#dev 2022-04-02
2022-04-02 UTC
darkkirb, johnnrs[d], cybi, jacky, p, hans63us[d] and angelo joined the channel
cybi, mro, gRegor, angelo and tetov-irc joined the channel
# beler hi all, there is this login with domain functionality in indieweb. is is possible to support multiple users per domain? maybe something like user1@domain.tld, user2@domain.tld,... as a username ?
# beler is it possible to use email-adress style also?
# beler whats the reson indieweb dont support that?
# beler it doesn matter with url path I choose right? can also be /.../..../user1
# sknebel you can also set it up so that long path gets discovered during the login process. so the user starts authentication by putting in "example.com", and then during the login example.com figures out "ok, this is user1", and then at the end tells the site you are logging into the full path for user1
mro joined the channel
# beler interessting,can you elaborate that user writes domain.tld , press login, then ..how is the user path found?
# beler without further user interactions, maybe using browser cookies?
cybi joined the channel
# beler does redirection plays a role?
# beler so I can put <link rel="me" href="https://domain.tld/authEndpoint" /> on https://domain.tld and the user can now login with "https://domain.tld" which is then redirected to the authEndpoint for this domain
# beler on the endpoint it is figured out which user it is
# beler after that the endpoint confirms to the app login was successfull or not
# beler why should I use indieauth instead of the rel=me ? this rel=me thing seems so beautifully simple
# beler its great for onbaoarding, yes. I experienced it as super simple. I was using "mailto:" because I dont have socialmedia :P
# beler so indieAuth covers more than auth? name misleading?
# beler I now understand how the relme auth works, time to dig deeper into indieauth. I want to understand the basics and dont want to install a plugin that just works out of the box. can you recommend me ressources (https://indiewebify.me/ was a good tutorial to understand relme ) ?
# beler thanks sknebel for answering my questions!
# aaronpk I didn't read the whole convo here but this is a guide I wrote that hopefully explains some https://aaronparecki.com/2021/04/13/26/indieauth
jacky joined the channel
# chewing_bever very nice, i just deployed my website's backend written in Rust! now i can start implementing some indieweb features such as webmention, it's also a lot nicer to upload a tarball containing my site instead of having to redeploy a docker image every time
# jacky chewing_bever: we have a Rust microformats2 parser https://gitlab.com/maxburon/microformats-parser
# jacky and I have a library of some common operations at https://docs.rs/indieweb/latest/indieweb/
mro joined the channel
# chewing_bever oh interesting, i'm gonna bookmark those actually
# chewing_bever i was planning on implementing everything myself just for fun, but ill probably be taking some inspiration from your work
# chewing_bever well i'm still at square one right now, i literally just switched from Nginx to axum ;p
# chewing_bever https://git.rustybever.be/Chewing_Bever/site-backend
# chewing_bever here's the code tho
# chewing_bever kinda happy with the deploy process rn tbh, my ci builds my hugo static frontend, puts it in a tarball & POSTs it to my backend
# chewing_bever so rn my server really is just a static file server, but i needed a base to start implementing other features, such as webmention
# chewing_bever yessir, love using it, got a few runners set up, i use it a lot actually
mro and cybi joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] I love that sentiment.
chenghiz_, cybi and mro joined the channel
# capjamesg[d] I didn’t realize there were pushes for interoperable messaging applications.
# capjamesg[d] Is this the kind of thing that people want?
# capjamesg[d] I’m surprised I haven’t heard more about this.
# capjamesg[d] [snarfed] are there any good summaries?
# capjamesg[d] The article I just skimmed was opinion so I’d like abother source.
# capjamesg[d] *another
# capjamesg[d] Oh wow.
# capjamesg[d] I just read the Wikipedia page. This is very big indeed.
# capjamesg[d] I am all for interoperability but am a bit concerned about it from the security perspective.
# capjamesg[d] I don’t know how hard it is to implement end to end encryption but I would bet it required a large amount of work and very specific knowledge.
# capjamesg[d] [snarfed] how much of this legislation do you think will get through without being watered down?
# capjamesg[d] This seems like it could be a battle comparable to Disney and it’s copyright protection interests.
jacky, ShinyCyril and cjw6k joined the channel
ShinyCyril, mro and cybi joined the channel
# @kinduff ↩️ Utterances is pretty nice, or you can always go full blown Webmention https://indieweb.org/Webmention (twitter.com/_/status/1510330944372281346)
# jamietanna aaronpk do you know if OwnCast use a "real" OAuth library? I recently did a Go OAuth integration for micropub-go (https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/micropub-go/-/commit/76e6430bb90f6b74e418b5b311d4d3bdb3e472d8) that may be of interest for inspiration
# jamietanna Ignore me, I scrolled back and found https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2022-04-01/1648849793227200 with the PR link
# aaronpk jamietanna: Is the OAuth library you used listed here? If not can you add it? https://oauth.net/code/go/
# jamietanna aaronpk yes it's the client library in there, and then I used an additional library for PKCE, as that's not out-of-the-box
# jamietanna yeah I think given we're now more extension-to-OAuth2 it makes it much easier
# jamietanna (whereas before I saw it more as extension-and-some-tweaks-to-OAuth2)
# [tantek] this seems like it would resonate with folks here: https://dev.to/tigt/making-the-worlds-fastest-website-and-other-mistakes-56na
# Loqi Performance typically refers to the speed, responsiveness, and initial load of a website; performance may also refer to the post type, performance https://indieweb.org/performance
# [tantek] performance << 2022-03-15 [https://dev.to/tigt/making-the-worlds-fastest-website-and-other-mistakes-56na Making the world’s fastest website, and other mistakes]
# Loqi ok, I added "2022-03-15 [https://dev.to/tigt/making-the-worlds-fastest-website-and-other-mistakes-56na Making the world’s fastest website, and other mistakes]" to the "See Also" section of /performance https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=80583&oldid=76299
niklasfyi[d] and ShinyCyril joined the channel
# jamietanna aaronpk do you know how we'd go about testing the OwnCast PR? Got it running locally, but can't work out where to go to log in
# jamietanna For anyone else looking, once we build it, https://www.vultr.com/docs/how-to-use-owncast-with-obs-on-ubuntu-20-04 i.e. can be used to get a stream started
ShinyCyril and gRegor joined the channel
# jamietanna but no dice on how to get to the login view :thinking:
ShinyCyril joined the channel
totertats, nonhymn[d], nertzy, ShinyCyril, cybi, tetov-irc, [jgmac1106]1 and Murray[d] joined the channel