2022-05-24 UTC
jacky joined the channel
jacky joined the channel
jacky and angelo joined the channel
jacky and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
jacky, AramZS, sebbu, cybi, Seirdy and gRegor joined the channel
mro joined the channel
NewNewNew, [jamesg483], mro, angelo, tetov-irc, mro_, jacky, cybi, [Zandy_Ring] and AramZS joined the channel
# 14:01 omz13 I have made a some tweaks to toolbox.imoxia.com: removed some false positives when linting oauth-metadata; ipwhois functionality is now GA; it now has experimental support for device flow if anybody is interested.
# 14:02 jacky will try it out once I get oauth-metadata going for my site
nixer, mro and [echo] joined the channel
# 15:43 AramZ-S[m] Yeah, it is shocking that the Twitter v2 API is missing some major v1 features and has for a while now
# 15:44 AramZ-S[m] Basically any complex Twitter operation now needs you to flip between the two, which is very dumb
# 15:46 [snarfed] eh, I wouldn't call it shocking, I appreciate that they're iterating in public instead of trying to do old school style waterfall development and get it perfect before shipping anything
# 15:52 [snarfed] also v2 is getting pretty complete now, I think actually relatively few things are still missing in 2 and need 1.1
# 15:53 AramZ-S[m] Last I checked the main thing missing is media stuff which is pretty big
# 16:01 AramZ-S[m] Oh, good. I'll have to do another sprint on my Twitter archiving tool to focus in on that, I was waiting on it to come to v2
AramZS_, strugee, cybi, jacky, Jef[m], echo[m]1 and AramZS joined the channel; chewing_bever left the channel
# 17:29 Jef[m] > @chewing_bever:libera.chat left the room.
# 17:30 Jef[m] perhaps someone here already knows how I could add `rel=me` to links in a markdown file rendered by Hugo?
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 17:37 jacky Jef[m]: are you trying to do it automatically?
# 17:38 [echo] hey i’m having issues joining this channel via Matrix. anyone on Matrix have ideas what’s going on? can check Synapse logs tonight when i have time
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 17:39 Jef[m] jacky: this one, i just wish to add it to a few links on my homepage, not all of em or anything
# 17:39 Jef[m] [echo]: what do you mean with "issues"?
# 17:40 Jef[m] do you get any error messages?
# 17:40 echo[m]1 wait now i have it
# 17:40 [tantek] since when did markdown add {attribute="value"}
# 17:40 echo[m]1 Element was saying something about "could not join" but it decided to work
# 17:41 Jef[m] it was worth a shot ;p
# 17:41 jacky I was assuming that since {#id .class1 .class2}
was a thing, that maybe some querystring-like parsing could happen there
# 17:43 Jef[m] judging by some forum posts, it's not possible without some custom code
# 17:43 Jef[m] echo[m]1: well element can be a handful
scojjac joined the channel
# 17:45 Jef[m] `<a href="/github" rel="me">GitHub</a>`
# 17:45 Jef[m] apparently you can just dump plain HTML into the markdown
# 17:46 Jef[m] are rel="me" links allowed to be redirects?
# 17:46 jacky I keep forgetting that markdown's like a "preprocessor" for text
# 17:46 Jef[m] my /github endpoint is a permanent redirect to my gh account
# 17:47 jacky it mentions it'll follow one level of a redirect
# 17:47 jacky is reminded that the iw rust crate does _not_ do this 😬️
# 17:50 Jef[m] okay seems indielogin.com does not follow redirects
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 17:52 aaronpk it should follow redirects but it might not recognize a non-github.com URL as a GitHub provider
# 17:52 aaronpk because that would require that it actually fetch every rel=me link on the page before giving you the list of buttons
# 17:53 Jef[m] Fair enough, then I'll add the direct link instead
cybi and jacky joined the channel
# 17:59 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] Minor #OwnYourLinks #IndieWeb trick I setup a while ago:
Top level /github redirect to my profile so I can link to:
https://tantek.com/github/cassis instead of linking to @Github directly.
Enables eventual moving/selfhosting repos/issues without br...
# 18:01 Loqi Sorry, I couldn't find a page named "ownyourlinks" or similar
# 18:15 [tantek] capjamesg, apparently I've had the /w/ redirect for my PBWorks since 2010!
mro joined the channel
gRegor joined the channel
joshproehl joined the channel
[tw2113_Slack_] and jacky joined the channel
mro, AramZS, wagle, jacky and cybi joined the channel
# 22:32 [tantek] might be worth asking for mf2 and webmention support in a feature request to start with
jacky and tetov-irc joined the channel
# 23:20 Loqi [kevinmarks] This seems a lot closer to Webmention than ActivityPub
jacky joined the channel