#dev 2022-04-25

2022-04-25 UTC
angelo, lagash, alex11, gRegor, cybi, [aciccarello] and mro joined the channel
Not an IndieWeb problem, but I have a script that uses rsync to create a local copy of server log files and a local copy of two server installs. It works perfectly when run directly from the command line, but when I run it as a launcd process, it gives a bunch of errors that seem to be related to permissions. I've searched for answers, which seem to suggest a mismatch between the use running the launchd process and the user
running the script, but no clear solutions to try. Before I throw myself on the tender mercies of StackOverflow, can anyone point me to a solution or suggest things I can try?
↩️ Microblog, plus RSS, plus webmentions is probably sufficient, though you'd be relying on SEO, webrings and word-or-mouth for discoverability, I think. I like ActivityPub for the discoverability aspect
mro joined the channel
↩️ The indieweb plugins are good and work with http://brid.gy to do twitter integration well. https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins
mro and tetov-irc joined the channel
Interesting. But the script runs at 11am, when I am invariably logged in. Worth seeing what I can do to the plist file.
I'll check the other replies too. Thanks.
↩️ SWF > PGF/TikZ > Resource Description Framework > WebSub > XSLT elements > CERN httpd > WebAssembly > Micropub (protocol) > Technical Architecture Group > W3C Device Description Working Group > XML Schema (W3C) > JSON-LD > XSL Formatting Objects > IndieAuth > XHTML > Kirix Strata
strugee joined the channel
It turns out other people have done most of the work for displaying webmentions on a static site: https://desmondrivet.com/2022/04/25/receiving-webmentions
mro and cybi joined the channel
↩️ Is this where you start using your blog again and add Webmention and/or ActivityPub support to implement IndieWeb and/or Fediverse features? :)
mro, cybi and [Murray] joined the channel
↩️ Once we have a web master. There is at least webmentions these days.
lagash joined the channel
↩️ There is some existing work here: https://brid.gy/ and https://fed.brid.gy/ I recommend perusing the IndieWeb wiki for more on this kind of stuff: https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb ^ Such a cool and smart community--makes me optimistic about the future of the social web
[Will_Monroe] and [schmarty] joined the channel
↩️ A few years ago I built a micro-sized distributed social network/blogging thing on top of IndieWeb protocols (WebMention mostly) where domain names == user names and I'm still convinced that this would be super duper awesome.
↩️ we have RSS, ActivityPub, Webmention, XMPP, IRC, and other protocols. we could build a better social web.
what is Flickr
Flickr is a photo and video hosting silo founded in 2004 that some in the IndieWeb community have posted to and/or currently use as a POSSE destination https://indieweb.org/Flickr
Some interesting things there on POSSE, but has anyone here ever used Flickr to actually host their photos? I'm specifically looking at ways to pull in RAW URLs via the Flickr API when building a static site?
Seems very possible with SmugMug, and their pricing is about the same as Flickr's, but I prefer Flickr as a secondary home for my photos (I'd effectively only be using SmugMug as hosting, whereas Flickr I benefit from some of the social aspects)
Trying to decide if I get Pro this week, migrate to SmugMug, or just let some of my photos "expire"
[tw2113_Slack_] and [manton] joined the channel
I’ve seen people host images on Flickr and include them directly on their blog. Personally, I would store images on your own site and then POSSE a copy to Flickr. (That’s how I built Flickr support into Micro.blog.)
I can't even get flickr images to display anymore. I have to manually read the html to find them.
jacky joined the channel
re: db as single source of truth, I feel like that's a bit risky
strugee and cybi joined the channel
Same with files: have backups you trust
jacky_ joined the channel
[manton]: thanks, I'm aware that would be the true IndieWeb way, but image hosting costs money, so if I can get away with hosting it once then that's my preference 🙂 I can definitely host on Flickr and use on my site, but I'd be interested in at least partially automating that process. SmugMug's documentation makes it look very simple, but Flickr is a bit harder to judge, so I'd hoped some people here may have already trialed it
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I've used flickr hosting for my blogger blog before http://epeus.blogspot.com/2011/01/how-w3c-invented-logo.html
That's over a decade of compatibility
hahahaha I remember that post
alex11 joined the channel
The dopamine hits harder when someone figures out webmentions so they can like your blog post.
↩️ Maybe time to take Webmentions to the next level.
jamietanna joined the channel
Just trying to lighten the mood over here
↩️ all the protocols we need exist and are standardized. rel-me provides identity consistency, webmention provides user-tagging and replying, everyone could use the software they like with the UI they like on the platform they like and still communicate just fine with everyone else.
jacky joined the channel
what do you call linking your site to a silo via redirect? eg. https://tantek.com/github
Tantek Çelik
angelo: good question
it came up at HWC one night but i'm not sure there was a name for it yet
angelo, I feel like we asked a question like that before and somewhere documented it!
lol willnorris++
willnorris has 1 karma over the last year
[Sam_Butler] joined the channel
wow, so a type of top-level /page but the simplest possible one being simply a redirect; can be "upgraded" at a later date as a backfill namespace
not the answer i was expecting but the answer i came for
wiki has 1 karma over the last year
not sure which tech/process to credit there but that's such a good example of note taking during HWC + chat + wiki
tantek has 24 karma in this channel over the last year (76 in all channels)
cjw6k, tetov-irc and jacky joined the channel
↩️ That's what is confusing. I see webmentions that seem instant from liking tweets on blogs that use it. https://indieweb.org/Webmention
↩️ Probably but not definitely using http://webmention.io to process replies and http://brid.gy to bridge the gap with regular social media. That's what I do (even though I'm not currently displaying reactions, http://webmention.io puts them in an RSS feed for me)
↩️ Probably but not definitely using http://webmention.io to process replies and http://brid.gy to bridge the gap with regular social media. That's what I do (even though I'm not currently displaying reactions, http://webmention.io puts them in an RSS feed for me)
jacky and lagash joined the channel