a container with relative positioning, absolutely position the two child elements to the top-left and give them the same width and height and use z-index to hide one behind the other. Then you can either change the z-index value or even just set the opacity to 0 or display: none when an action is taken. `:hover` would be natively supported with just CSS (but not great on mobile) or add/remove a class with j
jacky, GWG, [schmarty], nertzy, ancarda, srushe, capjamesg, angelo, Seb[d], tbbrown, alex11 and zerok[m] joined the channel
# @Synesthesia Webmentions revisited https://ift.tt/cPxM8LK (twitter.com/_/status/1495831471852077062)
# e-snail how serendipitous: I just read Rowan Manning's article (https://rowanmanning.com/posts/webmentions-for-your-static-site/) about this very topic
jacky, ben_thatmustbeme, [aciccarello], mro, tbbrown and barnaby joined the channel
# jacky I've been looking for documentation on how to do this https://feeds.arstechnica.com/arstechnica/index
# jacky hm I found a boilerplate https://gist.github.com/natclark/bc4d993c2d5c70ab692b059a44a75882 from https://natclark.com/tutorials/xslt-style-rss-feed/
# zerok[m] jacky: or also for stuff like pdf generation but that’s an even deeper rabbit hole 🤪
# zerok[m] What have I done 😞
tbbrown joined the channel
# [aciccarello] [jacky] You're welcome to steal my XSL https://www.ciccarello.me/blog/2021/04/17/styling-an-rssatom-feed-with-xsl/
tbbrown joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] atom to h-feed I do with jinja2 and feedparser.
# [aciccarello] Looks like there's also a note about XSL on /OPML
# [aciccarello] Looks like /RSS#See_Also could use a cleanup
angelo joined the channel
tbbrown joined the channel
# [KevinMarks] I had a granary thought on the weekend - Goodreads feed to actually useful feeds (the others will have better suggestions for what actually useful means)
tetov-irc joined the channel
# petermolnar my XSLT for ATOM is at https://petermolnar.net/feed/atom.xsl and for OPML at https://petermolnar.net/opml.xsl if someone wants it
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel