#dev 2022-03-05

2022-03-05 UTC
ShinyCyril, marksuth[d], Darius_Dunlap[d], darkkirb and prologic joined the channel
Anyone interested in working with me to define and build an indieweb-style messaging/chat/im ?
Not something I think I could help with at the moment, but I'll follow with interest
prologic: Maybe stop by Create Day tomorrow and someone will come up
there be dragons
Well if anyone is interested hit me up on IRC :)
I probably won't make it tomorrow sorry, family time :)
matrix is probably the best example of a modern attempt at that. XMPP before
I disagree :)
i will just tell you now, creating an alternative is more a marketing problem than a technology problem
You are right, this is absolutely true
For example trying to convince your family/friends to join Signal, because it's arguably probably the only decent e2e encrypted service that actually gives two shits about your privacy and security is a "hard" task
not impossible mind you, but hard
But of course it's a "centralised" service and a "centralised platform" -- everyone needs to be on it, etc (Uggh)
for all it's good points, those are it's own downsides
johnnrs[d], angelo, kandr3s, polezaivsani, oodani, tetov-irc and jacky joined the channel; prologic left the channel
been working on a 'composite' editor https://7c20aa03fc15.ngrok.io/web/composer
the hope is that, by using the properties a endpoint defines for a post type, I can make an editor ask what kind of post one would like and it'd present a form with said fields (optional ones not immediately shown)
ShinyCyril, barryf[d] and [schmarty] joined the channel
jacky++ this is very cool!
jacky has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (60 in all channels)
heh I was actually building this with you in mind [schmarty] from our prior discussions on it
that "Edit For" button would be the way to craft posts on the fly
it's a bit like the icon of posts that Quill has
right now, I'm trying to generate the mf2 json on the fly
jacky, mro and ShinyCyril joined the channel
I got a glimpse of it and am pretty excited to see where it goes. Visiting from my phone and found that it refreshed every few seconds so I couldn't dig too deep 😅
jacky: do you have a writeup of your various code bits and their status somewhere?
poked around a bit on git.jacky.wtf, but thats a bit unclear without deep digging
[schmarty] oh yeah, it's living on my computer
sknebel: I _should_ but I do not
I think I might make the Wiki live as that
could always put it in the IW wiki temporarily in/under your user page
if "need a wiki first" is the barrier right now :D
heh right
jacky joined the channel
jacky: ooh just reading your updates to the Lwa page. i was just talking about the PWA-with-a-proxy approach with a friend this week. i feel very vaildated to see you building that way 😂
(i've been thinking too deeply about trying to do everything in the browser and falling back on the proxy only when the browser can't, like because of CORS)
heh that's where I'm at - the browser can do the work of stitching together the mf2 json pretty well; anything else that _has_ to live on a server can be put there :)
counterpoint for relative dates: I find that kind of date much easier to immediately parse. Like, right now I look at Maggie's site and see it says "1 week ago" which is *way* easier for me to immediately grok than if it said something like 22/02/22. And for most content, just a vague idea of age (x months, x years, etc.) is all you really need to know to properly understand its context. The exact date is overly specific 🙂
mro joined the channel
(and that's not even taking into account how hard it is to read dates thanks to the variety of possible formats. Is 01/02/22 in Feb or Jan? Who knows! But 1 months ago, that makes sense)
Murray[d]: yeah, that's why I always adapt timestamps to local human friendly vlaues like that
like values that wouldn't require math to determine how far it is from right no
There are some people who have a mix...for the first few days it is human time differences, then after that it is absolute dates
ShinyCyril joined the channel
hm that does make sense when it's 'old enough'
I can understand that but I wonder whether the only reason older dates seem less confusing is that people will just look at the year and ignore the rest; they effectively convert to "x years ago" themselves, so it might be better to just provide that directly. Though I'm aware I use absolute dates on my own site, so a bit hypocritical 😀 It's interesting to think about though 🙂
Well, I have situational dates to a degree
A day based archive only shows the years next to the posts.
Year based archives don't show the year, as that is in big letters at the top, etc
[snarfed] joined the channel
one common pattern (GitHub, Twitter, Bridgy, etc) is to render a relative time but also show the absolute date in a tooltip on hover
(and in mf2 values, obviously)
strugee and jamietanna joined the channel
jacky++ Lwa looks awesome!
jacky has 20 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
[schmarty]: this is the 'fleshed out' idea for the proxy https://indieweb.org/Lwa#Web_Proxy
it's taking a few cues from /IndieAuth
lagash, angelo, cygnoir[d], jacky, ShinyCyril, barnaby, ben_thatmustbeme, mro, mro_ and kandr3s joined the channel
This proxy looks great!!
kandr3s joined the channel
now for implementing :)
shaunix[d], mro, kandr3s, mro_, ShinyCyril, [tw2113_Slack_] and barnaby joined the channel