#dev 2022-03-31
2022-03-31 UTC
jacky joined the channel
johnnrs[d] joined the channel
jacky, mro, alex11, petermolnar, chrwahl[d], cybi, tetov-irc and doosboox joined the channel
# @philgyford saw the post on Webmentions, is there any thinking about how one avoids the spam problems that killed off Trackbacks? ( twitter.com/_/status/1509520908813225998)
# ↩️ With webmentions, you should verify that the post does link to you, rather than just trusting the trackback. That gives you the option to implement blocklists and allowlists too. It then becomes the @ mention problem. ( twitter.com/_/status/1509523320923852803)
lidialandete, mro, chenghiz_ and cybi joined the channel
# ↩️ The Indieweb will really have hit the big time when the cr-pto spam tweeters start blogging and using webmentions too! ( twitter.com/_/status/1509548511850901513)
mro and cybi joined the channel
# Technical advisors to the team include Martin Kleppmann (@martinkl), author of Designing Data-Intensive Applications, and @Whyrusleeping (Jeromy Johnson), lead engineer on @IPFS and @Filecoin. ( twitter.com/_/status/1509578372233322508)
# Excited to introduce our first hires and technical advisors! https://blueskyweb.xyz/blog/2-31-2022-initial-bluesky-team ( twitter.com/_/status/1509578367074328588)
# Paul Frazee (@pfrazee) is a protocol engineer and full-stack web developer. Paul previously built Patchwork, the first application using the @securescuttleb1 distributed social protocol, and @BeakerBrowser, the first web browser for the @HypercoreProto distributed web protocol. ( twitter.com/_/status/1509578368735272982)
cybi joined the channel
mro_, kimberlyhirsh[d], balupton[d], hoenir, Silicon[d], corenominal[d], laker[d], shaunix[d], Nan[d], tracydurnell[d], wackycity[d], indieweb-irc-bri, capjamesg[d], marksuth[d], cybi and jacky joined the channel
aaronpk[d], sebbu2, Ramon[d], cybi, aspenmayer[d], lanodan, edburns[d], rattroupe[d], tetov-irc and [schmarty] joined the channel
niklasfyi[d] joined the channel
jacky joined the channel