#dev 2022-07-08

2022-07-08 UTC
gxt__, gxt___ and geoffo joined the channel
jamietanna, noticed you're using e-summary on some posts instead of p-summary which is why Monocle doesn't pick them up (see permalink, but post content is blank). Have you considered using p-summary? Alternately, could file an issue on Xray.
mf2 parsers will get e-summary, though not sure I would expect readers or other libraries to, until in the h-entry spec
geoffo_ joined the channel
xray should be picking that up, because mf2 parsers are automatically supposed to provide both the HTML and plain text versions of any e-* properties
so if consuming code is dependent on the "plain text" version of a property, it needs to check for "only" a plain text value, and the case where there's both HTML and plain text, and grab that plain text value
this sounds like a Monocle bug tbh
blake1 joined the channel
Ooh good feature request for XRay
pjplayer, geoffo, gerben, pavan and gxt___ joined the channel
Do we have to list each dependency twice in composer.json, the second time in allow-plugins? Seems implicit
Also there's no change in composer.json with this PR, so not sure why it failed this time but not previously
Ah, I'm mentally mixing up dependencies with composer plugins. this is the latter. I'll try what the composer plugin is saying here https://github.com/PHPCSStandards/composer-installer
[PHPCSStandards] composer-installer: Composer installer for PHP_CodeSniffer coding standards
geoffo joined the channel
[gRegorLove] #241 vevent location backcompat
tbbrown, jacky, gRegor and [Jamie_Tanna] joined the channel
Thanks gRegor, tantek, aaronpk - want me to raise a feature request? I'd spotted this before with Monocle/Aperture not picking up some posts (when I first posted `e-content`), but hadn't gotten around to raising an issue with Xray
Sure that'd be great
jacky and tbbrown joined the channel
tetov-irc joined the channel
gRegor joined the channel
re the recent talk about venues: does any (micropub-)client already support a venue lookup from the site?
tbbrown joined the channel
[schmarty]: do you post checkins currently? didnt see any on your site on first glance, but maybe just rare etc?
nertzy, kloenk, [dshanske], tbbrown, AramZS and [manton] joined the channel
Has there been a discussion of looking up venues via Micropub? Don’t think I’ve seen that (or forgot about it).
[manton] Yes
Personally I don’t think I want to “own” the venue data. I’d rather a client look up venues from a multi-user, centralized service that can be improved. I just want to own the post data.
[dshanske] #6 Query for Location/Venue
[dshanske] Cool, thanks!
tbbrown joined the channel
[manton] I have query for location name enabled and I have it access an external API. It just means that the micropub client doesn't need to handle that
Ah, interesting. So Micropub kind of proxies requests somewhere else, potentially?
Or allows for a local solution
How it gets the data isn't in the proposal I wrote
So, you send coordinates and it offers a geo property and/or a places one...so a reverse lookup and/or a venue search. Limit and offset would apply.
And in theory, geo and a different parameter could allow for autocomplete on place search
It's still very undefined
Cool. This seems like something I could support in whatever I do.
Have you any ideas you are exploring to share?
geoffo joined the channel
Also, if you want to change it, only WordPress and Drupal support it, and only Indigenous for Android on the client side, so the proposal could be refined
I’m considering starting a new project that will be based on OSM data, with a places API on top. It would be kind of a standalone, open source web app but I would host a version of its database inside Micro.blog so that things work well by default with Micro.blog clients. Still in the experimenting phase, so not 100% sure yet.
As we’ve discussed, OSM data is very incomplete. I don’t think that will change without multiple clients that people are actually using that can contribute new places back.
And new clients can’t be built with existing infrastructure. Hence a new API.
(Where “can’t” == “too hard”)
[marksuth] joined the channel
My goal in having the micropub endpoint query is that you don't need to know where your site gets the data. So it works regardless of your new database.. but if it is usable by me, I'd build it into my site
Cool. Having Micropub as a kind of abstraction for other services is interesting.
having it in the site has the benefit of having context about where you've been before etc
from the site data
without having yet another service tracking where you've been
(I asked above if anything supports that because I could throw up a prototype "find stuff around X,Y in OSM that might be relevant" service fairly easily, but people need to use it somehow
There are pros and cons with keeping things at the site level. On the one hand, privacy. On the other, the places data can’t improve for other people unless it’s hooked into a larger data set that improves.
I'm just saying that the client doesn't need to worry about the site
[manton]: the site still can talk to other stuff in the end
sknebel, exactly
jacky joined the channel
I had checkins on my personal todo list 2019, but well, since then not done much that justifies a checkin 🙈
Another advantage to routing everything through Micropub is that authentication is already handled. So that’s good.
Think smaller... checked into kitchen.... living room...
yeah re: auth
checkin: chair / bed / seat 38C… /joke
It's the same reason as query for contacts.. which people do...does it matter where the micropub endpoint actually gets the data?
I think that's a lil' different b/c contacts are conventionally very private (my contacts != your contacts)
however venues are _usually_ communally defined
so it instrinctly made sense to have that in-built
same with categories/tags
but that doesn't mean it should!
jacky, I meant philosophically.
hm, for evaluation one could make something that people can throw in their checkin feeds and it'll show for each location what objects it knows in that area
ooh interesting "what's near what I've been to" kinda thing?
geoffo joined the channel
yeah, so you can review "would this data source have found the stuff I wanted"
(long-term of course questionable due to things changing, and having it query history is a bit more hassle :D)
jacky, jacky_ and tbbrown joined the channel
sknebel: i do post checkins! just haven't gone to many places recently. did a bunch yesterday because why not.
[chrisaldrich], gxt, jacky and tbbrown joined the channel
this should maybe be a blog post but it also feels like _strong opinion bait._ the "Moresquare" idea has me thinking about writing yet-another Micropub client and that has me again wishing there was some kind of boilerplate Micropub client project.
looking over my own Micropub clients (https://indieweb.org/User:Martymcgui.re#Code_.2F_Services) i've got two i've written in Python and one in nodejs.
the Python ones have been nice and stable but have also gone stale w.r.t. updates to IndieAuth, etc. Kapowski has really suffered from dependency churn and I'm now kind of afraid to work on it.
i had high hopes about node because it seems like it's becoming pretty easy to host apps for free on glitch.com etc. but it feels like the bits rot too fast for my tastes.
from a libraries perspective, it feels like the most up-to-date IndieWeb-maintained stuff is in PHP, so I'm looking in that direction.
Any reason why Kapowsky feels more like it suffeed from dependency issues than the other apps?
the node ecosystem, lol
jacky joined the channel
Do Python dependencies update less often in general, or is it because of npms tendency to just throw messages about outdated packages all the time?
Sometimes you just do not need to be on the latest packaged version of a dependency *shrug*
i think it's because node projects tend to have such deep and sprawling dependencies
whereas my Python-based Micropub clients depend on... Flask and that's it lol
gRegor joined the channel
I guess then the other thing to ask is why the Node-based client uses anything other than ... what is Node’s Flask? Express?
Just thought it was an interesting feeling to have :) How one project “aged” faster than others
oop, sorry, Flask and my fork of kylewm's Flask Micropub helper (https://github.com/martymcguire/flask-micropub)
[martymcguire] flask-micropub: Flask extension to support IndieAuth and Micropub clients.
Kapowski uses express, but it that has its own dependency trees with high churn. the other big one is node needs a good HTTP client library like axios or node-fetch or whatever, and those also churn.
I don't think there's a thing like that for Node, Zegnat, which is _kinda_ annoying
i agree it is an interesting feeling. thinking about updating any of these projects feels like a big task but the node project is somehow extra daunting.
like there's the stock 'http' library but that's super low level
and most things avoid exposing a way to interface with that IIRC
I _think_ with latest Node (like 16), fetch was moved into the standard library!
Yeah, fetch should have made it into Node now.
oh no
that's 17
[targos] #41749 lib: add fetch
fetch in the standard library is exciting. i was just about to say i think Python just kind of has more goodies standard and with interfaces that change more slowly.
oh no I missed a /venue chat! good stuff everyone
Node added fetch in 17, they are now on version 18, and even though version 16 is still listed as LTS it is good to remember that when they stop updating 16 it is 18 that becomes LTS. So if you are writing something new today it is probably fine to go v18 only.
[manton] I get not wanting to "own" or rather "be responsible for" the venue data as well.
in terms of a "centralized" community project for venues, you're right that OSM is kinda spotty in that regard, because venues aren't really the focus for OSM IMO
Maybe this is something that capjamesg's coffeeandbreakfast project could help with
It does look like Flask “churns” less fast. But still, it too has had 4 updates this year. While only 5 the whole of last year. If that trend continues, I guess flask will be “churning” soon too.
I can't remember the domain right now, but capjamesg will remember it. He setup MediaWiki specifically for collecting IndieWeb coffee / breakfast venue reviews and organizing them, and set up IndieAuth login there as well
Zegnat: i think i'll need to start over with Kapowski either way, so i am tempted to just not fool with node for it since i wasn't able to keep up with the churn.
goal was to syndicate into it from IndieWeb posts (like reviews) and then I suppose have it be community curated
Express seems to have only had 3 updates this year. So Flask is churning faster? XD Not a race of course, I am just trying to figure out what makes people go with different languages
i should also clarify that i don't necessarily think of updates as "churn". if i can bump a dependency and nothing breaks and i can go on with my day, that's great!
but like axios changed APIs at some point and the idea of having to go track all that down put a big frown on my face.
anyway all of this was to get to asking folks: what your favorite minimal PHP setups / frameworks that could get all the IndieWeb-maintained PHP libs around IndieAuth etc plugged in to make a nice boilerplate project for making new Micropub clients? 😂 😅
in classic "check aaronpk's work first" i see that he has sometimes used Laravel and Slim but sometimes goes right for PHP League's PSR-X libraries.
[tantek] Yeah, having folks that are kind of “city experts” to help add places and curate the data would be really nice to get things off the ground. It’s kind of the Gowalla reboot model I think, too, with their idea of “street teams” that build things up during beta.
That coffee wiki reminds me of that a little.
geoffo joined the channel
[manton] Feel free to contribute to Breakfast and Coffee!
You might need to manually create articles for now as I haven't tested the syndication feature in a month or two.
[tantek] +1 re: the intent being to allow for syndicating reviews to a single place.
And I should really get around to the OSM integration.
Is the Perl microformats plugin presently maintained?
I have a question about the installation process (it's failing).
> Yeah, having folks that are kind of “city experts” - this would be terrific!
[manton]++ that is a very good framing of it, having "city experts" contribute & curate per city would be great. Similarly for "travel experts" that can offer opinions informed by experiences across different cities.
[manton] has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (17 in all channels)
capjamesg: no idea re: perl maintainence
jacky joined the channel
[schmarty], I'm a fan of Slim, particularly v4, though maintain several v3 apps that still run smoothly. indiebookclub is Slim v3.
Also interested in the idea of a boilerplate MP client.
jacky joined the channel
I know this is relative but how involved is the process of building a microformats parser?
Is there a test suite?
geoffo joined the channel
[microformats] tests: Microformats test suite
I have a lot of free time this weekend and I'm trying to think of things to build with Perl (but not an mf2 parser haha).
I was going to say, think there is a Perl parser :)
[snarfed] joined the channel
medium involved? not necessarily a big project, but the code can definitely be complex and dense
Also https://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2#Parsers in case you want to contribute to an existing one
I haven't written one from scratch, but yeah, wrapping my head around the precise meaning of the parsing spec, holding that in my brain, and converting it to code can be medium involved I'd say.
yeah - it def takes some time
Backcompat for mf1 properties can be tricky too; starting with the mf2 parsing is easier :)
^^ do that lol
listen to gregor lol
jacky++ for doing it from scratch in rust!
jacky has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (59 in all channels)
has yet to even attempt mf1 support
the wiki was really helpful in the process of it
capjamesg: re the search talk in #indieweb, I build that once upon a time. https://github.com/Zegnat/indiewebsearchengineproofofconcept It would take a search query, go and execute the search on a handful of IndieWeb WP sites, and then combine all the results.
jacky joined the channel
I took a lot of shortcuts, and like doosboox wrote about the lack of APIs, I only used websites that use WordPress and had the API enabled
tbbrown, jacky, tetov-irc and joshproehl joined the channel