#dev 2022-03-13

2022-03-13 UTC
ShinyCyril joined the channel
Also, a double - in a property name, like h-u-whatever is that allowed? I know x is, but...
Seirdy, hepphepp[d], cygnoir[d] and prologic joined the channel
IN order to prevent abuse of a websub's callback, you can verify you actually have a valid and confirmed subscription to the hubendpoint for self -- How how shall I respond to such bogus inbound notifs?
410 Gone by the looks of the RFC
Is this right?
mro, dovedozen[d], tetov-irc and jacky joined the channel
GWG: I am not sure I understand the question. You can have as many - in an mf2 property as you want: “one or more '-' separated lowercase a-z words.”
how does one compute 'feed frequency'?
like I figure that you could find the delta between two 'published_at' values in a set of posts
and from there, determine the average in change between those deltas
I do it based on whether it changes between fetches
Zegnat: I thought there was something on single letters
aaronpk: that's clever
agh vim-isms leaking out lol
I'm thinking about adding this to my site but I can see this being helpful for a microsub server to inject into timeline info
inoreader shows "posts per week", not sure if thats last week or an average over X time
toby3d[d] joined the channel
that could be
capjamesg[d] and [snarfed] joined the channel
superfeedr's has a feed velocity measurement: https://documentation.superfeedr.com/schema.html#velocity
jacky joined the channel
ahh thanks [snarfed]
that's the bit I think I needed to understand maybe
a unit to measure and then maybe see what to go from there
Bridgy also tracks and uses webmention and syndication link velocity (similar to feed velocity), eg https://brid.gy/about#missing
laker[d], mro, Asaf_Agranat[d], jacky, angelo, alex11, mro_ and ShinyCyril joined the channel
regarding Vouch, I wonder if it's useful for people to consider something like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trust_on_first_use
like if I've sent a Webmention to someone before and then I've recieved one from them, using those links as 'vouches' of 'good faith' especially if one's own internal moderation hasn't flagged them as such
as a low friction (but also low marker) for vouches (since we can send multiple, it couldn't hurt)
yes! trust on first use is a great technique
can also use it as pass/fail, not necessarily part of Vouch at all
oh like pass/fail for validating the Webmention itself?
sure, as an alternative to Vouch instead of part of it
ah okay
but both are doable
MarkJR84[d], chenghiz_ and tetov-irc joined the channel; prologic left the channel
hah, jacky: https://web.resource.org/rss/1.0/modules/syndication/#description : "Description: Provides syndication hints to aggregators and others picking up this RDF Site Summary (RSS) feed regarding how often it is updated."
looks like WordPress RSS feeds include its sy:updatePeriod and sy:updateFrequency elements, eg https://snarfed.org/feed
[benjaminchait] joined the channel