#dev 2022-04-14

2022-04-14 UTC
jsteggy, jacky, strugee, jeremycherfas, [timothy_chambe], justache and jackyfromtheweb joined the channel
[tantek], [calumryan], [KevinMarks], jacky, klez_, GWG- and ben_thatmust joined the channel
<capjamesg> Have many people implemented Private Webmention on their site?
ping sknebel sebsel
depends what you mean by "private webmentions". i.e. yes, sebsel aaronpk and me had one variant implemented. some more people might have WMs to unlisted posts, and not sure if people have explicitly linked WMs and ticketauth
Fluffy has too I think.
tetov-irc joined the channel
a while ago there were talks about posting scrobbles/listens on our sites, but is anyone here posting summarized info instead? Eg. weekly, monthly, yearly, everything list if listen summaries? If so, what tools are you using?
from my perspective I found https://pmcdonough8133.github.io/last.timer/ which gives a simple table, so I made this: https://petermolnar.net/music/
fits more the garden approach not the stream.
(no, it's not marked up nicely)
hs0ucy joined the channel
is very proud that he recognised the names of 10 of those.
Hmm, I need to see how to wire up last.fm again, though my scrobbles for the week are mostly Wet Leg
https://savas.ca/scrobblify/ reminded me that spotify has a long-term list in the data export
data export is not the issue, being lazy coding the stats and the nice output myself is :)
I wonder if I can get the ones that Google detects ambiently too
jacky and jamietanna joined the channel
petermolnar I have https://www.jvt.me/music-in-review/ in which I track it on a yearly basis from the raw Spotify data
> I wonder if I can get the ones that Google detects ambiently too - the what?
I guess the way that Google Assistant _can_ listen to background noise and if it hears music shows the name of what's playing?
petermolnar: for you :) for me "oh, I can get some of that data despite never having scrobbled etc it" is useful :)
(once I get it I'll check how much it overlaps with yours, recognized more than I thought :D)
jacky and hoschi-it joined the channel
Shazam does that too I think (listens and recognizes songs, sometimes even shows you lyrics sync'd up with the song!)
tetov-irc2, rhiaro_, chewing_bever_, Ruxton, [timothy_chambe], ben_thatmust and jjuran joined the channel
The android one does it in the background, without using a server by having a library of signatures locally
Though it will go to the cloud if you ask it and it ha s missed one
"library of signatures locally" :exploding_head: like for how many songs?!? That's quite amazing
jacky and hs0ucy joined the channel
The wavenet work is pretty impressive
So about 3kb per song
jacky and hoschi-it joined the channel
Scrobbling is cool and all, but is there an equivilent for podcasts? For those of us who do not listen to music?
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
My Listens are semi automated, thanks to [cleverdevil] and Overcast.
Jealous of the Overcast users
[fluffy], [tw2113_Slack_], [pfefferle] and jacky joined the channel
↩️ The comments section on my blog now properly shows if something is a Pingback, comment, or WebMention. Might add some icons to make it a bit more obvious? Might need a Tweak to the Schema so Pingbacks aren't shown as people.
jacky joined the channel
what is python
Python is a programming language and web server runtime environment used for many IndieWeb projects https://indieweb.org/Python
jacky, IWDiscordGateway, tetov-irc and feoh joined the channel