#dev 2022-03-02

2022-03-02 UTC
balupton[d] joined the channel
looks like avatars. io is offline, was anyone using that for Twitter profile pics? https://indieweb.org/Twitter#Avatars_IO_workaround
tbbrown, jacky and justAstache joined the channel
I was looking at someone who was citing RFC5005(https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5005) I had been thinking about the concept noted here of archived feeds in a different context, when trying to look at navigation between date based archive h-feeds, and trying to determine what sort of archive a page was.
tbbrown, jacky and hans63us[d] joined the channel
↩️ Yup, I see those links, but I don't see any webmention requests in Bridgy's logs for any posts on http://jeremysarber.com. You'll see them under "Published:" on https://brid.gy/twitter/jeremysarber#publishes as soon as they happen. Sorry I can't help more yet. Good luck!
↩️ Yup, I see those links, but I don't see any webmention requests in Bridgy's logs for any posts on http://jeremysarber.com. You'll see them under "Published:" on https://brid.gy/twitter/jeremysarber#publishes as soon as they happen. Sorry I can't help more yet. Good luck!
↩️ Yes, I have two. <a href="https://brid.gy/publish/mastodon"></a> and <a href="https://brid.gy/publish/twitter"></a>
alex11, tbbrown and mro joined the channel
New article w/ Naomi Yamashita & @rhondamcewen in @socialmedia_soc! We analyzed GitHub issues to find breakdowns when syndicating between http://brid.gy and Facebook. Results explore how alternative social media can coexist w/ the corporate web https://doi.org/10.1177/20563051221077032
tetov-irc joined the channel
jacky, franklen[d], sayanarijit[d] and justAstache joined the channel
which is _technically_ all of the 'valid' properties for an mf obj, no?
What is that used for?
I also see "iwc:" interestingly.
It's used for microsub, and it's what webmention.io returns
So that helps LD users import jf2
jacky: no, it's not, because jf2 does not define what mf objects can be
nor does the w3c
Right, because mf2/jf2 is general
gerben and [fluffy] joined the channel
Question for #IndieWeb users: what do you use for microblogging/personal website with notes/webmention?
tbbrown, cygnoir[d], jacky and barnaby joined the channel