#dev 2022-04-13

2022-04-13 UTC
darkkirb, jacky, strugee, jacky_, gxt, tetov-irc, nertzy, cjw6k and lagash joined the channel
↩️ Without getting into the difference between real standards and W3C Recommendations, I should at least mentioned Micropub https://www.w3.org/TR/micropub/ and ActivityPub are "standards" which cover this functionality. https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/ Of course, Meta has no reason to play.
hoschi-it, jacky and [manton] joined the channel
Strange that Dave would say there’s no standard instead of mentioning MetaWeblog which he created. Micropub would be even better but of course there’s no chance of Instagram supporting any API.
↩️ Oh yeah, everything I do (posting on here, GitHub—⁣http://github.com/indieweb/webmention-ecosystem/issues/3 and sometimes YouTube) that involves posting somewhere else uses it (or a lil' manual action). (https://jacky.wtf/2022/4/Pi/Pi9ON2N_cmIRBgnR69bg-B-9)
There's also AtomPub, but he really doesn't want to mention that
I do like the idea of Meta adopting MicroPub and calling it the Meta Weblog API tho
<capjamesg> What is metaweblog?
it's an old blog posting API based on xmlrpc
hm, why didn't loqi give the page? https://indieweb.org/MetaWeblog
[KevinMarks] Haha. Never thought about the Meta / MetaWeblog name conflict.
mro joined the channel
oh, do i need to update Loqi to recognize messages from the new discord gateway now?
hs0ucy joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
(happen to me all the time)
that thread makes me want to create a posting standards page just to be able to summarily debunk "there's no standard for ..." type statements like that
[manton] exactly. MetaWeblog API (still interoperably supported by many clients & servers!), AtomPub (never got well adopted, does anyone support it?), Micropub, And yes even ActivityPub.
sandhawke has 1 karma over the last year
what is a standard way of posting to the web
It looks like we don't have a page for "standard way of posting to the web" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "standard way of posting to the web is ____", a sentence describing the term)
standard way of posting to the web is /Micropub
[tantek] If my memory is right, Blogger switched from their own Blogger API (XML-RPC) to AtomPub. But then recently they dropped it and have a Google-specific API. These changes are what prompted Daniel Jalkut to drop support for Blogger in his app MarsEdit.
we should have a stub page for MarsEdit
what is MarsEdit
MarsEdit is a Mac desktop app for blogging, supporting posting to several blog platforms including WordPress, Tumblr, and Micro.blog https://indieweb.org/MarsEdit
[manton] the last mention of AtomPub in the MarsEdit blog is https://redsweater.com/blog/3755/marsedit-4-5-wordpress-media-syncing which sounds like it's still supported
I pinged Daniel and he corrected me… Google does still support AtomPub.
Good to know!
I doubt anyone else supports it, unless there is some lingering support in Movable type maybe.
aaronpk, [manton] did we get issues filed on Micropub to add features necessary for an app like MarsEdit to support it? Can we link to them from https://indieweb.org/MarsEdit#IndieWeb_Support ?
what is AtomPub
Atom Publishing Protocol is an IETF standard API for CRUD operations between blogging client and server software, RFC 5023 https://indieweb.org/AtomPub
Good question. I think Micropub has everything that MarsEdit would need now, if you include some of the recent Micropub extensions. I can review it.
AtomPub worked with AS1, so there may be some place that support it
I doubt it. There's zero sign of community left around Atom/AtomPub
Sure, but something like jira might still use it
Nah, commercial products don't maintain API features unless there's ongoing demand. There's always a maintenance tax, and that stuff gets cut when usage drops to zero
zero sign of community citation: lack of edits on the Atom wiki for 10+ years, and most recent edits before that were spam / spam removal: http://www.intertwingly.net/wiki/pie/RecentChanges
Unless the Atom/AtomPub community magically moved somewhere else?
on the plus side the wiki is still up
because it's on Sam Ruby's personal site: https://intertwingly.net/
There will be some leftover enterprise things that use it because its better than SOAP or XMLRPC but yes it is legacy now
jacky joined the channel
were those "leftover enterprise things" documented on the Atom wiki anywhere that we can cite?
that led me to a session on micropub https://indieweb.org/2017/Austin/micropub
interesting question re: venue querying (there's a note on ^ about community db querying)
strugee and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel
jacky: I was at that one..it was a good one...manton v aaronpk
strugee and jacky joined the channel
I should rewatch that and see what has changed. I think there have been some good Micropub extensions since then.
[manton]: If it gives you any good insights, share
jacky and tetov-irc joined the channel