#dev 2022-06-01

2022-06-01 UTC
angelo, sp1ff, sebbu, jacky, gRegor, strugee, jeremycherfas, cjw6k and mro joined the channel
[tantek] Can you prefill contents via a webaction?
I have set up the webaction.js and indieconfig.js scripts as per the wiki.
When you click on a poll option, you are prompted to vote with your personal website according to whatever web+action handler you have configured.
But, I need a way to prefill an option.
we're in new territory with poll option web actions, so this will take some experimentation
are there examples of reply or quote web actions with prefilled text? either IndieWeb examples or proprietary silo examples?
gRegor joined the channel
[tantek] I like new territory :)
mro joined the channel
I am going to see if I can just get a reply web action working first.
I haven't seen any such examples. I'd love to know anyone who has worked on this before!
The closest relation to this of which I can think is mailto: links with their ?subject= and ?body= parameters.
mailto:readers@jamesg.blog?subject=Coffee would prefill the subject line in an email reader
Could we do something similar with a web+action:// link as described on the wiki?
capjamesg, I have reply web actions on my post permalinks, but without any prefilled content
We do have the docs on how to publish: https://indieweb.org/indie-config#How_to_publish
But they don't specify prefilled answers.
Ideally, the answer would be editable by the user, but with the default.
Does Quill allow prefilling via query string items?
mro and vladimyr joined the channel
I have got a version working with webactions.
mro joined the channel
capjamesg++ amazing! great proof of concept!
capjamesg has 35 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
tetov-irc joined the channel
Next step is to make it prettier and then after that document how everything works.
mro and chee joined the channel
Here's a more polished version of the PoC: https://jamesg.blog/poll/
It will only work if you have a web+action handler set up right now.
In the long term, I would have a fallback link to something like Twitter.
If you send a Webmention to the page containing any of the vote options, your vote will be counted.
mro, mro_, gxt, mro__, jacky, [pfefferle] and jacky_ joined the channel
hey, i was reading the WM article on indieweb and looking at implementation, and question: how is spam being dealt with? i know on `WP.com` we deal with pingback spam, and this looks like a potential vector.
*another potential vector
[echo]: there's a few ideas on how to go about it (since spam hasn't been a _pressing_ issue yet)
right now, Vouch seems to be the most viable approach
what is Vouch
The Vouch protocol is an anti-spam extension to Webmention that can also be used to customize how your site accepts responses from different audiences https://indieweb.org/Vouch
lots of ideas that I've considered folding into my wm service in there (hashcash, for example)
i love the literal photo of a whiteboard in there
okay- and this is purely per-domain? it doesn’t seem to handle multiple blogs per domain
I think it's per identity
what is identity
A personal domain is a domain name that you personally own, control, and use to represent yourself on the internet https://indieweb.org/identity
so a domain name lollll
an identity doesn't have to be a domain
haha, usually. I was thinking the receiver could differentiate, but then I remembered Vouch makes the sender look up the vouch and so they wouldn't know if it's per domain or path.
like depending on how you parse an 'identity', it could be anything (by UUID, some marker on a page, etc)
the identity link redirects to `personal-domain`, so the docs should be updated maybe?
subdomain works OK, which suits tumblr and blogspot etc as well; if you have folderpath for users then you need to be a bit more careful yes.
ah for some reason, I thought you meant on /Vouch
i have no idea if we’d want to pursue subdomain on tumblr, which is why i’m being cautious
tbh that heuristic is up to you
for example, with Lighthouse, I resolve an 'identity' by fetching the author of the incoming content being sent via webmention
mro joined the channel
that could be in a number of ways (ideally /representative-hcard, reading things like rel=author then falling back to the authority part of the incoming URL)
I thought all tumblr accounts were both subdomains and paths?
was speaking generally, didn't know this was an ask specific to Tumblr
yes, but the subdomain code is janky and not really maintained. it’s more an issue for mf2, but our API isn’t there either
it’s a general ask, but everything i talk about has a Tumblr/WP-slant 🙂
[KevinMarks] i don’t really know! like in general we are trying to move folks to the www.tumblr part
that seems a shame from a broader PoV - how does it work with custom domains? https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/kevinmarks vs kevinmarks.tumblr.com vs https://kevinmarks.tumblelog.xyz/
I see <link rel="canonical" href="https://indieweb-test.tumblr.com" /> on the domain version but not the web version. Hm
[KevinMarks] i’m pretty sure all versions are on the web- you mean the www space?
yes, sorry
right- so that’s because `*.tumblr.com` or a custom domain you have is driven by your theme, which is mostly arbitrary code. that’s what the GH repo code is
[indieweb] tumblr: workspace to make Tumblr more indieweb friendly
so i suspect the theme has a `rel=canonical` in it, with a template tag for your URL
i’d have to check though
but the internal www space is driven by our React frontend and SSR, so we don’t put canonical there it seems. we could certainly add that- i’ll have to make a ticket
but the general motivation is that the old themed section is very old (and bad) code
like we’re still using Backbone.js for my fellow JS engineer’s context
with a longevity PoV a subdomain feels more permanent than a path in a reader
how so? if tumblr goes into the dead sites page, the subdomains are also gonna be gone
well https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ redirecting to /explore makes it feel more volatile
i mean so long as we’re a monolith everything is volatile
that’s why self-hosted is so important 🙂
(or ethical managed hosting)
gRegor and mro joined the channel
I don't know if it matters too much if like a set of URLs can be bundled internally to map to one 'identity'
like I'd sometimes expect 'https://jacky.wtf' and 'https://jacky.wtf/about' to both point to me
(the former would hint that the latter is my _actual_ representative page)
yeah my thinking is that we’d want a set of URIs to point to a specific blog identity. that can either be the internal Tumblr ID of `t:XXXX` which is effectively a stable ID, or the blog name which is semi-stable
Ooh bummer I used to keep my personal site on Tumblr and loved that it was a subdomain, not just a path
[Scott_Jack] we’re still keeping subdomains! we’re talking internally about redirecting users who never customized their blog theme to the www. path though
(sorry, quick reaction to reading 'trying to move people toward www.tumblr' haha)
but from a technical perspective, given cross-domain issues actually _interacting_ with Tumblr is really hard. that doesn’t affect something like WMs, except in the fact that we have very limited engineering resources and maintaining two completely different code paths is really difficult
*interacting with Tumblr subdomains (or custom domains!)
[schmarty] joined the channel
Oh no vouch is back
mro and gRegor joined the channel
by default webmention has the 'twitter @ reply' problems - presumably tumblr already has an equivalent of unwanted replies and what gets shown to whom?
you mean spammy notifications? yes, we have internal systems that try to block those
i’m on the team that does that in fact
so i’m pretty familiar
i’m less concerned about us for spam tbh- we can leverage existing code to deal with this, it’s just another form of pingback spam. i’m more interested/concerned about self-hosted folks that don’t have the big-picture data we get
so it’d be a great fit for anti-spam on Mastodon
[arush] joined the channel
well Akismet is mostly effective on comment spam. short blocks of text
my team runs our internal tool to fight other stuff, which we call (originally enough) Bkismet
It is a big messy problem, always. You need allowlists and blocklists and to decide how to construct them and what you do by default and so on. As you say, you only tend to need it once you are a target.
well Akismet is mostly effective on comment spam. short blocks of text
at which point you urgently need it
mro joined the channel
one thing i’ve been looking at is community-sourced blocklists, such as what blocktogether.org
dammit words. what blocktogether.org did
well, you can upsell them akismet…
[tw2113_Slack_], chenghiz_ and [fluffy] joined the channel
+1 in that spam is an evolving issue.
We haven't seen a large-scale spam issue with Webmention to the extent I understand so we'll likely learn a lot when we start to see real world vectors.
Vouch is promising but I'm curious about ways to make it intuitive for users.
+1 [echo] on leveraging what you already have with spam! :D
askismet is a service; there's an offline wordpress plugin, https://wordpress.org/plugins/antispam-bee/ which could be a good source for inspiration
[pluginkollektiv] Description Say Goodbye to comment spam on your WordPress blog or website. Antispam Bee blocks spam comments and trackbacks effectively, without captchas and without sending personal information to third party services. It is free of charge, ad-free...
this looks good as some good counter measures to take
gRegor joined the channel
the idea of paying to not be harassed bothers me on an ethical level, but same tech yes
jacky, Hollie, [jacky], gRegor, mro, [James_Van_Dyne], tetov-irc, mro_ and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel