#dev 2022-04-12

2022-04-12 UTC
jacky, darkkirb, Alisa, sp1ff, [Alisa], justache, Seirdy, nertzy and strugee joined the channel
Where should my h-card be? Every blog post? Only the home page? Only my about page?
What is an h-card?
h-card is the microformats2 vocabulary for marking up people, organizations, and venues on web sites, and supersedes hCard https://indieweb.org/h-card
eb that page should give you shine useful guidance ^
There are definitely consuming use cases for having one on the posts you author and for your homepage.
What is authorship?
authorship is how to indicate who the author is for a post, and an algorithm that determines the author of a post https://indieweb.org/authorship
also more info there
How can I test a micropub server I'm running locally for testing purposes? Particularly, are there any clients where I could avoid an indieauth flow that isn't going to like redirecting to localhost?
Oh, I see a note about it in the wiki
I guess I could just send the requests manually
Webmention W3C protocol for notifying a URL when a website links to it https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webmention
tetov-irc and aaronpk joined the channel
I'm going to start doing something really crafty inspired by https://snarfed.org, making my already visible metadata (my name) enhanced with h-card (and, the horror, invisible metadata!)
thanks [chrisaldrich] and aaronpk!
jacky, nertzy, IWDiscordGateway, petermolnar, sillygwailo and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
Does anyone here use Google Lighthouse with their personal site and why?
I've messed around with it
I've thought about including the scores somewhere on my site but haven't yet
I really just care about the audit suggestions. Don't care about getting that 100% score.
<[tantek]1> "Does anyone here use Google..." <- Of course, for the same reasons I run it on clients' sites: the suggestions can provide really useful hints on how I could improve the site. But I am by no means a slave to it; I don't care about trying to get a 100% score.
The results also affect search results rankings but that's not very important to me for my personal site.
<[aciccarello]> "I've thought about including the..." <- Reminds me of the days of "valid HTML" etc badges 😄
Might be good to capture some of that experience and those opinions on its wiki page
↩ī¸ This also means I have to agree with everything upstream does — how it handles #Webmentions for example. Should they be moderated? How does one approve them? Etc etc.
↩ī¸ Added back newlines. And URls for WebMentions. Bit more CSS for fun. Avatars and replying still broken.
jacky, [calumryan] and strugee joined the channel
willnorris joined the channel
↩ī¸ My WordPress blog now picks up WebMentions. Which means if someone Tweets a link to it, or links to it from another website, it will appear as a comment on the post. That comment will have semantic HTML and Schema metadata. Nice!
GWG ^ did you help Terence with his setup or did he get there all on his own?
I think he's filed some issues, but nothing recently
superkuh, tbbrown and tetov-irc joined the channel