#dev 2022-03-15

2022-03-15 UTC
the way i see it, <img> vs <video> is a semantic difference; animated vs static is a perceptual difference.
oh and <audio>
<audio> should support video tracks but not display the video, <video> should support audio (maybe display a waveform?), <img> should support <video> but make it non-interactive.
hang on gonna reconnect
Seirdy joined the channel
<video> with an audio track automatically displaying a waveform or spectrum analyser would be amazing
or just showing the poster attribute if provided
<video src="" milkdrop=""> :D
ha ha yeah or classic visualiser support
jacky, Murray[d] and Seirdy joined the channel
sknebel: s/milkdrop/projectm/
theres a version of projectm that uses wasm and webgl2
gRegor and Seirdy joined the channel
sknebel: yeah it's called Butterchurn: https://github.com/jberg/butterchurn
tho tbh i'd much rather avoid butterchurn and use native milkdrop when possible given the need to minimize latency
[jberg] butterchurn: Butterchurn is a WebGL implementation of the Milkdrop Visualizer
projectm support for pipewire would be great
jacky, zerok[m], Seirdy0, [jgmac1106], [schmarty]1, Jamietanna2, whatisthis, stevestreza, gRegor, gRegorLove_ and angelo joined the channel
I spent part of the weekend working on code to turn the WordPress REST API into microformats.
I keep turning everything into mf2 or jf2
jacky and gRegorLove__ joined the channel
<video> with a poster attribute can have audio <source>s, and even captions, but browser support has been inconsistent over time https://martymcgui.re/2017/10/17/native-html5-captions-and-titles-for-audio-content-with-webvtt/
gRegorLove__ and mro joined the channel
↩️ [[neil]] told me about [[http://brid.gy]], I think it might help with this? I have it on my todo to try.
Apple supports jpeg 2000, no one else does. Which is a bit of a shame as it had some nice characteristics
Like reducing detail by truncating the bitstream
So you could use the same file for multiple resolutions, just read enough as you need, though that would mean changing the fetch/render split in browsers.
So that "blurry placeholder" thing that Medium vs others were dying a while ago could happen automatically.
But you'd need to couple your http2 reading with the image size decision code.
jeremy, mro and tetov-irc joined the channel
jamietanna: Did that post help any?
Yes thanks was good to see your thoughts ☺ will see if there's anything to apply into this version. Is Parse This hosteable somewhere? Would be good to have the same hosted service idea for it so others can consume it
jamietanna[m]: I host it inside every site equipped with it..I suppose that I could do a public instance
Yeah I guess I'm thinking more a public way of sending an arbitrary url and getting the response in/from the various formats you support
↩️ Good question! https://brid.gy/ copies your posts, https://fed.brid.gy/ federates them. Sounds like you might be interested in https://fed.brid.gy/.
jamietanna[m]: There's an endpoint... it just requires a token.
jamietanna[m]: Also, my code goes mf2, WordPress rest api, json-ld, meta
It also special cases a few sites
jacky, mro, alex11, sayanarijit[d] and shaunix[d] joined the channel
are there any python-based indieweb projects that could use some love?
Darius_Dunlap[d] joined the channel
what is python
Python is a programming language and web server runtime environment used for many IndieWeb projects https://indieweb.org/Python
indieweb-utils could use some love 🙂
jacky linked a great page above too 🙂
[capjamesg] indieweb-utils: Utilities to aid the implementation of various IndieWeb specifications and functionalities. Built with Python.
I saw the python page. Mainly wondering if anything in particular has a priority need for contributors
I will check out indieweb-utils then :)
reviving silopub could be a good project https://indieweb.org/silo.pub
oh yeah silo.pub would be dope
[kylewm] woodwind: Unsophisticated stream-style indieweb reader supporting h-feed and xml formats
I probably won't be focusing much on anything to do with silos myself. Woodwind looks cool
reviving woodwind and making it work with microsub could be an interesting project too
mro and angelo joined the channel
https://pypi.org/project/Flask-IndieAuth/ could use some love 😅
mro joined the channel
jacky has 23 karma in this channel over the last year (64 in all channels)
jacky++ capjamesg[d]++ [KevinMarks]++ [schmarty]1++ thanks for the suggestions, everyone
hmmmm, that doesn't work on one line, huh? or does it only print the first one?
aaronpk There's a feature request for Loqi :)_
e-snail++ for offering to help, and Loqi recognizes first and last, like woodwind++
e-snail has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
woodwind has 1 karma over the last year
gRegor joined the channel
well then...
capjamesg[d] has 33 karma in this channel over the last year (80 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] has 21 karma in this channel over the last year (44 in all channels)
[schmarty]1 has 1 karma over the last year
schmarty has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (24 in all channels)
ehehe with my wrong IRC-name i can karma myself 😏
mro joined the channel
from #indieweb-chat: use-case to generalize / expand upon: using silo-specific metacrap for rotating PSAs critical of said silo
e-snail the most important python indieweb project is mf2py, it's definitely been looking for contributors recently! https://github.com/microformats/mf2py/issues
[snarfed]++ that's a good one
[snarfed] has 31 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
do any regular chat users have a static site gen setup?
jacky joined the channel
e-snail: my site is primarily hugo-powered. i have a micropub endpoint based on https://github.com/skpy/micropub which writes files to a git repo. that git repo triggers a webhook on my "publisher". the publisher pulls the latest from git and does some updates to the hugo data, builds the site, syncs the changed output files, sends webmentions and websub notifications.
[skpy] micropub: a minimal PHP micropub endpoint, with media support
[schmarty]1: this is the kind of setup I'm envisioning (right now all I have is that commits to content repo auto-rebuild the site)
I'm gonna be stealing a lot of ideas from you I think :)
something I'm not clear on about webmentions: how are multiple sends dealt with? For my case, if I lose or mess up the cache, seems like that'd result in re-sending all the webmentions over again
yeah, thats fine
ok, sweet
zachburau[d] joined the channel
like, dont send webmentions for your entire site every time you do anything on it (not that people also haven't done that...), but yeah, receivers are expected to handle repeats. E.g. if you edit a post, you also inform linked sites that you did by just resending the same thing
Unsubscribed from all RSS Feeds that only deliver their headlines or headline and a very small excerpt. Really like the idea of reading the whole post in the feed actually and being forced to visit the website and leave my reader.
ok, I added "https://twitter.com/marcthiele/status/1503679968580182023?s=20&t=1Io8-6dn6LwSGuTsnuglyw" to the "See Also" section of /RSS https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=80115&oldid=79687
e-snail: I use a combination of Gatsby and NextJS SSGs on my site, and will likely add Eleventy to that list at some point this year 😄
although I use a hosted CMS as my actual content store/database, so it's more of a hybrid approach
Murray[d]: how come you use multiple generators?
e-snail I use Eleventy for my site
barnaby joined the channel
e-snail: I have a couple of microsites that I consider all the same site, based on subdomains e.g. lp.theadhocracy.co.uk
I built my main site in Gatsby, but by the time I started working on the other bits and pieces I preferred NextJS. This way, I can rebuild the parts of the site that make sense, rather than wasting build minutes on everything
I've really liked this pattern and plan to continue breaking my site up. I'll likely split my journal and reviews out of my main site this year and use that opportunity to dig into Eleventy and web components a bit more
makes sense
jacky joined the channel
thanks to Netlify's use of web hooks, I just have some buttons in my CMS (Craft) that will trigger the rebuilds that I need. I'm considering adding some automation to this in the future, but right now manually hitting those buttons works well enough
e-snail looks like /static_site_generator has some indieweb examples listed
[aciccarello]: thanks, I saw that; I'm hoping to find the intersection of those (and the other static* pages) and people who spend a lot of time in chat :)
Yeah, I just realized that I could add myself to that page today 😁
e-snail I use Hugo, and for a while I was webmentioning everyone from every page, on every site deploy. It got better, but I think it's still in a bit of a broken state, sending more webmentions than needed
diegov joined the channel
for webmentions (and other things that should only happen on new/changed pages), i have been really happy with `rsync -i`
it outputs a line for each new/updated/deleted file with a little summary of what changed
so after the hugo build, my publisher does an rsync to the actual place the files are served from and rsync provides that nice list of what actually changed. the publisher then uses that list to only send webmentions, websub updates, etc. for new or updated pages.
(it would totally send out webmentions for every page if i made a template update that affects each page, though. i have a threshold check that skips webmentions if the changed files list is thousands long)
jacky joined the channel
schmarty has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (25 in all channels)
gRegor joined the channel
what are webmentions
Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/webmentions
need some inspo
whew those examples could _probably_ go on their own page lol
or maybe moved further down
presumably you also exclude the index and tag pages?
jacky joined the channel
I like the idea of a service that consumes the feed from the site directly for determining webmentions
edburns[d] joined the channel
the inspo I was looking for seems to exist with https://indieweb.org/Telegraph
tetov-irc joined the channel
if you want to test your /reply-context, def try liking content on [tantek]'s site :)
def puts it to the test
I had to add a special case to catch the use of `p-name e-content` here https://jacky.wtf/2022/3/5f/5foU8zanELK-fKzZXL6jnstc
(I need to work on my slugs)
Seirdy joined the channel