GWGI've been thinking about that idea of having web signin on my site, if there is no matching internal account, creating an unprivileged one to tie the domain into, so anyone with IndieAuth could get a login on my site.
@t@IndieWebCamp Düsseldorf is a wrap!
For Create Day, I added code to my publishing system to only syndicate (POSSE) a reply post to Twitter if it actually has an @-name, otherwise if it’s a peer-to-peer reply, just directly send them a Webmention. (
[tantek]yay! got plain indieweb-to-indieweb replies all debugged and working (& not POSSEing) and made sure I didn't actually break "normal" auto-POSSEing of notes to Twitter! (^ that note/tweet was a test of that 🙂 )
[fluffy]@GWG In Publ there's no real “account” for people, it's just a URL, and a single database row with metadata about that URL. Actual authentication grants are based on the ACLs around the identity URL.
[fluffy]Publ doesn't even see it as being “indieauth” or “email” or “twitter” or whatever, it's just a URL which it trusts to be authenticated by Authl.
[fluffy]The only indieauth-specific functionality in Publ itself is getting the ticket auth endpoint and even then that could be provided by any identity provider, not just indieauth, and the manual request grant flow doesn't even touch Authl.
[fluffy]Yeah my philosophy is that all logins are allowed and access control is based on what the login has access to, not based on there being a login
[fluffy]Yeah I was thinking about that too but like. That seems kind of far-fetched? I suppose it'd be possible to generate many many accounts with something like
[fluffy]That sort of attack would also mess up Publ though, because even if it doesn't make a fully fledged user account there's still a database row per logged in identity.
GWGI'm not sure when I'd get to this, because I'd want to pair it with an access control list, and that's a bit more involved. I have some smaller things first.
[fluffy]Is there a particular requirement that you even use wordpress accounts? You could make your own ACL system and base it on identity tokens/cookies that get set at a different layer.
[jgmac1106]added a bit of a hack to my notes publishing workflow...instead of worrying about navigation I just publish two files "latest note" and the one with a canonical date url, I use next and prev nav if anyone wants to chase down rabbit hole
aaronpkhere's another thought, you don't even have to create a user record in your internal storage unless it actually would give you access to something
[jgmac1106]I live in a land of trying to push authorization to identity while meeting boundary based security requirements. ZTA and IndieWeb are synonymous IMO
[jgmac1106]and there are examples of discovery in the document utilizing no user record solution but don't look to NIST for cutting edge security..just to the security you often have to do
@YourOnlyONEofclSo, apparently, #webmention related bots are blocked (503) by @Cloudflare. Setting a Firewall Allow/Bypass doesn't work.
Only solution: turn-off the "Bot Fight Mode" setting. Then #Bridgy #WebmentionApp and other webmention related services starts to work.
#IndieWeb #Cloudflare (
@YourOnlyONEofcl#Webmention related bots are blocked (503) by @Cloudflare. Setting a Firewall (Allow/Bypass) doesn't work.
Only solution: turn-off the "Bot Fight Mode" setting.
Then #Bridgy #WebmentionApp and other webmention related services starts to work.
#IndieWeb #Cloudflare (