#dev 2022-04-11

2022-04-11 UTC
jacky, ben_thatmustbeme, doosboox, joshproehl and GWG joined the channel
Can you send a link to a live example? I'm using Jaws and would be happy to test solutions. And yeah, VoiceOver is the Internet Explorer of screen readers, at least on the Mack.
[arush]: https://seirdy.one/2020/11/23/website-best-practices.html. Long-ass article; skip to the "Changing text direction" section (heading-3, the second subsection of the "Machine Translation" section). That has the "Ahmed Shadeed" example.
I'll be updating it later today to include the "apostrophe + s" inside the link, so i could save a copy of the page as-is right now, one sec
[Rohan Kumar] An opinionated list of best practices for textual websites
ok here's a snapshot of the page as-is, which should last after I update the page: https://0x0.st/ob7b.html
yeah voiceover is even worse than orca for articles, but seems better than orca for apps IME.
jacky, darkkirb and sp1ff joined the channel
Anyone knows an alternative to http://webmention.app for sending webmentions? This one doesn't seem to work properly most of the time, and it's not updated since 2020 :/ #ssg #webmention #indieweb
come on! 2020 was like last week!
justErkel, jacky, angelo, mossymaker[d], Xe, superkuh, [tw2113_Slack_], rhiaro, Caesar[m], cambridgeport90[, denna[m], mro and darkkirb joined the channel
↩️ I remember once seeing an @eleven_ty template that sent webmentions. I guess I need to dig through my twitter repli… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1513385613138964480
mro joined the channel
Neu im Blog: Ein kostenloses Social Media Feedback Tool mit #Bridgy, #Webmention und #WordPress https://blog.novatrend.ch/?p=7278 ^hg #indieweb
mro and hoenir joined the channel
↩️ OK I tested with Jaws latest and NVDA latest, as well as two versions back for both, and this appears to be a feature not a bug because essentially you're effecting the DOM. Probably best to use the accesslab solution, but this will prevent I18N since Aria is weird like that depending on what you're using.
tetov-irc, nertzy, jacky, petermolnar, chenghiz_, gxt, alex11 and feoh joined the channel
no reply to a PR === unmaintained + broken
that said, this feels like another case "using webmentions as a protocol vs a protocol"
warner, [schmarty], jacky, iwc-discord and IWDiscordGateway joined the channel
anyone has thoughts on https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/46 about having a specific Micropub channel for books?
channelplace book?
jacky and [aciccarello] joined the channel
oh, I hadn't seen the channels extension proposal
omz13 joined the channel
yeah it's a good one! I think especially with [manton]'s Epilogue, we could see a proliferation of content-specific clients
jacky and [kaichanvong] joined the channel
capjamesg: your webring looks broken :( https://static-site-webring.jamesg.blog/previous
capjamesg: https://lounge.warmedal.se/uploads/47c9dece4e8c1556/C38763D0-5CB6-4DF5-8BD8-746CFFD5508A.png <— that’s what I got when I clicked ”previous” on my blog
jacky and omz13 joined the channel
<capjamesg> doosboox Thanks for flagging. I need to fix this.
<capjamesg> doosboox++
doosboox has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (17 in all channels)
↩️ If you're CLI- and Python-savvy, check out Pushl, https://github.com/PlaidWeb/Pushl, which I wrote to automate sending webmentions from RSS/Atom/h-feed feeds, and it does a few other useful things too.
tracydurnell, IWDiscordGateway, petermolnar, jacky and nertzy joined the channel
capjamesg I'd also recommend running it out of development mode!
jacky joined the channel
↩️ Yeah it'd probably be possible to build a webhook-based thing around it, but that hasn't been a priority for me. It probably wouldn't be hard to make something that functions like http://webmention.app as a Heroku service though.
did someone get what exactly the problem they are having with webmention.app even is?
jacky and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
aaronpk, are you following the "self-issued OIDC" stuff at all? https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-self-issued-v2-1_0.html
vaguely but i really need to pay more attention to it
it's a huge part of the current openid meetings right now
feels like something similar should be possible with IndieAuth
something that you can use that "works" even if you personal site if temporarily offline
even if your* personal site
site is* temporarily offline
wow there's a lot of openid meetings, there's 8 this week alone
that's a bit extreme
all for different sub-groups
jacky and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
↩️ The only thing I need is: call a webhook from IFTTT, passing a blog post url. Then the thing finds the links and sends the webmentions. I could probably check whatever is being done on webmentionapp, and add that on my codebase as a cloudflare function
jacky, Seirdy and tetov-irc joined the channel
↩️ That's the tricky part. One answer people use is checking the feed, or using WebSub to trigger if you have that set up. My http://mention.tech has a webmention sending POST endpoint if you want to try that.
jacky, nertzy and [snarfed] joined the channel
jacky, I'm curious about "backfeed of comments made on https://wordpress.com blogs and ones that support commenting using one's Wordpress account," from https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=80734&oldid=80727&rcid=80630
do you mean, you post on your site, POSSE to wp.com, people comment on wp.com, and you want those comments backfeed to your site?
er backfed?