#GWGI need someone to tell me why this is a bad idea
gRegor joined the channel
#gRegorI'm working on IndieAuth token introspection and wondering best way to add authorization, since it's a MUST in the spec. https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7662#section-2.1 gives an example "using a separate OAuth 2 access token" but I'm not sure how clients would get that separate token?
#gRegorI could support the Authorization: Bearer header with the same token, but that doesn't prevent token scanning attacks
#GWGgRegor: I was contemplating that. You can use basic auth also
#gRegorWell hmm. I'd like this ProcessWire module to theoretically support using different endpoints, but w/o knowing how to do the authz, may have to ship it without that for now
#GWGMine is set to auth=none, for backcompat with the older version of the spec for now
#GWGI think that's why our discussion was just to emphasize it wasn't for the client
#gRegorThere's a small text change that could help with that: 6.2 Access Token Verification Response has "Clients SHOULD ignore parameters they don't recognize."
#Loqi[dshanske] #99 Issuing Access Tokens for Introspection
#[snarfed]I've never even heard it called a "scanning" attack. generally brute force. regardless, agreed, very rarely never a meaningful vector in any threat model
#GWGThat's why I just set it to none... but that's a choice
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#jamietannaGWG gRegor, currently token introspection isn't auth'd, but I'll be moving to something like private_key_jwt instead of longer-lived credentials like basic auth, but basic auth with a per-client credential works too :)
#jamietannaThe reason we'd want it is to be able to let your Micropub server verify tokens - in an out-of-the-box OAuth2 client - instead of using the old IndieAuth token endpoint (with a GET) which was being seen as used by Micropub Clients and Micropub Servers, which wasn't correct
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#[tantek]GWG, while a bit more than a presence-query, could you consider instead going ahead and asking the community "how wrong things might go", and if you want my input in particular, feel free to @-name me afterwards as a "^" or "cc"
#GWGI'd also hoped to get thoughts from people who implemented webmention syndication as well...
#[tantek]Hmm, I read that and I don't see a clear problem statement of what problem you’re trying to solve, so I'd suggest doing that first (writing up specifically what problem you're trying to solve, and if you're not sure, describing maybe an "ideal" in terms of user-actions and expected results — purely in terms of user actions, with zero mention of protocols)
#[tantek]describing the problem properly is often a big part of figuring it out, and I can't really help you with that, you have to pick apart and keep asking yourself why to understand what that is
#GWG[tantek]: Example is that person X, let's say me...wants to do a photo challenge or something similar. So, I want people to post on their own sites... but I want someone following to be able to subscribe to their posts as a feed...so I need to generate one....
#GWGSo the idea is when they post for my challenge, they tell me so I can have the links to their submissions and someone can look in one place to find said list.
#GWGIt's a reply, but it is different in the way a reply to an event is an RSVP, so I want it to behave differently
#[snarfed]tantek++, always starting with the problem is great advice
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