#dev 2022-03-01

2022-03-01 UTC
check on the wiki analytics to see if the "no tidy" page is getting any traffic 😂 https://indieweb.org/website-analytics#IndieWeb_Community_Analytics
Countdown set by aaronpk on 2021-11-30 at 4:02pm PST
curl -H still holding strong
justAstache, Seirdy, jacky and [jacky] joined the channel
wait Tumblr is adopting Webmention natively?
jacky joined the channel
@schnarfed Good morning. I'm trying to auto publish from my site to Mastodon and Twitter using Bridgy. I'm able to send Webmentions, but I'm not sure how to implement "Bridgy's webmention endpoint is https://brid.gy/publish/webmention". Help?
@schnarfed Good morning. I'm trying to auto publish from my site to Mastodon and Twitter using Bridgy. I'm able to send Webmentions, but I'm not sure how to implement "Bridgy's webmention endpoint is https://brid.gy/publish/webmention". Help?
nisha1 joined the channel
[fluffy] just to double check, re "bridgy responses...to private items," these are public mastodon toots you've posted with links to private posts on your web site, right?
thx, carry on
It’s part of my hopefully-temporary least-bad solution to the whole private post bootstrapping issue
Seirdy, mro, jacky, tetov-irc, toby3d[d] and justAstache joined the channel
Anyone for a tiny tweak on the Micropub spec? https://github.com/indieweb/Micropub/pull/11
mro, [schmarty], barnaby, justAstache and ShinyCyril joined the channel
↩️ So maybe I'm not able to send webmentions. I'm working on it.
↩️ I've verified that my site is sending webmentions. If I have everything set up correctly, Bridgy should post to Mastodon and Twitter relatively quickly, correct?
🚀 Exciting news! I'm ready to share the project I've been working on for the past 7 months! Introducing ✨ Socket ✨ ⚡️ Search millions of open source packages 🔒 Detect suspicious package updates in real-time 🛡 Block software supply chain attacks https://socket.dev
mro, jacky and ShinyCyril joined the channel
↩️ Yes! This is literally the goal of #indieweb. Most folks are building their indieweb sites with the goal of interoperating with the silos to some extent, and services like http://brid.gy exist to make that integration way easier.
↩️ I would definitely PREFER if people followed my blog etc via feed reader rather than twitter etc, and if comments came through my comment system rather than webmentions (which is a thing I generally disagree with indieweb folks on), but self-determination is important.
chenghiz_, KartikPrabhu, [manton] and ShinyCyril joined the channel
[manton]: re mf2->atom not working: could be the case, I’ve not checked to see if it actually works for a long time. thanks for the heads-up!
someone did send me an email ~6mo ago asking if they could subscribe to my site somehow, and I pointed them towards the feed
tbbrown, ShinyCyril and mro joined the channel
okay should be working again now
@barnaby Great, confirmed it’s working! Here’s how your posts look in Micro.blog: https://micro.blog/waterpigs.co.uk
cool, very nice!
tbbrown and jacky joined the channel
I noticed when testing https://www.jvt.me/posts/2022/03/01/micropub-go-cli/ with Micro.blog that it thinks a 202 Accepted response from the media endpoint is an “error”… I was about to file a bug when I checked the spec and was surprised that it does say the media endpoint can only return a 201 Created.
Is there a reason for that in the spec, or was it an oversight? Seems weird to me that creating posts can return 201 or 202, but media can only return 201.
yeah, the intent of the media endpoint is not that it's the final published location for the image, it's for immediately creating a resource that can be referenced by the client when creating a post
you *can* host your media publicly there if you want to, but that's not the reason for it
[aciccarello] joined the channel
Okay. I’ll update Micro.blog to return 201 then. (The uploaded URL does exist at that point.)
ShinyCyril joined the channel
if it does exist at that point then 201 would definitely be the correct response anyway
Gotcha, thanks.
(turned the private post concern from yesterday into a microsub issue too: https://github.com/indieweb/microsub/issues/53)
[sknebel] #53 indicate access restrictions/privacy information about a post and add implementer hints to respect them
angelo joined the channel
Thanks for giving it a try [Manton] ☺
mro, P1000[d] and Christian_Olivie joined the channel
@jamietanna Sure! Good luck with the project.
tbbrown, KartikPrabhu, MA, rrix, justAstache, angelo, mro_, mro, mro__ and jacky joined the channel
I've been using the Coil extension on random sites during MozFest
and tbh I think this kind of stuff can be done with the indieweb but it'd require some hand holding with a social reader
(like to generate URLs for payment amounts and maybe even checking if a transaction was completed by signing in and looking at the most recent transaction for some sort of tip hint)
like Stripe Checkout makes this a _bit easier_ since, with a provided e-mail address, you can make a transaction
just thinking about ways to "tip" people
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
already some practical examples on the wiki
↩️ Yup, immediately. I see you were able to preview ok, but I don't see any webmentions (ie POSTs to http://brid.gy/publish/webmention) for any of your posts. Check that you have a link as described in https://brid.gy/about#If+your+server ?
↩️ Yup, immediately. I see you were able to preview ok, but I don't see any webmentions (ie POSTs to http://brid.gy/publish/webmention) for any of your posts. Check that you have a link as described in https://brid.gy/about#If+your+server ?
[tantek]1, BillBennett1, [fluffy]1, [tantek]2, [fluffy]2, BillBennett2, sknebel, Zegnat, aaronpk, tbbrown, tetov-irc and kimberlyhirsh[d] joined the channel