#dev 2022-06-15

2022-06-15 UTC
Seirdy joined the channel
does anyone know how I can use trap with arguments in bash to pass the actual error it caught from another pipe?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
as of today, all variants of internet explorer are officially unsupported by MS 🎉
tetov-irc and jacky joined the channel
unsupported does not mean it will disappear immediately
jacky and cjw6k joined the channel
I think I would need to see an example of indie-config - the description doesn't make sense to me
@gwg I'm not exactly generating a lot of interaction, but pingback/trackback are virtually NONE of my interactions. I'm either getting spam comments or spam interactions from Twitter. My highest value interactions are coming in via Webmention
jacky and Seirdy joined the channel
[Scott_Jack]: Exactly
jacky joined the channel
So time to reconsider supporting them
this is what `property-$PROPERTY_NAME` support looks like for my micropub server https://imgur.com/a/Elp2OFS
[scojjac] indie-config works best with sites that are already setup to accept Micropub requests
accompaying post for those images (as to how I did it) https://jacky.wtf/2022/6/fDu9
Implementing Property Searching for Micropub
Does anyone recall getting a useful Pingback or Trackback in recent memory?
^ this is the kind of thing we should ask aaronpk to do some quick stats on wm.io for. I expect it has lots of both, and we could probably come up with some basic heuristics for spam, eg has a given trackback/wm ever been moderated or fetched via the API
wm doesn't handle trackbacks AFAIK
wmio that is
loi[m] and Eloi joined the channel
sure, sorry, just pingbacks
i hope i have logs about which are which
aha yes there is a record!
aaronpk: I'm very curious
jacky joined the channel
determining which are "useful" is going to take some manual work tho
I have a few observations that I noticed. It's looks like many are using feedwordpress... wasn't the developer of that in here recently
I'm horrible with names
in the last 30 days, webmention.io has received 6800 pingbacks and 11820 webmentions
jacky joined the channel
aaronpk: Any way to look at the quality of the Pingbacks?
Even just one users?
it'll take me some time to review the quality
aaronpk: What about just a random 5?
jacky joined the channel
[Scott_Jack] just FYI I'm not seeing that scojjac.com advertises either pingback or trackback endpoints, so that's probably the main reason you don't get any of them
odd I don't remember disabling
thanks for checking
jacky joined the channel
They're def turned on in Discussion settings ...
oh my bad, sorry, they are advertised on your posts, just not on your front page
(pingback, not trackback)
[snarfed]: Same as the webmentions..we changed it to only advetise on URLs that supported it which included the homepage only if that option was enabled...which I remember came up with bridgy
jacky joined the channel
jacky, [calumryan], [asuh], [echo], cybi, superkuh, ancarda_, srushe_, eb_, capjamesg_, rockorager_, rrix_, tetov-irc, [tw2113_Slack_] and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel