#dev 2022-06-13

2022-06-13 UTC
jacky joined the channel
Finally, having added Webmention, Webring, and IndieAuth support to my blog, I think I'm now part of IndieWeb! https://www.owenyoung.com/en/blog/indieweb/
angelo, jacky, Seirdy, [prtksxna] and AramZS joined the channel
kind of surprised how few security research results i can find about Webmentions
↩️ And feel free to make PR:s with more examples and/or more updated references, would be much appreciated :) These tests are the ones I run for my webmention endpoint, which @kevinmarks use
gRegor, tetov-irc and gRegorLove_ joined the channel
IWDiscordGateway, jacky, [fluffy], [schmarty] and tommorris joined the channel
Guess I'll continue in here :)
tommorris: tantek left you a message on 2017-04-13 at 1:32am UTC: are you available the evening of Friday 2017-06-23 to remote participate in an IndieWeb Leaders Summit? Add a note accordingly: https://indieweb.org/2017/Schedule#Comments
Guess not :)
as with #microformats, I'm trying to work out in what ways we're exposed to Travis CI, given the recent security issues with Travis.
I'm revoking Travis CI's access to this repo - https://github.com/indieweb/indieweb-endpoints-ruby - since it's not being used at all.
[indieweb] indieweb-endpoints-ruby: A Ruby gem for discovering a URL's IndieAuth, Micropub, Microsub, and Webmention endpoints.
jacky joined the channel
remaining repo is https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-mf2-feed - I've sent a twitter DM to nudge about it - the Travis setup on the org level is restricted only to this repo. had a look at porting the tests over from Travis but that's a lot more PHP innards than I'm comfortable delving into given I haven't touched the language for maybe a decade
[indieweb] wordpress-mf2-feed: Microformats2 Feed for WordPress URLs
jacky joined the channel
GWG ^ you worked on this right?
Yes, we haven't maintained it much of late, but I'm a contributor
Is it still using Travis CI?
yep, Travis is enabled and there's a .travis.yml file - some bits of the build are running on GitHub, probably worth switching it all to GitHub.
Happy to, I thought we got them all
Don't know how you wanna play it - can either revoke the access for the org now (which will break the build) or wait until you've patched it out on that repo. Can file an issue on the repo too if you want.
tommorris: Revoke it.
It doesn't build so much as do unit testing, so fixable
okay, revoked. all done. :)
tommorris++ thanks for catching these!
tommorris has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
jacky, gRegorLove_ and Seirdy joined the channel
ok, I added "https://www.miriamsuzanne.com/2022/06/09/the-spam/" to the "See Also" section of /spam https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=81917&oldid=81874
jacky joined the channel
I wonder if those are pingbacks or trackbacks instead of webmentions
I'd assume so
but I dont think the distinction matters that much overall - the problem would be the same if they were WMs
sure. I'm just always interested in actual wm spam in the wild, since there's so little (actually documented) so far
odd, I'm looking at the wms in wmio for that page, and it doesn't have any of the spam she shows in that post. maybe she deleted them from wmio. https://webmention.io/api/mentions.jf2?target=https://www.miriamsuzanne.com/2022/06/04/indiweb/&per-page=1000
[pfefferle] joined the channel
tommorris has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
[pfefferle]: I'll copy over the testing from another already migrated plugin and do a PR when I get a chance
jacky joined the channel
mf2-feed does not really have tests ;)
No need to hurry
jacky joined the channel
[pfefferle]: I am doing bug fixes anyway till the next webmention PR. What is left pre 5.X?
Probably need to milestone
ben_thatmustbeme, jacky and superkuh joined the channel
用Zola给我的静态博客 https://www.owenyoung.com/activity/ 实现了一个动态页面,利用 https://webmention.io/ 收集网络的回应,然后用Denoflow把回应保存成json文件,最后用Zola的模版渲染出来。 https://www.owenyoung.com/en/blog/indieweb/
jacky joined the channel
↩️ in particular we need everyone to get their own domain (this is hard), running indieauth (harder), marked up content with h-entry/h-card (pretty easy tbh), webmention for replies (also hard), and a reader interface that speaks microsub/micropub inline (final boss)
tetov-irc, gRegor, gRegorLove_, petermolnar, kleb, Feoh, benji, klez and IWDiscordGateway joined the channel