#dev 2022-04-26

2022-04-26 UTC
↩️ Nice. I will look more into it since that seems super useful. Bonus, I see that @easyaspython has neatly solved this for Django. https://github.com/easy-as-python/django-webmention
jacky, lanodan, cybi, [chrisaldrich], [timothy_chambe], Seirdy, lkhrs[m], angelo, strugee_, [snarfed], nutts and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
<capjamesg> willnorris That repo has since been deleted it seems.
<capjamesg> [tantek] I love the idea of redirecting from your site to silos.
<capjamesg> Maybe "silo redirect" is appropriate? Keep it simple?
<capjamesg> [tantek] What are the first initiative(s) you hope to work on at the Sustainability CG?
Was that a canary from Will Norris?
<capjamesg> A bit of math humour to start the day: https://www.instagram.com/p/CcyANp3FiUS/
cybi joined the channel
↩️ wow, I totally forgot that I already set up my website to act as a fediverse citizen via http://fed.brid.gy. Imagine my surprise when now my post showed up as a reply on my mastodon thingie: https://mastodon.social/@webrocker/100643519015599995
cybi and tetov-irc joined the channel
cybi joined the channel
Hah, no canary. Just a joke that was getting out of hand so I took it down.
<capjamesg> 😂
mro, cybi and strugee joined the channel
↩️ Maybe our own websites with webmentions, comments, activitypub, rss? This way everybody can configure this for the needed pace. Maybe using a pre configured system with a small footprint and no need to install (like a flat file cms + plugins you can drop anywhere and it runs)
↩️ To underline the functionality of #WordPress and #Mastodon, I'll mention that the conversation from Mastodon appears as comments underneath my original post. (I also get other responses backfed and aggregated from #Twitter via Webmention). https://boffosocko.com/2022/04/25/55804147/#thoughts
↩️ Webmentions? In that way you're not limiting comments from people who don't wanna use GitHub
AramZ-S[m], AramZS, angelo, cybi and AshMcAllan[m] joined the channel
↩️ Take something like kirby CMS for example. Bundled and pre configured with a webmention plugin, just uploading it would work most of the times. Or even imagine an installer by your hoster, like many offer them for WordPress, but with that bundle
Ironically I can't deploy to my blog at the moment because heroku lost the github token and can't renew it, so I have some yaks to shave later
and my hosted known is down again. I may not be the best advert for indieweb at the moment
it's a good argument for doing the hard decision making of picking *a* place to blog / post notes instead of smearing it across a bunch of stacks/services, and then doing the hard work up front use a site/domain instead of several
angelo, I still feel like there's somewhere else we documented this practice of top level paths to flip the usual silo/user to user/silo
capjagmesg[d], not sure, I think gathering folks who have expertise & focus on sustainability and evaluating technologies accordingly
for AramZ-S[m]: https://indieweb.org/static_site has a lot of how to setup both sending and receiving of webmentions
@[tantek]:libera.chat - ah, exactly what I was looking for, super helpful, thank you! I have been putting off figuring out web mentions b/c I hadn't found a good example yet.
and this is the right place to ask about any of those specific approaches, as there are folks here using them day-to-day!
↩️ That would be an awesome addition, I've never fully understood how to setup webmentions though
benji joined the channel
Huh... the giscus.app thing is interesting too. GitHub discussions as a comments section is pretty intteresting as a concept. I imagine there might be an even easier way to do it though, without another server in the mix.
Thanks for all your advice, I've now added a self-hosted version of giscus to http://bundle.js.org, and I'll see if I can setup webmentions for those that don't want to use Github Discussions https://twitter.com/okikio_dev/status/1518805834435862530
AramZ-S one main drawback is that it limits comments to people with GitHub accounts
Yeah, but I want to have moderation tools and I'm not sure an SSG build of web mentions would be as smooth as leveraging GitHub which I'm very familiar with. Also, it would be especially interesting for my devlog site where it would be fair to expect most readers to have a GitHub account anyway.
cybi, gerben, strugee and barnaby joined the channel
AramZ-S[m] it's a reasonable approach to use a silo as a de-facto moderation/approval system like that, especially as an alternative. In the past I've pitched the combination of accept webmentions *and* for everyone else, let them @-reply to Twitter syndicated POSSE copies of your posts, and then use Bridgy to backfeed those replies.
Similarly you could POSSE your SSG posts to GitHub issues on a "blogposts" repo in your GH account, and then use Bridgy to backfeed the comments back to your site
on the topic of your talk [KevinMarks], I suggest starting with a brief rhetorical "What does interoperability mean? Meaningfully?" and then go into user choice, use the example of the web, of users being able to trivially switch browsers URLs+HTTP+HTML+CSS+JS still work, or on the publishing side, be able to switch Web Hosting providers, and your site is still viewable in any browser, or being able to switch web server software
(Apache vs nginx etc.) and your site is still viewable in any browser.
You can contrast that with, proprietary document formats, where there is the illusion of user choice between apps e.g. Excel vs Numbers, however the documents you produce with one are not readable by the other, so your viewers have no choice. And you get stuck because you can't move your documents from one to the other without a whole bunch of export/import extra labor
Or for a standards-based example, OAuth. As in, an OAuth based login from one site (Twitter) can't be used with others (GitHub). Clients specifically have to support each and every provider one at a time. (This can segue somewhat into, and here's how IndieAuth solves that with actual interop that allows users to switch which apps they use and/or which IndieAuth provider they use, independently)
DIDs right now fail interoperability at the DID method level, where different DID implementations (nearly) all support/require different DID methods. So there may be a DID from vendor A that works with consuming service X, and a DID from vendor B that works with consuming service Y, however as a user, you can't currently mix & match the way you can browser & web servers, e.g. DID A won't work with service Y, and DID B won't work with
service X.
danicotillas joined the channel
Yeah, I think the Bridgy use case is the most interesting version, especially for that devblog which is already hosted on GitHub Pages so I don't think I'd even need or want to make a seperate repo.
oh wow yea, like you could use GitHub actions to auto-create an issue per post
Yeah, that was exactly what I was thinking of haha
cybi joined the channel
has anyone else had problems reconnecting github and heroku?
heroku is noe in an suth loop
tetov-irc joined the channel
Hm, I just got an error when I disconnected and reconnected my heroku
I'm seeing a 500 error
swapped my site from heroku to netlify for now
is www.kevinmarks.com OK for you?
looks good to me
I may be able to wrangle the cert stuff if I simplify things a bit
KevinMarks, migrating your site from Heroku to Netlify is a PERFECT example of interoperability for your talk!
true interop
I should update my aws mirror too http://a.kevinmarks.com/
I wish I can easily "like" a post on RSS and the authour would receive it. yes, I know about webmentions.
can I pipe files into an s3 bucket with a github action?
↩️ It takes a bit more setup than webmentions, but it does work
@[KevinMarks]:libera.chat I haven't done it myself yet, but GitHub can execute arbitrary code of the right types (not sure what you are using) and store secrets of the type needed to get to S3. I have seen projects do it using CDK and Node.