#dev 2022-04-16

2022-04-16 UTC
jacky, ShinyCyril, darkkirb, gxt, stevestreza, IWDiscordGateway, angelo, [jeremycherfas]1, [fluffy]1, [tantek] and petermolnar joined the channel
what is searx?
It looks like we don't have a page for "searx" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "searx is ____", a sentence describing the term)
searx is a(n optionally) self-hosted, open source, metasearch engine https://searx.github.io/searx/
neceve joined the channel
tetov-irc and [schmarty] joined the channel
and mysterious! my tl;dr version would be something like "if you've linked heroku to a github repo we may be leaking your oauth tokens, so we're canceling all oauth tokens and preventing new ones"
i have a heroku app that's been running for like 8 years (lol wow what) but have always deployed by git push directly to a heroku remote.
nertzy joined the channel
Right, that's how I deploy mine
nertzy joined the channel
My blog's taken one more step down the road to being fully IndieWeb buzzword compliant – you can now see webmentions for each article. There's always more to do though :) https://bofh.org.uk/2022/04/16/we-have-webmentions/
my #updateApr progress. ✅ Upgrade my blog to the latest ghost engine ✅ Change the themes to the headlines ✅ Migrate all changes including the CTA button, Webmention and Search feature over the new theme ✅ Added contact form
nertzy joined the channel
<capjamesg> I was just reading that essay
<capjamesg> Very interesting.
chenghiz_, jacky and omz13 joined the channel
what would be the "correct" u-thing to use for recommendations? I don't really like the like for this, because it's just one aspect; it's not a bookmark, because I might not want to visit it again, it's not a repost.
Is it a review?
jacky and jamietanna1 joined the channel
Could do u-recommendation-of?
(not sure if it's widespread but 🤷🏽‍♂️ can always start the ball rolling)
not a review either; "yo, check this out" is the best to describe the thought
jacky and [snarfed] joined the channel
the obligatory q is, what's the consuming use case? if nothing, maybe don't mark it up at all? 😎
and if there is a consuming use case, maybe push that forward first or in parallel
adstew, jacky and angelo joined the channel
I have a feeling u-yo-check-this-out is not perfect
use case is the same for bookmarks, likes, etc
I just kept thinking about what each mean to me
and I realized that things I like are private, things I bookmark are for myself, but then there are the ones I'd like to share or bring attention to
and it's irrelevant whether or not I like it or I bookmarked it
jjuran joined the channel
That is a review
"I tried this thing vs liked it, you should too" or "I tried this thing and it was da in th is way, avoid it" is the essence of a review
jacky joined the channel
what is a review
A review is a post evaluating a product or service, usually involving a written description, sometimes with summary numerical evaluations, also known as just a rating if it’s just a single numerical value or iconic representation like stars (★★★★☆) https://indieweb.org/review
what is a recommendation
A recommendation (or sometimes a tip) is a type of post that provides a short suggestion to another person https://indieweb.org/recommendation
jacky joined the channel
finally found https://htmx.org/ again
wanted to see if I could use it for a 'simpler' microsub view
s/microsub view/reader view of a timeline/g
jacky, neceve, tetov-irc and [James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
Been thinking (or planning really) to adopt htmx in the Tanzawa admin site.