[fluffy]Even if the Wayback Machine already has it, it won’t necessarily be easy to track down where it lives on a site in terms of like the page index. obviously bad actors can and will store stuff they want to keep for later (as we see all the time on e.g. kiwifarms or 4chan) but there’s a difference between “hey if you saw this thing that maps to this UUID please delete it” and “hey here’s a thing I deleted that used to live a
[fluffy]Post IDs are a bit of a middle ground between the two but generally if you have a post ID that can be turned into a URL it’s not much different than having the URL.
[fluffy]like I think the wayback machine lets you do things like searching a domain for a URL with a post ID in it? I guess that’s easy enough to check
[fluffy]Hm, not easily, but it’s still not that much of a stretch to request it for a list of all archived URLs and then searching for the post ID within it
[Chris_Lott]I am trying out using Apache and .htaccess to https://indieweb.org/own_your_links -- but using RedirectMatch to map the "rest" of a request. This works: `RedirectMatch 301 "/github(.*)" "https://github.com/fncll$1"` but with "Always use secure connections" enabled in Chrome I get an interstitial warning that the site isn't secure, though both are. Is there a way to avoid this?
[CrowderSoup][aaronpk] css really is magic, I just added simple.css to my website that was previously completely un-styled and it looks like a _real_ website now 😄
@bmann↩️ I don’t think so. RSS is asynch & slow. Broadcast to consumer, one way channel.
Riffing: Diffs between SisterSites. “Pin Bill’s version of HyperCard”, cross site backlinks, mini search index. Webmentions but likes, annotations, other verbs. Embed Wikipedia as leaf pages. (twitter.com/_/status/1530175397219799040)
[Chris_Lott]I'm confused at what is new about these css stylesheets? Aren't they just, well, CSS as I presume most of us were/are using it, particularly when CSS was new?
@MuseResort↩️ The Muse of Last resort uses Webmention on the main site. You can use it to get a link back to a story you have written based on one of our many many prompts. (twitter.com/_/status/1530236185141989381)
[fluffy]Basically the point to newcss/simplecss/etc. is to give people a good starting point for a semantically-styled website which is easy to modify and theme the layout on, while letting people focus on content rather than presentation. It’s sort of a nicer-looking way of doing the classic “black times new roman on a gray or white background” page design that was so common in the mid-to-late-90s.
gRegorI think I found this one via KevinMarks a while back: https://www.cssbed.com/ I thought we had some of those links on the wiki but can't find them now