#dev 2022-03-12

2022-03-12 UTC
gRegor, johnnrs[d], jacky, Seirdy, ShinyCyril, trig[d], voxpelli, IntriguedWow[d], tetov-irc, doosboox, MarkJR84[d], chee, BinarySavior, ben_thatmustbeme, [aciccarello] and awakenjake joined the channel
↩️ Yes, it's called webmention You grab all your social media reactions(like, retweets and comments) and display them as comments on your blog I wrote an article about this
jacky and ShinyCyril joined the channel
Trying to parse this in php-mf2 throws out a lot of garbage https://blog.google/products/pixel/feature-drop-march-2022/
jacky joined the channel
Alternatively, one could use Indieauth. Build a Web3 authentication flow with React, Ether.js, and Ceramic https://blog.logrocket.com/build-web3-authentication-flow-react-ether-js-ceramic/
angelo joined the channel
Looks like we have some pretty interesting things happening here today. What else did I miss?
There is a lot of cruft in there. I wonder if we need a rule to strip empty h- items
barryf[d] joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: That was what I was wondering.
angelo, jacky and tetov-irc joined the channel