#dev 2022-05-04
2022-05-04 UTC
[aciccarello]1, AramZS, Seirdy, [timothy_chambe] and [Chris_Lott] joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
@YourOnlyONEofcl Twitter as my comment platform for #Hugo, see example: https://im.youronly.one/snoworld/%EA%B7%B8%EB%A6%AC%EB%93%9C-grid-explained-2022116/
Powered by #IndieWeb #Webmention #Microformats2 with the help of #WebmentionIO and #Bridgy services. (twitter.com/_/status/1521709683656241153)
@ChengduLittleA webmention is also sort of hard to use? (twitter.com/_/status/1521714340436451328)
jamietanna joined the channel
jamietanna Soon the Go IndieAuth library will support it https://github.com/hawx/indieauth/pull/2

@ChengduLittleA ↩️ LOL yeah I mean it's not hard technically, but if say I want to comment I need to send something on my website and send a webmention on to yours, it's not exactly noob-friendly XD
I want something that's even easier to use so that I could push those things to artists and so on (twitter.com/_/status/1521748030806175744)
reed, [Chris_Lott]1, mambang[m], unrelentingtech, vladimyr, kinduff, Vikasheher[m], lkhrs[m], zack[m]1, cambridgeport90[, callym[m], AramZ-S[m], Caesar[m], AdriaanvanderBer, wiki[m], AshMcAllan[m], JPax[m], diegov, gxt, [tonz] and Seirdy joined the channel
jamietanna1 joined the channel
jamietanna1 omz13 hmm, any idea why https://www.jvt.me/ breaks on rfc8414 discovery
jamietanna1 https://toolbox.imoxia.com/#endpointdisco seems to work for it
jamietanna1 Ah phew :)
jamietanna1 I didn't give it a real token, so no :D I'll give it one now
jamietanna1 `json: cannot unmarshal array into Go struct field IndieAuthIntrospectionResponse.aud of type string`
jamietanna1 Looks like we're only allowing a string, but rfc7662 says:
jamietanna1 > string identifier or list of string identifiers
jamietanna1 > In the special case when the JWT has one audience, the "aud" value MAY be a single case-sensitive string containing a StringOrURI value.
jamietanna1 (via rfc7519) so maybe you could just opt to ignore the MAY for now?
jamietanna1 list == array?
jamietanna1 (in JSON)
@YourOnlyONEofcl Added myself in the #IndieWeb wiki for #Webmention ^_^
#Hugo with Webmention (twitter.com/_/status/1521773077600043009)
tetov-irc joined the channel
@acegiak ↩️ and for connecting that to cross post to things like twitter and instagram I'm trying to decide if I want to write that functionality and add it to the open source microblogpub project or just use http://brid.gy which would do it automatically for me. (twitter.com/_/status/1521825497524621312)
[tantek] AshMcAllan[m], I myself built my own text-POSSE-to-Twitter code (that calls Twitter’s API) because there was no Bridgy at the time, and I was very picky about all the edge cases (documented on /Twitter).

m2m and villasv joined the channel; m2m left the channel
villasv Hi folks! I've been studying RelMeAuth and IndieAuth for a day or so but I'm having some trouble understanding the IndieAuth spec. In the Wiki, it says the Authorization Endpoint "is a page where applications can send users to and asking them to identify themselves". But the spec says "The client needs to discover the user's indieauth-metadata endpoint, which provides the location of the IndieAuth server's authorization endpoint".
villasv I'm confused because I don't provide "indieauth-metadata" in my personal website yet I'm able to use IndieAuth as an user 🤔 Are these different "users"?
villasv Or perhaps am confused about naming. Perhaps I'm actually not able to use IndieAuth the protocol, I'm able to use Web Sign-In thanks to RelMeAuth?
AramZS and m2m joined the channel
villasv I'm able to use IndieAuth as an user meaning I'm able to sign in in the indie web wiki and the IndieAuth.com test sign in
[tantek] Aside: more dev than end user, I met a few kind folks from StoryBlok the past two days (they were one of the sponsors of beyond tellerand) and it's an interesting IndieWeb-adjacent business model that may be worth looking into from the perspective of, perhaps there are other opportunities like this: https://www.storyblok.com/about

villasv Ah, definitely that, a naming confusion. So IndieAuth is an alternative to RelMeAuth, got it. Thank you both!
villasv Cool. And PGP is also a third alternative, right? Is there a catchy name for this PGP challenge protocol?
villasv Ah nice, I though RelMeAuth was for OAuth providers only. Thanks again
villasv How does it work with mailto and sms? Sending a link with a sign-in otp?
villasv Brilliant, gotta add more rel=me's to my website asap ;-)
[fluffy] Personally I feel like RelMeAuth is sort of worst-of-both-worlds when it comes to splitting the difference between owning your identity and relying on third-party authentication providers, like it means users have to have their own website AND it means that site operators need to implement a whole bunch of stuff in order to support the miasma of multiple silo providers with additional identity verification steps on top of it.

[fluffy] I’ve also thought about maybe building something IndieLogin-esque from Authl so that I could host an “IndieAuth and silo login” service for folks to use since I really like the Authl philosophy (I’m biased, of course) and would like to make it available to folks who don’t want to go all-in on Python.

@thejuanlam ↩️ A lot of the features I added (besides the UI overhaul) were QoL improvements. Especially adding @NetlifyCMS for writing posts. Other fts: short story collections / novels are now possible, @indiewebcamp Webmentions, and @anchor widget for stories + poems (twitter.com/_/status/1521861507809787906)
jamietanna1 omz13 btw I get `active:𝒕𝒓𝒗𝒆` when doing introspection :thinking: it's returned as `"active": true` in the JSON response
jamietanna1 what does "lint: grant_types_supported implies tokens are granted... but response_types_supported inconsistent (no token indication)" mean - do you expect response_types_supported to include "token"?
villasv As a newcomer, I appreciate RelMeAuth as a starting point. I understand that I don't fully own my security if I have to rely on a silo, but it's a good first step (like using a custom email address but still rely on Gmail)
villasv But I imagine that it's a bit of a nightmare scenario for those implementing it
[KevinMarks] OK, making https://indieweb-test.tumblr.com/ to try out adding mf2 to the theme

villasv Now that I know that RelMeAuth works with Email and PGP, I think these are ones I'm going to try to focus on really
[fluffy] IndieAuth.com as a RelMeAuth-to-IndieAuth proxy is a perfectly fine solution to things, even if it’ll always be limited to only a handful of RelMeAuth-supporting sites. But it also gets very confusing to someone new to the IndieWeb who is trying to understand where all these different protocols and providers fit.

@lordmatt Twitter is not exactly friendly for Webmentions https://lordmatt.co.uk/technology/the-internet/social-media/twitter-is-not-exactly-friendly-for-webmentions/ (twitter.com/_/status/1521867055636656130)
villasv I saw the naming confusion callout both in the Wiki and the Website, and I still got confused lol
m2m joined the channel
villasv btw the name "RelMeAuth" is great, kudos to those involved
[fluffy] Like on the various wiki pages about setting up RelMeAuth on your website it should ALSO highly recommend adding an authorization_endpoint link to an IndieAuth provider that makes use of RelMeAuth. Adding RelMeAuth links to your profile helps you to log in to indieweb.org but it doesn’t do a whole lot to guide people towards the larger problem of being able to log in to other IndieWeb sites that don’t implement RelMeAuth themselv

villasv Maybe RelMeAuth -> IndieAuth could award some points on IndieMark? Don't know if that's still a thing
scojjac joined the channel
villasv The web-sign page doesn't really recommend neither RelMeAuth or IndieAuth, it just mentions both as alternatives
villasv It was the IndieMark page that set me up in the direction of RelMeAuth
[Murray] joined the channel
villasv The IndieAuth wiki page instructs the use of rel= authorization_endpoint, but IIUC the latest specs deprecates this in favor of rel= authorization-metadata. Should we edit this already?
villasv Oops, the new one is indieauth-metadata
[tantek] IndieAuth providers already do federate. Federation is different from /migration

scojj joined the channel
Loqi ok, I added "To do: clarify this page is written for developers, and where to go as a user." to a new "See Also" section of /Web_sign-in https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81254&oldid=81118

[tantek] RelMeAuth << To-do: better document up front what it's solving and perhaps common misconceptions of what it's not (and what to use instead) — see https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2022-05-04#t1651670148029400 and following for specific sources of confusion

Loqi ok, I added "To-do: better document up front what it's solving and perhaps common misconceptions of what it's not (and what to use instead) — see https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2022-05-04#t1651670148029400 and following for specific sources of confusion" to the "See Also" section of /RelMeAuth https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81255&oldid=75674

Loqi Tumblr is a popular content hosting silo, especially for found images & video, that explicitly supports multiple types of posts, and through free domain mapping, a content hosting service as well https://indieweb.org/Tumblr

[tantek] [KevinMarks] already done: https://indieweb.org/Tumblr#Add_microformats_support (I mean did you check the wiki before saying https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2022-05-04/1651675787670000 ) ?

strugee_ joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I was looking at yours - no h-card or authorship? https://gist.github.com/tantek/ac27fb0f28c41c4fb2a7

villasv Answering myself here, looks like IndieAuth.com only supports rel=authorization_endpoint for now and not rel=indieauth-metadata yet. At least this is what it seems at a quick glance in the GitHub repo
jacky and scojjac joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Also, the default template has changed since that guide was written

[KevinMarks] which is why I am testing it

scojj, jacky, cyborganicLion, scojjac and jjuran joined the channel
cyborganicLion Why cant I `import(remote-content-url)` from a javascript module? I can import at the top of a module using `import
{ * }
as variable` but id like to programatically load remote content based on client variables, I am able to do this without wordpress in a browser envioronment but I receive a type error when I attempt to `import(remote-content-url)` within a wordpress envioronment.#
@brianwisti Puttering on stuff in 15 minute increments is challenging.
Floating in my head now: how to do #indieweb Webmentions and h-cards on multiple self-owned sites. A distinct h-card for each site, or point back to one as p-author for entries? (twitter.com/_/status/1521919403872370693)
callym[m] is there any easy way of testing an indieauth server (and client I guess) from localhost?
callym[m] want to make sure things work before pushing things onto the real life open internet
callym[m] cyborganicLion: these days you can do something like `<script type="module" src="LINK TO ES6 MODULE"></script>`, then `<script>import
{ whatever }
from 'LINK TO ES6 MODULE'</script>`#
cyborganicLion The import(module) expression loads the module and returns a promise that resolves into a module object that contains all its exports. It can be called from any place in the code.
callym[m] https://caniuse.com/es6-module
callym[m] I guess it's not too different to when we'd do `<script src="cdn.com/jquery@whatever>` security-wise?
callym[m] so if I ran my server through ngrok and used one of the indieauth testing sites (is there a preferred one?), it should work through that?
[fluffy] I don’t know about a preferred indieauth testing site but if you want something quick-and-dirty to test indieauth you can use https://anyauth.beesbuzz.biz/

jacky there's some blog posts to help tho https://aaronparecki.com/2021/04/13/26/indieauth + https://www.jvt.me/posts/2020/12/09/personal-indieauth-server/

[fluffy] so for example https://anyauth.beesbuzz.biz/alice

callym[m] ah cool! so that'd be for testing a client, right?
callym[m] is there anything similar for a server?
callym[m] the other way round - seeing if my server will work
callym[m] I'm also working on a client but I can't really run them against each other because they could both be equally wrong
cyborganicLion Wait is this channel for all indie web developers or for a specific software package?
[fluffy] https://github.com/PlaidWeb/Authl - it comes with a little test client that you can run on localhost (with `./test.sh` which should set up your environment automagically) and that’ll be able to talk to your server also running on localhost

cyborganicLion Cool
callym[m] ah perfect, I'll give that a go!
callym[m] it looks like the ecosystem is mostly a lot of people rolling their own packages?
cyborganicLion This is my first time on this server
callym[m] same here
cyborganicLion I thought for a second there i was in a channel that was specific to a software package lol
cyborganicLion I am a self taught developer
[Will_Monroe] joined the channel
cyborganicLion I dont think you can ever stop learning about the web
cyborganicLion If alien robots land our best bet is html and javascript 😄
jacky joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
strugee, jacky, scojjac and scojj joined the channel
[tantek] on another subject, I saw this but I'm not sure how "real" it is and how much it is basically a piece about a couple of nice-looking websites that seem to be built by one specific web agency: https://www.triplepundit.com/story/2022/internet-sustainable-web/742191

[Scott_Jack], scojjac, scojj, jacky, lagash, joshproehl, [aciccarello] and tetov-irc joined the channel
[KevinMarks] wasn't there an h-feed preview built into monocle or xray?