#dev 2022-07-14

2022-07-14 UTC
jacky, AramZS and angelo joined the channel
aaronpk: when you are tagging anomalily in a check-in with a u-category, why not u-category h-card? It came up at HWC
jacky, mro, IWSlackGateway, [tantek]2, IWSlackGateway3, [tw2113_Slack_]2, strugee_, klez, j12t_, tetov-irc, moose333, nsh and strugee joined the channel
Has anyone used newsboat?
I noticed my computer was quite slow using it yesterday.
gRegor joined the channel
Hmm it's all from swarm PESOS posts, so I'm not sure exactly
mro, tetov-irc and capjamesg_ joined the channel
aaronpk: I will save the question for when you are better rested
jacky, gRegor, AramZS, sp1ff and [manton] joined the channel
Speaking of check-ins, I’m moving forward with a project to remove my dependence on Foursquare, building on OSM instead. Will share some details soon-ish. It will be baked into Micro.blog but maintained as a separate project that others could use.
AramZS_ joined the channel
we make what we need :)
manton++ how exciting!
manton has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (19 in all channels)
mro joined the channel
Also related, I still can’t get a full export of data out of Foursquare. This is troubling to me. I wonder if the Settings → Export button works for anyone else.
[manton]: Exciting
Will there be a blog post outlining it technically
[manton]: if you need help with OSM datamodel or APIs or somesuch feel free to ping me
mro joined the channel
[sknebel] Thanks!
@GWG Definitely. Will probably share some technical stuff here for feedback before I make a big deal about it more publicly.
boek, mro and jacky joined the channel
As sknebel said, we might be able to help
We're a good alpha group
gRegor, mro, petermolnar, jacky and [aciccarello] joined the channel
can you still get your foursquare checkins out as ics? mine got so big that google calendar started choking on it
jacky joined the channel
yeah that's what I'd recommend too, download your giant ICS file 🙂
jacky joined the channel
Hmm, lemme try that. I remember trying the RSS feeds but they are all broken now.
Yeah, .ics is broken now too. 404.
It just feels like no one at Foursquare is maintaining this anymore.
oh that's not good
I’d love to hear if it works for anyone else and it’s just me. I tried the “reset links” link too. No luck.
[manton] can you update https://indieweb.org/Foursquare#How_To_Export with your experience?
Sure, I’ll add some notes.
Thank yoU!
boek joined the channel
I forgot I do have Aaron’s script (https://github.com/aaronpk/Swarm-Checkins-Import) that does continue to work well.
[aaronpk] Swarm-Checkins-Import: Import your Foursquare/Swarm checkins to your Micropub-enabled website
[Murray] and gRegor joined the channel
I can't find the export button in my foursquare.com account, heh
RSS and .ics links on my history page broken for me as well
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
i can’t think of any of my data on foursquare actually being useful to me at this point
but that’s me
[manton]: gonna try doing the export
I see the button and I got an e-mail mentioning i'd have to wait for 48 hrs
hm I also see the feeds at https://foursquare.com/feeds/
ahh wait the URLs are broken
> Please note: The Check-in Feeds functionality has existed for a while now, and we've gone through lots of changes over the years. These unique URLs may or may not still work for you and, unfortunately, we no longer provide support for this feature. YMMV!
Ah there it is, Settings > Privacy Settings > Export My Data
jacky joined the channel
Kind of embarrassing to explicitly let a feature degrade and rot, instead of at least shutting it down properly
mro joined the channel
Yeah, and they clearly know the feeds have been ignored because there’s this disclaimer on that page: “These unique URLs may or may not still work for you and, unfortunately, we no longer provide support for this feature.”
Oh sorry, just realized [jacky] already quoted that.
Cool URIs may or may not-- wait
boek joined the channel
Didn't realize Swarm had web interface, too. Logged in there but no export.
mro joined the channel
Swarm’s web interface is nicely done. Really feels like it was built and then completely ignored, though. See the “Year in Review” link that only goes 2018.
I love year in review features
mro joined the channel
web2: Follow me on twitter! web3: Follow me on webmentions!
these are hilarious: https://twitter.com/web2web3bot
phil and tetov-irc joined the channel
↩️ May be an interesting experiment using in combination with the Webmention plugin to get replies/responses for crosslinking with others' ideas on the web. This could allow digital slip boxes to "communicate" with each other. https://boffosocko.com/2022/07/14/55807162/