#dev 2022-07-24

2022-07-24 UTC
[KevinMarks], [manton], [jeremyfelt], TenFiger and pjplayer joined the channel
Hi all. Is it realistic to build a site that uses open source libraries (e.g. marked: https://github.com/markedjs/marked) but doesn't use NPM of CDNs? So just taking state copies of libraries from GitHub and integrating them. I know I wouldn't be able to easily update those libraries I'm OK with that. Does anyone do this? Is it a complete waste of time? The reason I'm considering it is I'm keen not to have to run a build phase or rely
directly on 3rd party sites.
[markedjs] marked: A markdown parser and compiler. Built for speed.
More realistic and easy than using CDNs.
Used to be the only way to do things :-)
I still do that quite often
I just added webmentions to my sveltekit site. Nice addition; thanks to @aaronpk for the amazing work on https://webmention.io/
So the last version of webmention-handler has a bug in in it that causes a cyclic reference. I'm fixing as we speak… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1550577540808511491
[tw2113_Slack_], gxt_, tetov-irc, walkah, chenghiz_, nertzy, jacky, petermolnar, geoffo and AramZS joined the channel
is there a single docker thingy or ansible playbook that combines all indieweb stuff ? ideally I think you should have... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/5ec96228add0c403d5fa76ea50a145b9a92801de)
also I am wondering if anyone is working on a go / php project that combines everything, that is probably easier to deploy
tetov-irc, gxt_ and nertzy joined the channel
xyzzydev, the question is ill-formed, there is no such fixed thing defined as "all indieweb stuff" or "everything" in any meaningful (useful to users) sense