#dev 2022-02-23

2022-02-23 UTC
Seirdy and jacky joined the channel
speaking of needing help, something seems broken with my site
what is Internal Server Error
It looks like we don't have a page for "Internal Server Error" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Internal Server Error is ____", a sentence describing the term)
literally any page I go to (even those that don't exist)
eep, sounds like maybe an htaccess syntax error then?
even purely static pages
if you can find the web server error log it may have a helpful message
haven't touched my htaccess in a while
at least it's not "all" my sites, e.g. https://asin.cc/ works
Tantek Çelik
can't seem to find the error log through the DH Control Panel
might need to get to it via FTP
should be `~/logs/tantek.com/http/error.log` or something
well that's a confusing amount of detailed jargon
(in the error.log)
haha sounds about right
like wat:
[msg "Request content type is not allowed by policy"] [data "|text/html|"]
i think the best thing is to email dreamhost support and tell them that you didn't change anything, hopefully they will be able to undo whatever they changed
Indeed, I reached my devops time/expertise limit and filed a ticket
I mentioned the error.log and the ModSecurity warnings (and the fact that my other sites seem to be "working") so we'll see what happens.
yay troubleshooting admintax--
admintax has -1 karma over the last year
on another topic, this is very well-written and insightful about a problem we've talked about a bunch here, that the very UX design of Twitter (and thus UX clones like Mastodon) lends itself to driving misbehavior: https://www.wired.com/story/social-media-harassment-platforms/
posting here in dev to pose the question(s) of how can we avoid similar bad (harmful to users/community) UX design in IndieWeb approaches (e.g. Webmention), and what positive alternative UX(es) can we create? (metaphorical "traffic calming" as the article calls it)
synkarius, justAstache, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and jacky joined the channel
aaronpk, it turns out it *was* an .htaccess problem as you guessed, though why it suddenly started happening I have no idea
I had this line which was presumably for some php config options which I don't remember why:
php_value session.save_path /home/tantek/tmp
commenting that out (with a '#') fixed it which is what they did. like I said, no idea why it suddenly stopped working
epoch joined the channel
What is 500?
500 is an HTTP/1.1 Status Code returned from a webserver to signify that the webserver encountered an unexpected condition while trying to process the requested https://indieweb.org/500
What is Internal Server Error?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Internal Server Error" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Internal Server Error is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Internal Server Error is /500
What is 42?
The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything is … 42 https://indieweb.org/42
Johan, sayanarijit[d], mro, tetov-irc, jacky, KartikPrabhu, [aciccarello], angelo, barnaby, gRegor, gRegorLove_, gRegorLove__ and [tonz] joined the channel
fun fact I learned while fixing a php-mf2 bug: DOMXPath lets you register PHP functions with the XPath object, and call them from within XPath queries
extremely useful for taking logic which XPath either can’t do at all or is badly suited to (e.g. regex matching)
that looks nifty
and allowing you to write fairly expressive XPaths, once you get used to the quirks of the system
I love finding quirky, useful, but barely known or documented functionality like this
plenty of it in big, old stdlibs like PHP and python
ooh, nifty
gRegor: barnaby left you a message 2 weeks, 1 day ago: heya, any objections to me moving https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/issues/184 to the 0.5.1 milestone and wrapping up the 0.5.0 release? it’s been four years since 0.4.6, and there’s easily enough features and fixes to justify a release IMO
Nope! XD
ha ha good to know ;)
barnaby++ again for getting that out
barnaby has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (21 in all channels)
October this year will be php-mf2’s 10th birthday
and I was wondering if it’d make any sense to aim for a 1.0.0 release
that might depend on getting all the issues resolved against the parsing spec 😬
take the opportunity to clean up the codebase and the API, taking into account ten years(!!!) of experience and technical debt
kloenk joined the channel
can also take that to #microformats 🙂
yeah that too [tantek]!
mro joined the channel
gRegor, GWG, aaronpk etc: anyone feel like reviewing https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/pull/231 ?
[barnabywalters] #231 Fixed issue parsing elements with mixed valid and invalid mf2 classnames
gRegorLove_, KartikPrabhu, mro, [chrisaldrich] and jacky joined the channel
barnaby, I'll try to look tonight
itch: a micropub client that takes audio, generates a waveform and uses one's h-card photo to render a voice post
gRegor: thanks!
there’s something vary amusing about the phrase “best-in-class meme templates”
tetov-irc joined the channel