#dev 2022-06-14

2022-06-14 UTC
tetov-irc, [chrisaldrich], Feoh, petermolnar, Seirdy and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
the ruby gem wayback-machine-downloader is pretty nifty
[hartator] wayback-machine-downloader: Download an entire website from the Wayback Machine.
benji, klez, IWDiscordGateway, tetov-irc, mro, gxt, CrowderSoup, davidpeach, hiii, lagash and jacky joined the channel
does anyone have indie-config actively setup and working on their website?
<capjamesg> Not really.
<capjamesg> I want to do this though.
<capjamesg> I have it sort of working on my /poll/ page but I haven't tested it with any site other than my own.
voxpelli, barnabywalters ^
what is indie-config
indie-config is a way to setup your IndieWeb site to make itself available to your web browser to recognize webactions like reply & like buttons on other sites, and then delegate handling of those actions to your site https://indieweb.org/indie-config
<capjamesg> I used the default scripts for web action handlers / indie-config.
<capjamesg> With a bit of customization to meet my needs.
campjamesg, indie-config is not for other people visiting your site. it's for you, when you visit other people's sites
<capjamesg> 🤦‍♂️
<capjamesg> Apologies, I conflate that and the indie-action HTML element.
so asking someone to "try ... yourwebsiteURL ..." doesn't actually mean that *you* have setup indie-config
<capjamesg> Still learning about this.
<capjamesg> *custom HTML element
those are the two halves yes
<capjamesg> In that case, yes, I have indie-config set up.
indie-action goes on post permalinks with [[webaction]] buttons
indie-config goes on your homepage, with some way for *you* to activate it to handle incoming webaction requests
jacky joined the channel
capjamesg, just added to the top of https://indieweb.org/indie-config — does that help distinguish the two
jacky joined the channel
indieauth should become ubiquitous if only to nuke the planet of social logins, and cheesy auth vendors that ride atop their nonsense … https://indieauth.spec.indieweb.org
that was a good idea
this line stood out to me:
> “IndieWeb” is a new term for many folks and that’s where a lot of confusion breeds. Is it a framework? A philosophy? A set of standards? Depending on which one it is, the expectations shift as far as what it looks like to be a part of it.
I like it a lot lol
it's on the wiki somewhere 🙂
[IndieWebCamp WordPress Outreach Club] Beschreibung The IndieWeb Plugin for WordPress helps you establish your IndieWeb identity by extending the user profile to provide rel-me and h-card fields and optionally adding widgets to display this. It also includes a bundled installer for a cor...
jacky joined the channel
jacky, [KevinMarks], CrowderSoup5 and tetov-irc2 joined the channel
De-Mystifying #Indieweb on a #WordPress Site -- Visual Design | The Digital Insider: https://bit.ly/3mKiVQb. #APIs #Article #Business #Community #Endpoint #Google #HowTo #Illustration #Images #Play #Plugins #Tech #Webmentions #WordpressThemes
De-Mystifying #Indieweb on a #WordPress Site -- Visual Design | The Digital Insider: https://bit.ly/3mKiVQb. #APIs #Article #Business #Community #Endpoint #Google #HowTo #Illustration #Images #Play #Plugins #Tech #Webmentions #WordpressThemes
jacky, davidpeach, [prtksxna], Kaja, [snarfed], [Scott_Jack] and IWDiscordGateway joined the channel
How do I decide if I should even keep Pingbacks and Trackback support?
Other than it is there already
I'm questioning if I should disable or change my approach of not caring
does it provide immediate value to your site?
jacky: Not in ages
b/c I was thinking of keeping things like that on a purely incremental thing (but using the same filtering I would use for Webmention)
chuck the support then :)
I considered implementing a new pingback and Trackback functionality for my site that wouldn't display it in the traditional or the webmentiony way
Like a counter or something
I remember a discussion that [tantek] was in where we discussed 3 levels of display based on trust and I might put Pingbacks and Trackbacks into the lowest
Although I think I'd disable Trackbacks entirely
jacky joined the channel
GWG this is the point of gathering numbers and going a blog post "not in ages"
jacky joined the channel
[tantek]: Yes, I'm just pointing out it hasn't been important because no one was mentioning me in any large numbers. And they may not again after this.
But I will probably write on the subject.
That is, gather stats on how many actual useful/relevant pingbacks you have gotten in the past IDK 5 years vs spam pingbacks. Then the same with Webmentions. Show those metrics and then say clearly there is no reason to keep pingbacks on, so you are going to turn them off and recommend others do so as well, with a call for others to publish their own data if they have a different experience.
Because now I want to.
[tantek]: There's only one pingback I found that I didn't mark as spam(and I only keep spam for 3 months)...it would be Maxwell Joslyn, oddly enough, in 2021.
Everything else was garbage
That's worth mentioning because it demonstrates that you do actually have a functional pingback system
And yeah, Trackback has been worthless for a decade or more
WordPress won't let you turn off trackbacks only. It only has a setting to disable all
Time to write a plugin
jacky joined the channel
I'd be surprised if there wasn't a plugin already that just "turned off trackbacks"
If not, then yeah, worth shipping something minimal for that. Zero config. "Disable trackbacks" — no options, that's all it does.
[tantek]: It wasn't possible till someone got them to add a hook
Then I never wrote the plugin to use it
So there's a hook in core, just no plugin to activate it?
I added the hook
Maybe I'll finally do it
Worth it. Include in its "about" screen links and encouragements to download the IndieWeb Plugin if it's not already installed (if WP plugins can see which other plugins are installed or not)
jacky, kloenk, Ruxton_, stevestreza_, rhiaro_, sknebel_, ^ilhalmer, walkah_ and [pfefferle]1 joined the channel
!tell voxpelli,barnabywalters do you still have indie-config setup on your personal site and does it still work? in which browser(s)? can you update your https://indieweb.org/indie-config#IndieWeb_Examples entry accordingly?
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
superkuh and jacky joined the channel
↩️ Some have been experimenting with using the Webmention spec to allow one wiki, note, or digital garden space interact with another. It's become quite common in the blogosphere, why not for online notes or zettelkasten? https://indieweb.org/Webmention
jacky joined the channel
[arush], jamietanna, kushal, tetov-irc and pmlnr joined the channel