#dev 2022-07-13

2022-07-13 UTC
gxt, geoffo and gRegor joined the channel
[gRegor] I'm not sure the best way to add unit tests for https://github.com/indieweb/indiewebify-me/pull/101
jacky, [jgmac1106], gRegor, gxt and geoffo joined the channel
Reading about @WebMention on https://nooshu.com/blog/2019/11/18/implementing-webmentions/. Basically if you want to comment on a post, you use either a social media or website and then add in the url of the comment on the website.
gRegor, oodani, [tw2113_Slack_], [aciccarello], [tantek], IWSlackGateway, wagle and gxt joined the channel
Thinking I should probably extend web mention handler to include the ability to send web mentions. #webmentions #indieweb #nodejs #npm https://www.npmjs.com/package/webmention-handler
geoffo, campegg, tetov-irc, gxt, gRegor, jacky, nertzy and AramZS joined the channel
↩️ Also mine are probably my eleventy data and webmentions ones plus the render blocking resources one wherever I need to explain it to someone else https://sia.codes/posts/render-blocking-resources/
jacky, petermolnar and cjw6k joined the channel
Does anyone here use org-mode?
jacky joined the channel
capjamesg yes! very lightly
mro, jacky, cambridgeport90 and boek joined the channel
boek: consider e-content to be that freeform box where you type anything
jacky: okay, so I will just build that one out as I see more possibilities. Got caught up testing out Quill when it sent a list of objects versus just a list of strings
FenTiger, mro, gRegor, boek and jacky joined the channel
[jamesg483], have you come across searx? https://searx.github.io/searx/ Seems like it might be in your search related wheelhouse.
boek: good point. Quill sends `"content":[{"html": "..."}]` because Micropub spec requires it when content is authored in HTML https://micropub.spec.indieweb.org/#html-content
schmarty: Ah! That makes sense, thank you!
that section references the microformats2 _parsing_ spec, which says that `e-*` properties which contain HTML (like `e-content`) should be parsed into two keys: one for `html` and one where the HTML is kinda plaintexted: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#parsing_an_e-_property
it's probably one of the things that confuses me the most when doing micropub/mf2 stuff 😅
[schmarty]++ for that breakdown
[schmarty] has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (21 in all channels)
[marksuth] joined the channel
Just for fun, I inserted a BufReader and a BufWriter into my media endpoint backend's internal implementation. It might've doubled my performance, according to preliminary testing?!
Of course, more benchmarks are needed, but it looks like buffering reads (which seem to be 4KiB by default) helps a lot.
I might want to play the buffer sizes later when I have nothing else to do. It might be fun.
[christophe194], timur_ismagilov_, jacky, [benatwork], mro, boek and geoffo joined the channel
[snarfed]1 How does one create a new note in org-mode via a keyboard shortcut?
jacky joined the channel
summoning rrix because he's the org-mode expert AFAIK :)
[capjamesg] [snarfed]1 How does one create a new note in org-mode via a keyboard shortcut?
note? I don't think I use notes
Or rather document.
Huh, I guess I use C-x C-f, like creating any other new file
[campegg] and boek joined the channel
what is org-mode
Org mode is for keeping notes, maintaining todo lists, planning projects, and authoring documents with a fast and effective plain-text system https://indieweb.org/Org_mode
[snarfed] I hadn't even learned that yet.
I have been caught up in the TODO functionality :D
boek, jacky and jjuran joined the channel
↩️ could you replatform this to your followers? would suck if people’s stuff started breaking cause they haven’t checked on http://indieauth.com in a while
kept working on getting this indie site working, noticed that indieauth is being depreciated, the auth endpoint is being decoupled into indielogin. workflow is similar, but you might wanna update your auth-client for your micropub endpoint @muanchiou
Seirdy and jacky joined the channel
"replatform" :face_with_monocle:
tetov-irc, zack[m]1 and jacky joined the channel
what is replatform
It looks like we don't have a page for "replatform" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "replatform is ____", a sentence describing the term)
replatform is what you do to someone after you deplatform them to restore their access to a [[silo]] 😛
What is depreciated
It looks like we don't have a page for "depreciated" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "depreciated is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Depreciated is when something intangible loses value, like [[cryptocurrency]].
↩️ I think you mean http://indieauth.com, not the spec? I don't use that. My indieauth service is self-hosted.
nertzy joined the channel