#dev 2022-05-31

2022-05-31 UTC
jacky, tmp1, lanodan, gxt, mro, [KevinMarks] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
↩️ Here’s a broad overview of some of the building blocks: https://adactio.com/journal/7698 * `rel="me"` * h-entry * webmention * micropub And https://brid.gy/ is an indispensible tool for syndication! https://adactio.com/notes/19130
↩️ Here’s a broad overview of some of the building blocks: https://adactio.com/journal/7698 * `rel="me"` * h-entry * webmention * micropub And https://brid.gy/ is an indispensible tool for syndication! https://adactio.com/notes/19130
モナレッジに記事を書きました! 【webmention日付おかしい問題に仮対応した】 #モナレッジ #モナコイン #MONACOIN https://monaledge.com/article/374
tetov-irc, m2m, mro, kushal, Saphire, lanodan, cybi and chenghiz_ joined the channel; m2m left the channel
[Scott_Jack] I like Quotebacks too. Micro.blog’s “Embed” features is powered by it.
[Scott_Jack]: last I looked at it you could pretty much generate the markup that the script would create also statically, so if you just want to copy the look you easily could
[manton] I think micro.blog is probably where I saw it first.
@skebnel ah interesting I'll have to keep that in mind
[sknebel] ^
Right now I'm futzing with FreshRSS
not sure why
mro, jacky and [aciccarello] joined the channel
do we have a somewhat reliable instagram scraper these days? or are they breaking all of them?
i haven't been able to recreate one yet
jacky and [snarfed] joined the channel
their bot detection is too aggressive. I actually just finished porting https://instagram-atom.appspot.com/ to use a client side browser extension, like Bridgy, to get around that. will publish it soon! code is https://github.com/snarfed/instagram-atom/tree/main/browser-extension
would be interesting to try to generalize a client-side fetching browser extension platform out of that for multiple different indieweb project, eg ownyourgram
maybe start with just evangelizing the technique
[snarfed] there's a client-side archival extension that may have some overlap here
I think we've documented it on the wiki
that fits in. bit with what i was saying about https://github.com/postlight/mercury-parser - that's tuned for finding pretty much just the e-content of a page, but it could be extended to do more backcompat work
[postlight] mercury-parser: 📜 Extract meaningful content from the chaos of a web page
the particularly useful setup here would be a browser extension base that fetches IG, uses granary to convert to mf2 (or whatever), and then sends that wherever you want it to
[snarfed], have you taken a look at or tried https://indieweb.org/archival_copy#WebRecorder ?
jacky joined the channel
thanks! I haven't
the fetching itself is straightforward, not much code. the more interesting parts are 1) scraping that fetched HTML, which I currently do server side, and 2) generalizing that so multiple IndieWeb tools could use it
I guess a first step would be to extend granary's REST API to accept scraped IG html, instead of only fetching server side
^ aaronpk if you had this, would you use it for OwnYourGram? or anything else?
my last attempt at ownyourgram as a browser extension hasn't been super successful, i think it's because the HTML/JSON that comes back has been changing. so if you would be continuing to chase those changes then yes it would be super handy to have an API to send the fetched HTML to that returns good data from it
jacky_ joined the channel
[tantek] How would I go about making a web action that lets you post to your Micropub endpoint?
I know we discussed this.
jacky_ and cybi joined the channel
what are web action urls
It looks like we don't have a page for "web action urls" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "web action urls is ____", a sentence describing the term)
capjamesg ^
jacky_ joined the channel
But how would I have a button that automatically took someone to their posting interface?
Would I have to ask readers to install something like a browser extension like aaronpk's example?
or publishers that to use web actions
that *have various interaction buttons* to use web actions
what are web actions
A web action is the interface and user experience of taking a specific discrete action, across the web, from one site to another site or application https://indieweb.org/Web_Actions
capjamesg, see this for what you need to do on your side for your web action URLs to get called: https://indieweb.org/webactions#How_to_handle_web_actions
Oh nice!
I get it now!
I'm going to give this a go!
mro and jacky_ joined the channel
finally got the virtual table working in SQLite for mf2 property matching
it took a lot of reading of C
but I'm tempted to push it to do more lol
wow jacky++ that's awesome, can't wait to read a writeup
mro_, cybi and tetov-irc joined the channel