#dev 2022-04-17

2022-04-17 UTC
↩️ Updated eleventy notion starter: fixed tag page, updated packages, optional logic for updating 'tweet' value on notion, optional bridgy twitter publish webmention, optional reply-to field from notion - so publishing from bridgy can create threads/replies
darkkirb, IWDiscordGateway, j12t, jacky, shindakun, spreadsheet and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
that bug is still there! my site still gets random hangs
the thing is: I've only had this on production, and it takes a lot of time to get
But I think I've narrowed it down to the following:
1. It's not the backend (it might be the backend adapter); 2. It's not the async runtime; 3. It's not the framework (since that got changed with the async runtime too); 4. It's not my HTTP impl
which means it should be either in my frontend (somehow) or in the function that reads lots of posts and generates a usable h-feed of them instead of one with links
Hm, I wonder why don't I generate my feed right in the frontend by querying the backend a bunch of times?
Ah, right, premature optimization because I saw an opportunity for some future backend to use arcane magic to condense all requests related to a feed into one big request and save on roundtrips
jacky, AM1 and chewing_bever joined the channel
<capjamesg> What is HTMx?
<capjamesg> [James_Van_Dyne]
[fluffy] joined the channel
It's jut a small framework that makes it easy to use html + your favorite programming language to make server side rendered single page apps or make pages dynamic.
gxt, petermolnar and mro joined the channel
↩️ Crossed my mind plus use "cite". Or then there's webmentions for a modern/retro style
justache joined the channel
Continuing my playing with @n8n_io for importing webmentions into https://bofh.org.uk/ and I'm liking it more and more. Just added a database to let me pass data from run to run. You have to love @PostgreSQL's first class JSON support too. Lovely.
↩️ The website https://webmention.io holds a list of every(ish) time someone links to, say https://bofh.org.uk/2022/04/16/we-have-webmentions/. I use N8n to poll that site and adds any fresh mentions to the data files used to build the site, so next time it's rebuilt, I can display the responses on the blog.
tetov-irc joined the channel
↩️ You can enable webmentions
neceve, nertzy and jacky joined the channel
yeah htmx is pretty cool
if you've used something like Turbo for Rails, Livewire for Laravel/PHP or LiveView for Phoenix/Elixir, then you'd know
like [James_Van_Dyne] mentioned, any conventional request you'd make to a server can be replaced with a XHR request and targeted replacement of content
I'm using it in Sele to help improve the flow for signing in (as a test) and automatically have some pages redirect if a request's been approved elsewhere
it's also a great underlying tool to use for something like dynamically updating a /facepile or allowing /comments to show up on a site (if you have the logic to show those come back as HTML)
👉🏾I spent a bit of time over Easter attempting to clean up the #HTML spec in regards to outline algorithm https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/7829
Saklad5 and mro joined the channel
@hagengraf #Webmention Plugin von @pfefferle ist installiert. Kommentar hier als Reaktion auf den Post mit Link ist erfolgt. Sehe ich das später unter dem Beitrag? Oder verstehe ich das falsch bzw. muss ich noch etwas machen?
mro joined the channel
↩️ ohne #bridgy funktioniert es, wenn die Site, die deinen Link benutzt, webmentions unterstützt. Also beispielsweise wenn ich auf meinem Blog deinem Artikel erwähne. Dann erhält dein #WordPress eine Webmention. Die erscheint als Kommentar den du freischalten musst
↩️ Ich habe das mal geliked - jetzt sollte eine Webmention von Bridgy verschickt werden
mro, ShinyCyril, hoschi-it, omz13, jacky, justache, angelo, nertzy and tetov-irc joined the channel; justache left the channel