#dev 2022-07-09

2022-07-09 UTC
jacky, geoffo, mro and tetov-irc joined the channel
hmm logging into ownyourswarm.p3k.io doesn't seem to work - although my site issues a token, I'm still classed as logged out
Login for me seems to work, but I notice there's no PKCE - could that be blocking it for you, jacky?
hm, I would have gotten a warning about failed PKCE, Sele supports non-PKCE flows
I _might_ try debugging it next week (low traffic anyway)
Fair. Only thing I could see that'd be odd, as it seemed to work OK, but I know you said it issued a token so must've got that far
yeah :(
was excited to start swarming a lil' bit
but this might be my nudge to see if I can make my own thing, esp since I have all of this credit now lol
jacky, mro and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Hi Loqi any messages?
jacky and jwhite0111[m] joined the channel
hi. I have followed steps to install Wordpress on EC2 instance from indieweb.org. When I run sudo ubos-admin update -v I receive these errors though: https://pastebin.com/vsVH2cVW
Any further attempt to run the command results in a Perl error, so I have reset the instance to the initial snapshot and tried again, but receive the same error. I also tried carrying on with the tutorial without updating, but none of the packages will install.
Is this the right place to get help on Amazon EC2 indieweb installation? Thanks.
cjw6k joined the channel
what tutorial are you following?
what is EC2
Amazon EC2, or "Elastic Cloud Compute", is an Amazon.com service that rents out Virtual Private Servers with a variety of Operating System, Pricing, CPU, and Memory options https://indieweb.org/ec2
it looks like you're using UBOS, you should get help from them, jwhite0111[m]
Ok I will do that. Thanks.
also def check out #indieweb-wordpress once you get Wordpress base up and running for help with the plugins for the IndieWeb
jacky and alex11 joined the channel
Updating the GItHub actions and composer files for all my repos...apparently the new version of composer added something to make them break, so thought I'd look for all opportunities and deploy
mro and jacky joined the channel
↩️ Hand-waving is a bit gracious, no? There's an extension that allows for a flexible form of filtering (one could employ WoT for example) via https://indieweb.org/Vouch. There's also solutions people can use: https://brainbaking.com/post/2022/04/fighting-webmention-and-pingback-spam/ (https://jacky.wtf/2022/7/vZJk)
jacky and geoffo joined the channel
so random thought
once https://github.com/indieweb/webmention-ecosystem/issues/1 and https://github.com/indieweb/webmention-ecosystem/issues/2 are resovled, a Microsub client could technially repopulate the notifications channel with one's discovered Webmention feeds
[jalcine] #1 Defining the Retrieval Format for Webmentions
t-Disposition: attachment header)
[schmarty]: I even managed to improve upon your media endpoint design by streaming the upload to the backing store AND hashing it concurrently. And then it gets moved from a temporary file to its destined location, and a sidefile is created to hold some pieces of metadata, such as recorded Content-Type, its length (I could probably just stat() the file itself for that one...) and the original filename (I plan to use it for the Conten
And, of course, it also gets streamed on the way back to the reader's browser
(though I've yet to test this one)
jacky and mro_ joined the channel
I wonder if splitting out the code for that media endpoint and packaging it as an optional separate offering will be a good idea. Maybe someone needs a super-fast media endpoint written in Rust? Thanks to my usual manner of splitting code into modules, I just need to switch out a few things and I could make the media endpoint a separate crate installable as a standalone app
what is Sundr
It looks like we don't have a page for "Sundr" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Sundr is ____", a sentence describing the term)
what is Sundry
Sundry is an open-source project that serves as an headless Micropub media server https://indieweb.org/Sundry
need about a month more for that one lol
but it'll support sending stuff to git lfs and s3-like sources like DO spaces and Minio
uuu you already got all the nice stuff! (I'm also planning to support at least S3-compatible storage)
But is it gonna be content-addressed and streaming upload-ready?
I suppose I could call it a challenge
content-addressed, nope; will have to learn how to do (and/or will be down for contribs)
streaming uploads, yeah, ootb
let me push my proof of concept and I'll show you the content-addressed part, it's really simple
TL;DR: create a tempfile; create a hasher; stream the file to a tempfile and the hasher concurrently (join + spawn_blocking = <3); record the hash; rename(); write metadata; return filename
oh that looks pretty straight forward
Yep! Turns out sha256 is suitable for hashing streams, which I used to hash the file chunk-by-chunk as it goes into the pipe of my network connection
I will probably refactor all of that to a separate crate tomorrow - for now I need some rest since I've written most of the code in a single sitting
Then I would move MicropubError which is the pretty Micropub-compliant JSON-compatbile error to kittybox-util, factor out the media module into kittybox-media, make one depend on the other, and I've got a release
A standalone piece of software I could ship to production not only for myself, but for whoever needs it too
(except authentication - I'll need to do something about authenticating users...)
nertzy joined the channel
Oh, what a coincidence, I planned to tackle the new IndieAuth standards tomorrow and attempt to write an in-house implementation
What a great excuse to also hack on the new media endpoint and a few of the shared modules!
heh sounds like you have a productive time :)
i hope i won't be too productive, or I risk turning into a lazy catgirl for a month
that kinda happens sometimes...
anyway I think I need to get some sleep to prevent exactly that
good night IndieWeb!
gute nacht!
Just added to the Blogroll: Lord Matt https://lordmatt.co.uk/ Multipotentialite: Public speaker, writer, SEO, developer, and business to Internet interface expert. Also a published author and Indieweb fanatic (see his curated list of Webmention sites). #blogging #blogroll
jacky, tetov-irc, geoffo_ and geoffo joined the channel
More Micropub media endpoints!
jacky and geoffo joined the channel