#dev 2022-02-22

2022-02-22 UTC
tbbrown joined the channel
[KevinMarks] sadly the GoodReads API seems dead, they're not approving new developers. https://www.goodreads.com/api
[snarfed] Bad news, from an email I got just now: > As of December 8th 2020, Goodreads will no longer issue new developer keys for our public developer API and plans to retire these tools. https://help.goodreads.com/s/article/Does-Goodreads-support-the-use-of...
yikes does that mean it's too late?
sounds like a good future strategy for Bridgy with new silos is to grab an API key for "testing" ASAP, and maybe manually do a call or two to keep it "alive" until actual support is coded
nertzy joined the channel
rhiaro: heya, I was just looking through some of my old replies for bugs, and noticed that your post page h-entries are missing any kind of author information, and the dt-published is going to be tricky for people to parse (e.g. “Sun 20th of February 2022 at 11:59pm (+00:00)”)
there’s also no h-card on http://rhiaro.co.uk/, so consumers won’t find anything if they fetch the plain domain as an authorship fallback
The comments were that Goodreads had rss feeds, but janky ones
jacky joined the channel
[KevinMarks] are you saying that Goodreads had bad feeds?
Goodreads-- for going bad 😛
Goodreads has -1 karma over the last year
tbbrown, justAstache, P1000[d] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
↩️ learned some 11ty, liquid, indieauth and micropub putting a new personal site together. also tried themed but classless css. the site supports articles, notes, bookmarks, even photo uploading through a lambda function and a micropub client. more to come. https://vikram.day/posts/notes/2022-02-22-twitter-stream-setup
tbbrown, sebbu, mro, marksuth[d], jjuran and Lugom joined the channel
tbbrown joined the channel
22022022 :)
tbbrown, mro and tetov-irc joined the channel
#twosdaytuesday 😄
mro joined the channel
↩️ hello! how do you display reactions from http://webmentions.io on each article please?
nertzy and mro joined the channel
Webmention W3C protocol for notifying a URL when a website links to it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webmention
nicolas1, Eddy04[d], jjuran_, jacky, mro, toby3d[d], barnaby, nertzy, [tw2113_Slack_], tbbrown, Seirdy and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Does anyone know lisp?
I need help figuring out how to load a library in a script.
The ql function doesn’t seem to work in files executed with the —script tag in sbcl.
tbbrown and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
(help cannot)
alex11, jacky, gRegor and tetov-irc joined the channel