#dev 2022-07-02

2022-07-02 UTC
angelo, gxt_, geoffo, jacky, kloenk, geoffo_, gRegor and nertzy joined the channel
↩️ what honestly is needed is a self-hostable blogging engine that provides the same experience as tumblr, but is built on indieweb technology like webmention. there could then be many different hosting providers with different business and governance models to choose from.
oodani and geoffo_ joined the channel
geoffo and mro joined the channel
Tiny improvement to my blog today: embedded tweets now use Twitter’s emoji, not the browser’s emoji (but still screen-reader friendly, of course!). They now look a bit more like the real thing. 🥳 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FWpviMMXgAYIjWm.png
tetov-irc and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
gRegor, geoffo, mro and jacky joined the channel
↩️ Tzav > Nachman of Breslov > Berdychiv > JewishGen > ProQuest (identifier) > Patron-driven acquisition > Search engine > Yandex Search > Scroogle > YouTube copyright strike > Google > Protocol Buffers > Resource Description Framework > Embedded RDF > SHACL > IndieAuth > HTML > URL
[chrisaldrich], AramZS, gRegor, geoffo, mro and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
👋 [Margaret_Warre] Do let us know if you have any questions or need any help.
[Murray], snarfed, gRegor, alex11, geoffo, tetov-irc, gxt_, GWG, nertzy, s[_] and jacky joined the channel
had a bit of an amazing realization, lol
the way micro.blog shows a reply in the conversation view is so uncluttered
like it's just the person being replied to
always wonder if there's a way to tidy up my /reply-context