#dev 2022-03-26

2022-03-26 UTC
gRegor, ShinyCyril, epoch, darkkirb, jacky, mro, jamietanna and prologic joined the channel
Jamietanna: i just got your webmention reply and it looks like you have an extra e-content in the markup so my site didn't parse it properly
there's no need for the e-content on the <aside> since that's what you're replying to, not part of your own post
Woops, thanks! I'd not seen that in my testing will look at fixing that ta%
mro, tetov-irc and mro_ joined the channel; prologic left the channel
Is a missing h-cite that did it?
Zegnat joined the channel
oh yeah
blockquote[cite] is a good one
I wonder if that should be added to the mf2 parsing flow
granted it's not 'clickable'
alex11, jamietanna, [tantek] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I thought we did mention it
Asaf_Agranat[d] joined the channel
ShinyCyril, gerben and [dariusdunlap] joined the channel
FWIW, I’m in the middle of reworking my various websites, including moving my primary “home” to dariusdunlap.com. Since most of my stuff is wordpress, I’m using this as an opportunity to brush up my PHP skillz. 🙃
I haven’t met the other Darius. Maybe someday a photo opp will present itself. Kazemi sounds like maybe a persian name. A true Darius. I’m an interloper with a father who was a history student when I was born.
Anything I can do to help?
Jeremiah[d] joined the channel
Most of my difficulty, so far, is around the complexity of moving from a domain and email that I’ve used as my primary personal site for ages. But I’m about to dive in to setup dariusdunlap.com to work just the way I want, so I greatly appreciate the offer.
Of course, I’ll update anything I figure out or ask for help on anything WordPress in the #indieweb-wordpress channel.
[jeremycherfas], mro and justOkay joined the channel
[KevinMarks] That is a really interesting article.
I didn't know about a lot of those things.
The optgroup especially caught my eye.
[jacky] I think I was remembering the citations discussion
barnaby and eb joined the channel
Hi all, I sent this in the wrong channel first! What is the recommended authorization endpoint provider for selfhosting? It seems most people just use relme with indielogin, and this is disappointing to me because it feels as if it's becoming close to it's own silo. All of the ones I have found seem to be unmaintained/a second thought
eb: some people tend to spin up their own!
what are indieauth servers
It looks like we don't have a page for "indieauth servers" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indieauth servers is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Asking what *the* recommended self-hosted provider isn't really any better than everyone using a single hosted one anyway ;-)
But also I assume you mean IndieAuth.com not IndieLogin because IndieLogin isn't an IndieAuth authorization server
gxt joined the channel
aaronpk: I suppose it's not? It's still the default that many websites use, even if it's not a conventional server. Re: Not better to use the "common choice", having clicked each one, one of the following applies (assumes you have a certain stack, lacks screenshots, is unmaintained)
IndieLogin is not an IndieAuth server, it's an IndieAuth client that some IndieWebCamp websites like indieweb.org use
jacky joined the channel
sorry, perhaps I am not up to speed on termonology. As I understand it, first websites will look for authorization_endpoint, and if they don't find it use something like indielogin. I would like to selfhost my own authorization_endpoint, but am having trouble finding one that has screenshots/seems mantained
Sort of, websites will look for an authorization endpoint and if they don't find one they might then do some other domain verification like RelMeAuth.
IndieLogin wraps that whole process in an API for websites like indieweb.org to use, which keeps that logic out of MediaWiki. But it's not open for general use, it's just for a few IndieWebCamp sites
As far as self hosted authorization endpoints, that list on the wiki links to all the ones I know about. I'd say the WordPress Plugin is probably the most up to date and reliable, and there's also the Drupal one. Obviously if you aren't already running wordpress or Drupal that's a bit overkill. Selfauth is a minimal one that should be easy to deploy. I can't remember the state of the Ruby one but I
think it was in good shape last time I looked too
aaronpk: I'm flattered by the complement
Thank you for that list. I'm aware the wordpress one is in quite a good state, the hard thing is that I don't use wordpress or drupal! The ruby one looked like a library, not a selfhost solution. That leaves selfauth, that is indeed selfhostable although PHP is a turn off (but not a dealbreaker)
Christian_Olivie, cybi and tetov-irc joined the channel