#dev 2022-04-03

2022-04-03 UTC
p1, gRegor, ShinyCyril, nertzy, nertzy_, cybi, angelo, mro, tetov-irc and Christian_Olivie joined the channel
good morning, does I understand is right?::
the relme auth needs only html von the site of the user which want to login
and in comparison the indieauth needs POST APIs on both sites (server and user)
so server and user communicate using API endpoints instead of parsing the HTML and do the rel-me thing.
cybi and jacky joined the channel
so now webmention information can appear in feeds (though it's exposing a bit of a jam in the async processing queue) https://imgur.com/gsH4Zau
things like OPD and PTD run during processing so it'd (ideally) go from "Sent a Webmention" to "LIked x's post"
next thing would be allowing for a Webmention to be resent from that feed with a button (and/or example cURL code for 'advanced' users)
cybi and nertzy_ joined the channel
I have a big backlog of received webmentions to process for my blog, but the edge cases are holding me back. I’m especially concerned about names. They change for a variety of reasons, and I want to make sure mentions are always up to date.
^I feel like that's a valid concern
I thought about pulling out author info and keeping it as a URL so I can resolve them independently and merge it in as I went along (like when showing a feed of webmentions for example)
but that'd break aaronpk's custom profile image based on emoji
there's a special case when it could be a embedded h-card or just a URL and if it's only a URL, resolve as necessary
the author can "push" an update to you by resending the WMs
although using a reference to an URL as a sign that it should be kept up to date to that if an update is encountered is interesting
P1000[d] joined the channel
yeah - because it isn't necessarily the 'full' form of what a h-card (with photo + name + url) would be
if there's no need for resolving (like if plain-text is okay) then it could be passed through as is
pointer to an updated page instead of locally baked in feels like the one case where you have an indication how the author intends it to be used
for an on-the-page card you cant directly tell if thats going to stay or going to be updated
that's a good point
like why else would they go through the "trouble" of publishing all of that info?
I guess one could also attempt to detect it. i.e. if you see "same author, different information", you could spot-check 1-2 older references
and see if those have hcanged
but thats pretty advanced
heh yeah
I _could_ do something like that since I convert incoming Webmentions into MF2+JSON
do a JSONPath query lookup to get values that changed
(from the stored to new ones)
don't know if there's anything to surface to the user tho (like if the author's updated - should the webmention bump _up_ in the feed?)
cybi joined the channel
(probably not - only if there's a new `updated_at` or `published_at`)
would agree with that, yes
mro joined the channel
so I have a slight issue
I want to support /fragmention with /Lighthouse - I had this idea about highlighting parts of my site with Webmentions (so it's possible to interact with parts of content)
which, also, is a bigger plan to make another form of post type that works as a natural form of threads (a /collection of /note posts)
but the spec encourages the discarding of fragment URLs
at least in request verification
at least I'm interpreting "Note that a target URL may contain a fragment identifier, and if the receiver limits which URLs can receive Webmentions, the fragment SHOULD be ignored when checking if the URL is supported." as that
"if the receiver limits..."
and yes ignoring it only for checking if the URL is supported as one of the limited URLs that can receive webmentions
hm okay then I need to tweak my logic then to support them properly
oh never mind
it looks like I do already but fragments aren't shown in the UI
mro joined the channel
re ^ qubyte's idea of mass updating previously sent mentions, I like it too, I haven't seen much work or discussion of it before
the easiest answer is probably just to iterate through all received webmentions and "pull" them by resend their webmentions to yourself
nertzy_ and mro joined the channel
I think something like "recrawl all mentions from this site" would be a good feature to have
could be an interesting service: if you have a feed with rel-prev links and webmentions marked up with mf2, it could crawl your feed and each post and resend all wms
yeah. although tbh cleaner "just" against the storage, so I'd encourage it there too/more
[snarfed]: I can see that being useful for sending services!
nertzy joined the channel
(all _received_ wms)
sknebel yup! tradeoff is, that can't be a generic service
yeah. wasnt meant to say "dont have a service", but in reverse even if a service exist it likely makes sense to build as a feature :)
chenghiz_ and ShinyCyril joined the channel
This morning I learned that the app logo form field in this form for setting up a Google OAuth "consent screen" is a trap! Do not upload an app logo here. It will trigger a multi-day verification flow before your app can go live https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FPbhlGpVsAEYGTC.jpg
cybi joined the channel
↩️ Easiest way would be to iterate through your received mentions and rerun your wm receiving code. Could even be built as an independent service that any site could use. Feel free to jump into https://indieweb.org/discuss and/or update https://indieweb.org/Webmention-developer with your experience!
mro_ joined the channel
[KevinMarks]: yeah that's one of the things they've done to counter the oauth phishing attacks where people would upload like the google drive logo to their own oauth app
omz13 joined the channel
I have been doing things to my IndieAuth server involving tickets. And then I got thinking.
omz13: gRegor left you a message on 2021-12-08 at 3:31am UTC: I was trying out https://toolbox.imoxia.com/#authmetadisco and got an error when it was trying to redeem the authorization code. Looks like it didn't send `grant_type`
I came up with a cunning piece of choreography and orchestration that essentially lets a reader (third-party) get a token to use on-behalf-of a subject (first-party) at an audience (second-party).
It is, perhaps, like AutoAuth but using tickets.
I have written up a spec for it (ac-obo grant). And since it needed ticket stuff too, it includes ticket send/exchange/want too.
And this is all practical not theoretical. As of last week my reader could quite happily get private things from fluffy's site using it to get bearer tokens in this weird and wonderful way.
I have updated my toolbox so the resource reader at https://toolbox.imoxia.com/#fetchsomething will use this mechanism if its available. It shows trace messages so if anybody else implements it it should help.
mro, cybi, omz13 and adstew joined the channel
↩️ No I think that was the micropub stuff only. All I have is http://webmentions.io sending webhooks which get turned into GitHub issues for me to figure out.
going to have to check this out :)
mro joined the channel
been having a bit of a 'brain blast' with websub
I can see how one could use it to build a 'trending' feed of sorts
the indieweb doesn'
*doesn't own the WebSub spec, no?
oh I guess we do in a way
ShinyCyril, mro, wagle, tetov-irc and [fluffy] joined the channel