#dev 2022-03-25

2022-03-25 UTC
gRegor, mossymaker[d], gRegorLove_, jjuran, [tw2113_Slack_], GWG, cybi and mro joined the channel
↩️ + on top of those four distinct parts: Authoring should have a standardized server API (Micropub) to enable interchangeable clients Consumption should have a standardized server API (Microsub) to enable interchangeable readers Comments should be self-hosted through Webmention
petermolnar, jjuran, cybi, mro, Seb[d], gRegorLove_ and tetov-irc joined the channel
Rückblick auf den CloudFest Hackathon 2022 #ionos #wordpress #indieweb #webmention #pluginkollektiv https://www.ionos.de/newsroom/news/rueckblick-auf-den-cloudfest-hackathon-2022/
jacky, [pfefferle], mro, cybi, gRegor, Seirdy, epoch, justOkay, barnaby, [schmarty], mro_, Christian_Olivie and prologic joined the channel
Can anyone actually confirm whether Apple finally added support for Web Push Notifications in iOS 15.4? As per https://9to5mac.com/2022/01/31/ios-15-4-hints-at-ar-vr-headset-support-and-push-notifications-coming-to-web-apps/
Does not seem to work for me
How did you test this?
still in the preview afaik
Murray[d], tetov-irc, [chrisaldrich] and cybi joined the channel
jacky and ShinyCyril joined the channel