#dev 2022-02-21

2022-02-21 UTC
nertzy, angelo, KartikPrabhu and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
That feeling when there were lots of updates to the IndieAuth token endpoint spec and https://tokens.indieauth.com/token doesn't follow it because, as far as I remember, it's old as heck
now there's HTTP 200 {"active": false} instead of HTTP 400 {"error": "unauthorized"}
it's also a separate endpoint
huh, now I'm thinking which part of the spec I'm supposed to follow
I am very confused
i'm still working on a post, but there's basically a bunch of new endpoints for the various functions the token endpoint was doing
honestly I'm planning to build that functionality into Kittybox so I could follow all of the spec stuff
but... for now I would like to at least port the existing features into my another rewrite
because I'm switching async runtimes over a heisenbug that I'm trying to track down
it's a funny story but my app starts hanging after some amount of requests
and I think the async runtime is bugged because I tried almost everything
and I do not believe my code could produce that bug
but I decided to throw out half of my code nevertheless, leaving only the core application logic... and maybe my storage backend logic
if the bug is still there, then it's the storage backend logic
because my core application logic doesn't concern itself with async scheduling at all
vika_nezrimaya: Hello. Hope all is well.
it is well... at least I'm not garbling any data in my storage backend
I'm just forced to restart the process after some time, which is usually indicated by the server's fan going crazy
[tw2113_Slack_], jacky, justAstache, toastloop, Eddy04[d], e-snail, antrdnv[d], jjuran, srushe, ancarda, capjamesg, KartikPrabhu and tetov-irc joined the channel
What are feeds
Edge-case question: most of the content on my site is ordered chronologically. But sometimes, I will post a new article "in the past", including posting what is a "new" post that now appears before older content in the timeline. In terms of feeds like Atom/RSS, is there a preference as to whether these should mirror that chronology or would it make more sense to float new content to the top? Does anyone else run into this issue?
also intreinterestedsted in how to solve for `h-feed` if I'm not about to change my display order on the site; it's chronological for a reason. Are there any tricks for informing a feed reader that the visual order is not the preferred order for subscribers?
*interested (not sure what happened there, I blame spellchecker 😂)
presumably you could have a separate RSS feed based on add/changed timestamp rather than publication date? Some people seem to have that in my feedreader, where all of a sudden very old posts show up on top after a change (like cleaning up url, embeds etc)
Yep, I guess my question RE: RSS/Atom is which behaviour is more common/preferred. I can make that feed provide any order I want, but what's best practice? Should I pull those posts to the top, or display them in order as per the site?
a lot of feed models only show the most recent n (defined as 15 by the RSS spec at one point), so an old post may not show up id there are a lot in front of it
that's true (and something I "use" to hide true backfed posts). So in that case, I probably should change my feed order to be date published rather than the actually relevant date (date occurred) that my site uses 🤔
so I guess that provides a good argument for RSS, but what about `h-feed`? Is there any way to signal to consumers that the feed order as shown is not the relevant feed order?
what is h-feed
h-feed is a microformats2 draft specification with a top level feed object to contain root class(h-*) objects, usually h-entry posts and optionally a common author, name, and representative photo https://indieweb.org/h-feed
sebbu, Ramon[d] and rMdes_ joined the channel
I know everyone isn't a fan of cards for layout but I like them. I try to animate a flipping front to back but that breaks all the time and I am not updating my stylesheet. I need to simplify. Can I stack two divs with z-index and make one appear on click and the other disappear?
KartikPrabhu1 and nertzy joined the channel
Sure, that'd definitely work. Have a container with relative positioning, absolutely position the two child elements to the top-left and give them the same width and height and use z-index to hide one behind the other. Then you can either change the z-index value or even just set the opacity to 0 or display: none when an action is taken. `:hover` would be natively supported with just CSS (but not great on mobile) or add/remove a class with j
`classList.toggle()` is your friend for that last bit 😄
(also, mobile browsers are pretty good at swapping `:hover` to `onclick` these days, so that might work out most easily)
jacky, GWG, [schmarty], nertzy, ancarda, srushe, capjamesg, angelo, Seb[d], tbbrown, alex11 and zerok[m] joined the channel
how serendipitous: I just read Rowan Manning's article (https://rowanmanning.com/posts/webmentions-for-your-static-site/) about this very topic
jacky, ben_thatmustbeme, [aciccarello], mro, tbbrown and barnaby joined the channel
I've been looking for documentation on how to do this https://feeds.arstechnica.com/arstechnica/index
like CSS one's RSS feeds
it's called XSLT and there be dragons
heh tbh I just wanted to make it look a bit 'nicer' (not for feed readers but in browsers)
you can usually just steal someone else's XSLT file
i grabbed the wordpress one for one of my podcast feeds
ah bet
it's a cool idea, but really a pain to work with
wow actually, lol, someone could use this to turn a Atom feed into a h-feed
haha sort of
yeah this is def going to be one of those "work with a glass of whiskey" kind of things
nobody's microformats parser is going to apply the xslt first :P
oh true lol
heh this is _def_ only for browsers then
if anyone used client-side mf parsers for anything (e.g. in browser extensions) it’d work
heh now that sounds like an experiment
jacky: or also for stuff like pdf generation but that’s an even deeper rabbit hole 🤪
omg mf2 embedded in pdfs only discoverable in a browser
What have I done 😞
tbbrown joined the channel
tbbrown joined the channel
atom to h-feed I do with jinja2 and feedparser.
Looks like there's also a note about XSL on /OPML
Looks like /RSS#See_Also could use a cleanup
[aciccarello]: thank you!
angelo joined the channel
granary XML + XSLT => HTML could be a reasonable feature request
tbbrown joined the channel
I had a granary thought on the weekend - Goodreads feed to actually useful feeds (the others will have better suggestions for what actually useful means)
tetov-irc joined the channel
my XSLT for ATOM is at https://petermolnar.net/feed/atom.xsl and for OPML at https://petermolnar.net/opml.xsl if someone wants it
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel