[chrisaldrich]AramZ-S do you know Ben Welsh? https://palewi.re/ I know he's also delved in to archiving technology and built a few of his own solutions (probably both personally and professionally) in the past.
[schmarty]A late night idea. I often want to post checkins to my site with good photos, but I typically PESOS those with OwnYourSwarm because (of course) Swarm/Foursquare has the good location dataset. However I don't want to give them photos of people's faces, etc.
[schmarty]Give it an h-feed to find checkins from and it makes a local db of venues. From there it's a regular Micropub client for checkins, with photo uploads, etc
aaronpkthat's like the teacup client i had on my Pebble watch ages ago. it let me post food posts to my site by choosing from a list of the most common/recent ones i used before
[manton]I really want to move away from Foursquare/Swarm. Maybe there should be an IndieWeb-friendly places database that is maintained by the community somehow?
[manton]We are experimenting with using Apple Maps data for location check-ins in Sunlit for iOS, which can post via Micropub, but the data is just not as good.
[manton]Yeah, OwnYourSwarm is great but still depends on Foursquare. I just don’t trust that their API will be available forever. Already it’s almost impossible to export data, their web site seems broken for this.
[manton]If there was an indie places db that could be seeded with some data, and then multiple location-aware Micropub clients could add new locations as they were used by people, but that would be a start?
[grantcodes]Yeah that I'm not sure about, if it does it's not very well advertised. But I feel like the adding / updating places by users is one of the main parts of OSM
[manton]I’d be happy to host a places database that could feed to and from other open sources. For example, maybe if you post via Micropub with check-in data, it automatically updates the database. Just brainstorming here. 🙂
[manton]The reason another layer seems to be needed is because I just can’t imagine client apps will be able to integrate with existing mapping services directly. Seems more complicated than using an API like Foursquare’s. A places db should also be good at knowing what places someone is likely to want to check-in, i.e. popularity.
[manton]Sorry, I’m kind of rambling here, just it has been on my mind recently and I’d like to help push it forward if there’s anything I can do. If the answer is “just use OSM, it’s good enough” that’s great too. I don’t want to build anything new if it’s needed.
sknebelalso OSMs "product" is the database - while the project also hosts API access to said database, these arent really intended for unrestricted public use
[manton]Cool. Seems like there are several options for tiles too if you’re building a client app, which is what I’m mostly interested in. Apple Maps, Google, Mapbox, etc.
sknebelOSM quality varies *wildly* across the world (as do other data sources, but e.g. most western places will make sure they are listed in google maps - OSM not so much)
sknebelsome end-user tools also leave notes in the official database with feedback for mappers to pick up, but that's also often a source of bad data and I'm not sure about the rules/politics around that
s[_]Google can't take the mapping data to their primary US datacenter because KR law requires rubber stamps before exporting Government-sourced map data outside its botders (which… translates to 'make a datacenter here guys')
sknebelfor POIs "official" data isnt the best usually. but a restaurant owner will be the "user" contributing data about their place to google, way fewer do for OSM
s[_]also note that Google is not the market leader here so if we want to take OSM or other POI data it'd be useful to be able to accept multiple sources
s[_]true, but at least ability to have injest commercial sources (for their personal node) should be somewhere in the note where global (my read: mostly NA/EU) data does not suffice
jamietannajturtle, I'm also running Hugo - I have a separate server to host my Micropub server, but if you've already got one you could very well just have the Micropub hosted on that server. How are you planning on building the site? By running `hugo` on the server itself, or deploying it from a built site on i.e. GitHub Actions?
[Murray]manton: I've been trialling OSM as the reference for the geo linking of my check-ins for over a year now and it's been around 70% accurate. I've never used Foursquare or Swarm, so I don't really know what UX it's missing, but as an API I can search for "place name" and get back lat/long, address, etc. it's very accurate at a placename level, and then hit'n'miss for individual businesses
[Murray]the nice thing, though, is that it's not hard to update with the correct data, and the APIs refresh very quickly (normally within a minute or two for me), so I can backfill that info quite easily
[schmarty]also i am super interested in OSM-backed tools for indie checkins! i looked into the OSM APIs a few years ago and felt like reverse geocoding was really messy? like i recall it would have required multiple queries as different types of venues were coded in different layers? something like that.
[tantek]the opposite of, "worry about all the edge" cases may take you 10x as long (made-up number), or worse, lead you down deep enough rabbitholes that you never end up implementing something 👀
sknebeland yes, OSM is a free-form community thing, so it doesn't all fit into neat categories laid out as you'd want, but at least the common cases are solvable. (and a bunch of it is really a per-use-case decision you just have to make: a drinking fountain is a very useful POI for a cycling app - less so for a checkin app)
[tantek]as a runner, I am *very* grateful for that kind of information in parks. also free (as in gratis) restrooms (especially in countries that have cultural defaults against free restrooms)
Loqioffline is anytime you're not online and connected to the internet; on the IndieWeb, a personal site can have offline support by implementing an offline first approach https://indieweb.org/offline
[manton][Murray] Interesting. So your workflow is to search for a specific place name to start? I want the opposite of that, sending GPS coordinates (via a mobile app) and get some relevant places nearby that might be where I am. Although using Foursquare, I do sometimes need to search for a specific name.
@dotproto↩️ Just another passing thought in the eternal quest to create a personal blog
ATM I'm leaning towards using a static site generator and Vercel or Netlify for hosting. Main drawback of that approach, though, is that I don't know of any static site that supports WebMentions (twitter.com/_/status/1544788265173061632)
@dotproto↩️ I totally forgot about Firebase Hosting. That might be a good option to blend cheap hosting with some dynamism. The only dynamism I'm after is WebMentions support for the sake of conversation/community (twitter.com/_/status/1544790262840365056)
@dotproto↩️ Yeah, I'm currently leaning towards Vercel & Netlify for static site hosting + some custom edge function code for WebMentions. Netlify has the benefit that their paid plan supports up to 3 concurrent builds, which could be super handy for personal projects (twitter.com/_/status/1544791440965767168)
@dotproto↩️ Yeah, that's the direction I'm currently leaning – Netlify (or similar) for hosting + edge functions. I didn't realize Zach's site supported WebMentions, thanks for calling that out! (twitter.com/_/status/1544793046599942144)
[Murray][manton] yes, I know where I am, so I just plug that in 😄 I trust that more than GPS. The CMS plugin I use to integrate with OSM does also enable GPS lookup (e.g. if you're on a phone with GPS enabled), but it won't show nearby stuff, it'll just show you a map tile of where that resolves to and let you tweak it around a little
[Murray]though, having just typed that out, I do wonder if I shouldn't just use the GPS more often. All I actually want from OSM is the lat/long coordinates; I manually enter the placename and relationships (e.g. what city or part of the country I'm in), so maybe OSM is actually overcomplicating my needs 🤷♂️
[tantek]jacky, yeah, a bunch of us have looked at it and a few of us even participated in very early conversations at W3C on the subject (myself, KevinMarks)
[tantek]since there's webmentions flying back/forth for every link, this affords /venue permalinks the opportunity to aggregate checkins to that venue and display things like a summary of *who* has checked into it (not just a list of checkins, that's in some ways noisy / less interesting, though a recent feed could be interesting), perhaps even a leaderboard