#dev 2022-04-15

2022-04-15 UTC
jacky, adstew, IWDiscordGateway, petermolnar and hoschi-it joined the channel
↩️ Pingbacks now have a favicon thanks to DuckDuckGo's handy little proxy service. Need to work out if I want WebMentions to have a separate favicon as well?
↩️ Yes you can, and it's called indieweb. We use http://brid.gy to connect with the friends who are still on silos.
tetov-irc and nertzy joined the channel
People who fetch webmentions at build time of a static site: do you keep some kind of archive of the mentions that have been fetched in the past?
↩️ jup. basically just keep a JSON file in cache with the timestamp of the last fetch, then merge that with newer webmentions at build time. script: https://github.com/maxboeck/mxb/blob/master/src/data/webmentions.js
↩️ I use @voxpelli's https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ and it returns them all. (I wonder if it should cache when it last requested a list and only request those since? the API doesn't support that, but it might be worth adding?)
↩️ I very much should / need to add some such mechanism. I'm tracking pagination, which is similar, here: https://github.com/voxpelli/webpage-webmentions/issues/26 And while it might look like it's a low priority, it's actually the next major step for it, as its the only thing that occasionally pressures the site
↩️ The Eleventy cache thing didn't exist before I wrote this so haven't considered that yet, but here is what I do with some picture explanations https://sia.codes/posts/webmentions-eleventy-in-depth/
↩️ btw this plugin by @iamchrisburnell does it almost exactly like I do on my site. might be worth looking into: https://github.com/chrisburnell/eleventy-cache-webmentions
↩️ this is one of those things where when you first made it, everyone had about two webmentions and now it's a few years on and there are loads :) Definitely a since= parameter would be easy to pass in and reduce output load a lot, I hope :)
Feoh joined the channel
I've mentioned it before but micropub-go, a command-line Go application to interact with Micropub, is now available for wider use - I've just released v0.1.0 which supports form-encoded creation of posts, and querying config https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/micropub-go/-/releases/v0.1.0
^ includes links to pre-built downloads, so you don't have to yourself!
ShinyCyril, jacky and mro joined the channel
I'd be interested to know whether anyone in this community sees any value in [Keyoxide](https://keyoxide.org/) implementing IndieAuth delegation on profile pages (would anyone use it?). It already has rel=me so RelMeAuth would already work, though I've no idea if anyone uses it for that (I somehow doubt it).
If anyone has any ideas I'd love it if you could contribute to the discussion at https://codeberg.org/keyoxide/keyoxide-web/issues/97#issuecomment-422928 (there's also a certain amount of misunderstanding in that thread about what IndieAuth actually is...)
jacky, IWDiscordGateway, nertzy, mro, petermolnar, mro_, ShinyCyril, [chrisaldrich] and tetov-irc joined the channel
Реализовал на этом сайте поддержку клиентской части протокола WebMention. Ещё один шаг к реализации идей IndieWeb сделан!
ShinyCyril joined the channel