2022-03-11 UTC
marksuth[d], P1000[d], johnnrs[d], jacky, gRegor, Seirdy and [snarfed] joined the channel
Crypto[d] joined the channel
# 04:46 [tw2113_Slack_] ordered most to least recently read
# 04:46 [tw2113_Slack_] Much React
gerben, angelo, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and justAstache4 joined the channel
# 10:00 Loqi [rayrag] Pockit: A tiny, powerful, modular computer [video]
# 10:00 capjamesg[d] > Sometimes the point of a technology is not its direct utility but to carry forth or promote an idea.
tetov-irc, jacky, Pharalia and sayanarijit[d] joined the channel
# 16:15 [tantek] aaronpk, like something that aggregates birthdays from people's h-cards and then displays it in a calendar form?
# 16:15 aaronpk exactly! start with a list of people, say /chat-names, crawl the sites for h-cards and show all the birthdays in a single calendar
# 16:16 [tantek] and then Loqi could wish people happy birthday in the #indieweb-chat channel too!
# 16:18 jacky ooh I do expose my birthday on my site :)
# 16:18 Loqi A birthday is the date when someone is born; some IndieWeb sites display their owner’s birthday, or provide a special display or custom theme on the date and month of the birthday itself https://indieweb.org/birthday
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
# 16:20 aaronpk ooh that looks nicer than the balloons i have now
# 16:21 [tantek] I like sebsel's approach, I may write some code to do that
# 16:22 jacky I'd like to do that adjacent to where my h-card appears on my site and do ballons on my /about page
# 16:22 jacky aaronpk: if you do, try the "Side" approach! (so it doesn't cover your content)
# 16:24 jacky lol this can go all the way to show horoscopes
jacky and tbbrown joined the channel
# 19:16 jacky hm so I'm either just noticing an error in how Mastodon marks up h-cards, they use `p-author h-card` versus a `u-author h-card`
# 19:21 jacky true, I guess that I was expecting it to be a u- property since they've went as far as including something like a u-url
# 19:22 jacky I guess I need to massage my reply context a bit
jacky joined the channel
# 19:56 aaronpk some day i will remember how to use min-width and max-width
Christian_Olivie joined the channel
# 20:56 jacky yeah channels are great for organizations (and tbh, make the content of feed generation a lot simpler)
# 20:57 jacky I could even make a dedicated one for 'media' (photos, videos, audio, etc) and the like :D
barnaby, angelo, jacky, gerben_, darkkirb_, tbbrown_, [benjaminchait], [aciccarello], ben_thatmustbeme, e-snail and tetov-irc joined the channel
# 23:36 [tantek] jacky, yes p-author h-card is legit, the "usual" use of an author property is to get a display name of the author and "p-author h-card" works that way, to set the "plain text" value of the p-author to the p-name from the nested h-card
# 23:37 jacky I guess then if I _actually_ want the URL of their h-card, I should always check the .properties.url value
ShinyCyril joined the channel